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Adrian Turner

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Everything posted by Adrian Turner

  1. Stick with building your garage mate Well, you no where i'm going, V8 all the way
  2. ''STOP''....... ''fu*k''... that get's hot!
  3. Every 3 weeks, people will get bored going that often! there is not enough to do there, they will need to keep changing the site layout to keep it interesting so that people will want to come back if it's open every 3 weeks.
  4. Peter, Can you not cut out and move/turn round the center's?
  5. O/T what happened at the weekend Pete?? Plus as Mark said just buy 8 spokes there cheap as chips
  6. Dont you get Tom to clean it Twiggy I hate cleaning mine but it has to be done
  7. Just had a look at the class 2 table ............ boy that's close roll on slindon.......
  8. Good set of pic's Filipe............. get a bit wet mate in one pic i see you looking for that naked picture of your wife dont worry i've got that........... i'll post it up .......... sorry i ment back to you
  9. Well done to Neil and the team, a big thank's to Pigster who ran his ar$e off...... what a great site, that has to be one of the best sites i've been to in a long, long time. The punch sections were the best laid out this year so far, some very good tecnical winching needed on some, we loved it, even managed to have our usual hissy fit on one ......well done guy's and girl's. Look's like thing's are going to be very close at slindon in class 2.............the driver that no's the site very well may have an advantage Thanks again to all for a geat weekend............ Last round slindon.......... 25 min drive heaven
  10. I bet that feels good..........
  11. My god!!! that's a hell of a big ground anchor your lugging about there james
  12. After some e:mails going back and forth look's like things will be changing next year for the better....... any new's i get, i'll keep you posted.
  13. 10 gallon's of red will clear you a space and give you a nice fire
  14. Is there going to be a monthly playday date???
  15. You dont want one on that side Twiggy as all it does it get in the way mate
  16. Dont no how far it is, but as i've not been to Tong before its got to be worth the trip even if the title has been won
  17. Your not wrong there.......... Still need to fit the new rad and intercooler, plus reshape the front to look like a 90 again But i'll be there............. Si i've still got your ground anchor, i'll bring it with me mate.
  18. People you do seam to be making a lot out what is so simple
  19. Agustinho, Did you read the De-Cider event thread.......... they did 24 section's on the saturday, then 2 very long night section's, then a full day on the sunday There may be some idears there for you next year mate.
  20. Wait untill next year Agostinho then your going to get some stick mate
  21. I'll be there........ And it's jeep like but no 4ws come on guy's !!! Filipe...... i'll bring the tea, you bring the hot water mate! oh'' and dont forget the milk, tea is such hard work in Portugal
  22. I must remind Graham not to hand out MY shirt's So how many of these ''small'' event's do you enjoy/have in a year???? Keen to live some where else!
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