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Posts posted by dailysleaze

  1. I think there's a distinction between "taxiing" and "rescuing".

    Rescuing someone from a flooded car, getting them to dry land and presenting an invoice for £95 is one thing. Taking people who had to get somewhere who otherwise couldn't is a service. This is a service so paying for it is no big deal. It's supply and demand - the fact that there may not have been very many vehicles that could make the journey (low supply), and the journey "had to happen" because it's a special occasion (high demand) contributed to this.

    It's still a short term business decision though. If they were playing the long game they could have done it all for free then reaped the positive publicity. Now though, the end result is the same with some ill feeling.

  2. The reason I went for the 6speed is it because it has a slightly higher top than the 380 obviously. And it tied in with the dash conversion nicely, also the stronger clutch is a added bonus.

    I'm hoping it will have a slightly broader powerband with the VNT and 2.8 injector pump. I don't know anyone who has fitted the 2.8 pump but it runs higher pressure so it should give a cleaner burn in turn being able to adjust the pump up abit dependant on what the EGT has to say about that.

    Pumas have a 1.2 Tbox. Are you going to copy or go with a 1.4?

    I too would also be interested to know how the gearbox suits the 300Tdi

  3. I suspect the Caution at top of this page from my Tdci manuals is incorrect as it does not give the transfer box oil level plug location, but the text at diagram calls it a fill plug,which we all know is the same fill/level plug, fluid level is still 2.3 litres same as any other 90/110 LT230 transfer box.

    Interesting. Wonder why that is, as there's not much difference to earlier Tboxes. The 96 manual calls it a filler/level plug.

  4. After a 9 day tour of the Isle of Skye and Applecross, I can now say it's the most breathtaking part of the UK*


    *When it's not raining and there's no cloud, with enough wind to stop the midges.

    We had 2 days of the most appalling weather i've ever seen in the UK, then the rest were quite good.

    Had some good days walking, cycling around Glen brittle, the old man of Storr, Dunvegan castle, Portree fish + chips with sea eagle boat trip, and cramming into the Applecross Inn at dinner time. We camped every night except one. The squelchiest campsites i've ever stayed at, although getting the pegs in was really easy....

    The road to Applecross is certainly and interesting experience in itself. The sort of mountain road you'd find in the Alps or Morocco


    It was an 11 hour drive from the south of england over 2 days. We did 1600 miles total and averaged 32mpg from a 300Tdi 110 loaded up! And a lot of that was second gear full turbo hills. So quite impressed (Although it doesn't beat the record of 36mpg in Morocco).

    I can recommend it highly to anyone (but maybe wait now til next Summer) :i-m_so_happy:

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