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Adrian Turner

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Everything posted by Adrian Turner

  1. John, don't you mean......... f**king bad!!! like last year
  2. Nick watts??? you not coming mate?? Last team ........ old school, top boy's, good to see you out toplay, another team to look at my rear no plate
  3. Not sure if i wanted to look still looking good
  4. We had those as well at Jim's.................... plus we changed the sheet's each night... did'nt we pete
  5. Well what could have been a wasted journey, turned out ok in the end As some will no, it all started with Pigster firing a nail through his finger on friday feeling that he would be ok in the morning i set off........ only to get a call saying ''Sorry, no can do''........... So i spend saturday morning asking, anyone/everyone if they no anybody hwo can do it....... just then steve90's mate Jon pull's up, before he can say ''no-way'' he's in the passenger seat and signed on we had a very good event, not as quick around the site as normal, but we did not disgrace ourselves, as we had only just met.........and not a cross word all day so that's where we went wrong Well done to Neil and the team, and thank's once again Jon for stepping in, see you all at the next round.....
  6. Best add, it only happened after a very heavy roll............... and at speed!!! that's one hell of a repair bill
  7. Twiggy, As Neil used Glow Stick's last year, the last thing you need with them was a lot of light...... i ran most of the night on side light's when i got bored with that i turned them of as well, made Pig sweat
  8. I'm not getting in to a fight on here about it.....................It should have happened, should have been a great event. BUT YOU did put out a FULL ENTRY list that over half the name's did not NO they were even doing it So come on Why did it fail with a FUll ENTRY LIST?????????
  9. Well that was a hell of a good holiday........... they go on about the Chelsea trator over here, over there it must be about 70% 4x4's as they are everywhere......... even there nissan cabstars are 4x4's.......... plus fuel is only 25p ltr Found a garage that was run by one of the Malaysia rain forest/ Borneo safari challenge scout's, so i had a good look around/at some of the modded l/rover's and toyota's........ most had toyota's version of the 8274 and most had the renowned ghost winch fitted (pic's to follow) and i'll be looking to get one fitted soon!!! So after having a look about we had a few beer's (that was me dead the next day) talking offroading and l/rover's i get an invite to the big event it October, they want me to come over and drive one of there motor's.......... i think that's what they wanted, but i'm going anyway just to be part of the event, i may even ship my motor out there and enter should be great fun....... I'll add some pic's later as we've just got back, one of the pic's i missed was of a stage 1 crewcab pick up now we never got that over here!!!
  10. The day it came out every one that i spoke to i told them that it would not happen, still what do i know!!! Right from the start, they put out a list with all the name's on it who had (supposed to have) entered, plus there has been know other information or snippit's of what's going on ie.... format/style, program or band's/food/camping, it's a shame as it could/should have been a very good event......... but was killed at the start in my eye's.
  11. Winch off..... should be good viewing from the Hog roast, i'll bring a chair
  12. Talk to Jim at Gigglepin 4x4, probably got the part on the shelf.
  13. Nige....... Please, it's still early........... and now it's stuck in my head!!!!
  14. Plus Derv is only 40p a ltr here.......
  15. Steve, best knock first or your scare the house sitter with your good look's Went up in to the rain forest today,damn that place is sooooo cool, came face to face with a croc on the boat trip back wanted to dive in and grab it, but the guide throught it not a wise move!!! Off for a swim now it's a hard life........... Twiggy, that must mean its to late for you.........
  16. Just say'in ''ello'' from Borneo......... bl##dy hot! and took a day an half to get here
  17. ''What'' you not on THE list Pete, but then again 80% on there don't no they've entered
  18. Rob's truck's so well built it could fill a whole mag
  19. What and have to stop while he eat's i don't think so Truck ready think so? f**ked of with looking at it, plus the blue one next to it snow you say i bring another some more blanket's damn van's like a fridge see you all there sat eve
  20. Auto every time, i'll be putting one dehind the Td5 when i get time just need to talk to that nice Mr Ashcroft
  21. It's the way Dave took it all in his stride.......... ''water what water''....... top bloke
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