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Posts posted by CwazyWabbit

  1. I'd recommend something to kneel on.... nothing worse than kneeling or laying in the cold or wet trying to check or fix something.

    We're not showing much confidence in your new purchase are we? :P

    When I bought my TDI I only had to drive it 200 miles and it was summer... but it did have blown inlet manifold gasket (so effectively no turbo boost at all), and more transmission slack than you'd have thought possible .... but I made it :) ... oh and the heater was broken something that would have mattered a bit more in December than August!

    Oh and don't forget a hat, nice warm hat is always worthwhile :)

  2. There is no way that has even been driven 50cm along a road without breaking :blink: I wonder how much this 'designer' has invested in his wonder product?

    He's had 5 offers so far...... god help them

    Well I take it back, they didn't break straight away in the videos.... Although I get the feeling those videos are ideal conditions with virgin snow.... I wonder how it would deal with packed snow?

  3. Maybe work with very light snow on a very smooth road... oh and will wear away in no time.... and at that price why not buy chains? They would last longer..... and actually work!

    With the amount of leverage it has it will just rip the pin out that mounts it to the wheel..... but he has cleverly used that as a marketing point so people can't complain to get their money back

    'Design includes special quick release system and overload prevention features to prevent damage from ploughing immovable objects (like kerbs and large pot holes!).'

  4. Don't know if there's any case law which would clarify that, but if so it would come under the Occupiers Liabilty Act 1984.

    It would take a very smart lawyer, but I reckon you could under that enactment be held liable if you left a car with no brakes on the drive and someone stole it and subsequently was injured, unless of course you provided a warning notice :P

    Right then, I'm off to print up a notice advising all crims that my car is unsafe and driving it without my permission may kill or seriously injure them, that should sort it :P

    Far more effective than other security ;)

  5. ......I did once know a bloke who put 20' of chain around the back axle of his disco round an rsj that was well concreted in, the theives took off with it until the chain pulled tight, he got in a lot of trouble for the injuries they sustained.


    So by the same logic if I were to have my defender parked up on private property and have stopped part way through bleeding the brake system because it was being a bugger and I had gone off to bed, I would be liable for injuries to a scrote that stole it and crashed into wall/other driver/etc....

    What is this world coming to? Next they'll sue you for not leaving enough diesel in for the getaway

  6. That's a good article James :) I think it boils down to, under 3 inches non locking folding blades are fine to carry around. Anything bigger, locking or non folding you need to have good reason to carry, that reason could be work, hobby, religion or national dress.

    So my original leatherman is fine as the blade is 2 1/2 inches (It's the sharpened part of the blade apparently that you measure)

    My Surge may be ok, if only I could find it :blink:

    Edit: although if the Surge has locking blades it won't be ok to just have in my pocket on a daily basis :(

  7. I didn't say I liked the craftsmanship, I too thought the back axle looked a little iffy spring mount wise.

    I might point out it has nothing to do with me, I just read about it a while ago!

    Lol, I've seen your craftmanship task so it's obvious that it has nothing to do with you :) Your CSK is a work of art sir :)

  8. I'm more worried about the spring/U-bolt plates which seem to be 3mm steel, and bent as the bolts were done up!

    You're right about that plate :blink: , and I was mistaken about the spacer blocks as they will be in compression due to the U-bolts (I'm blaming it on being a Monday) however I still think they should at least be boxed in.

  9. I know of that landie, deff wasn't built with snow in mind!

    Slightly more info here;


    I have to say, I quite like it.

    It has a certain something and if he ever did put a modified truck cab on it then it would be *really* good :) . Although the rear axle mounting looks a little... erm... under spec in my mind, stacked open ended off cuts of box section in tension as spacers .... they'll be flexing a bit.... then one day crack and a little bit more slammed lol :)

  10. ... and if the seller says 'bought it for a project that I didn't finish/start' you still don't know. I'm sure lots of people on here have abandoned projects or had them change direction part way through, or even just been caught by the 'twould be handy syndrome when at a show etc.

    All I'm saying is it can be a nightmare trying to check the legitimacy of second hand private sale parts :( Some are obviously suspicious but others you'd never know. That's not to say that we shouldn't try, just that it is not the clear cut solution that the Old Bailey Judge thought it was.

  11. Any of you ever get stopped by the police when you've had your leatherman on you? Just curious as to what they say/do.

    I've got two, an original in black finish that must be more than 15 years old now and is starting to show it's age and a Surge which is still on top form at about 5 years old.

    Great tools, which have done a lot more than they were designed to :)

  12. Right... Im back again :ph34r:

    I have been trying to send data over SPI for the RF Transceivers however im banging my head against a brick wall and getting nowhere fast!

    After a meeting with my project supervisor today (who is good with programming but has no prior knowledge of SPI interfaces) he has suggested that one option would be to use a different RF Transceiver that uses preferable Serial or I2C interfaces as he has lots of knowledge about these types of interfaces.

    Can anybody point me in the direction of a RF Transceiver module that would be suited to my project... although i have been tempted to rip apart a remote control car and see what information i can get from that!

    Thanks for the help


    Why not buy the encoder/decoder IC's the company makes? I posted the data sheet link http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=70225&view=findpost&p=619647 earlier in this thread.

    That IC will make life MUCH easier for you.... and if you really need to make it more complex you could buy the IC's anyway and then monitor their comms to sort out yours :)

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