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Adrian Turner

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Everything posted by Adrian Turner

  1. I've had the same Arb compressor for the last 3 years, mounted outside on the cage in a covered bottom open box and never had a problem, i've got a new smaller Arb unit for the next build............. but i dont inflate tyre's with mine! I'd get another one and look at how your mounting/covering it.
  2. Xav, why dont you just pull the switch out for the day!
  3. How are you finding the boggers compaired to the pitbulls???
  4. Wont be long, id change to ashcroft cv's but then again they brake as well........... dont ask me how i know
  5. Mine for the new year get paid out by those that still owe!!!!!
  6. I may of had a small end over end of a hill top Well done on your 3rd fella's.
  7. All that runnings good for your leg's............... and you get to do it again next weekend
  8. I'd just like to add that Challenger have been running events like this for a few years now and they have always been very well run, friendly family events with the section's/punch's set up to cater for all levels of entry's with a handycap systerm. You may well see a couply of top car's there but they ''WILL'' be handicaped! so go enter and enjoy the event. I'm nothing to do with these event's, But i've entered Challenger events before and they are bl**dy good fun days/weekends out.
  9. Funny you go on about the awdc MOVING there date as somebody wanted to go to another event in Germany, at least they did not cancel the event, but did Muddy Truckers not get cancelled last year so that the organiser's could go to Aus for an event! Your right i have never organised an event, all you guy's out there that do i take my hat of to you all.
  10. Well i for one i'm disappointed with the date's for this event, everybody no's that Muddy's is the FIRST weekend of March! so why have you put this event on the same weekend as the first round of the awdc series??? There are team's/individuals who will be now stuck without a team mate or having to pick a one off event or mess-up a series! So why is this not on the 1st weekend??? as the 1st is a sunday??? feel's to me like it's a case of my event's bigger/ more popular than your's........ it f*ck's me off that people dont look to see what's already been booked and book around it!!!
  11. Be good to see the one where you slide down the side of the tank with your new paintwork Well done on your 3rd place Dan.............. shame we doubled your score mate!
  12. Bl**dy hell, i see somebody's given you a stamp but your still not alowed out on your own
  13. We're be at the first round, as there was no muddy's last year and no indication that there would be anymore we booked/arranged/planed our events for the year.
  14. New site's, i like the sound of that. New tyre's John........ Bogger's fitted and working? what size?
  15. Looks like you had better get that entry form in quick Pete! Maybe not as the car wont start
  16. I'll be at both......... running in one driving in the other
  17. I should think there's spare, send of the form's and see!!! you may get turned away at the gate as your not be on the list That would be so funny
  18. Next years team colours What was the shoot............Littlewoods/M&S
  19. Martin have you seen that there may be a date clash next year with Tay there will be a clash if Portugal use the first week in September
  20. Dont think that was a D2, think it was a wolf could be wrong on that to
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