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Posts posted by CwazyWabbit

  1. theres only 1 thing that got me worried, my speedo is rather out with the disco diffs in.

    im wandering, short of going for a test drive, with another type of speed determining gadget i.e. satnav. how are they going to test this?

    Well the pdf says...

    Reason for failure

    1.Speedometer not fitted.

    2.Speedometer incomplete, clearly inoperative or the dial glass broken or missing.

    3.The speedometer cannot be illuminated.

    So basically as long as the needle moves.... and you can see it at night :)

    Even says can't be failed for broken glass unless it stops you reading it

  2. Electrical wiring and connectors???

    How on earth are they going to do that one? Unplug every one? Sounds like a recipe for massive electrical problems to me.

    My SRS light has never come on, how do I falt find that? It's not the bulb.

    These are the new failure reasons for wiring

    2.Electrical wiring:

    a. insecure or inadequately supported so that it is likely to become damaged

    b. damaged or deteriorated to the extent that it is likely to cause a short circuit or become detached

    c. insulation damaged or deteriorated to the extent that bare wiring or connectors are exposed.

    3.A trailer electrical socket:


    b.damaged or deteriorated to the extent that the connecting lead could not be securely connected.

    4.A trailer 13 pin Euro-socket not operating the trailer lamps as intended.

  3. I'm the same, I've taken a greater interest in the weather. But all I seem to find out is you can't forecast far into the future :D

    Still, fingers crossed for at least a few snowy days.

    Lol I too am the same :)

    Welcome to weather geeks anonymous...... 'Hi, I have a weather obsession, it all started when I bought a Land Rover..... can you help me?' ;)

  4. Maybe he didn't want to damage the amber beacon between the roof rack bars? Also I had roof bars like that on a previous vehicle and they would bend quite alarmingly if you put those logs on them.

    Although I wouldn't have wanted to meet davidoff coming down the road like that..... move over... Wide Load! :)

  5. Surely you'd have to spend a lot of time going round roundabouts to see any serious wear because of them?!

    Some have that extra grip stuff on them, also enthusiastic use of a roundabout will load the tyre quite a lot.......

    I'm suffering the same wear on my 110... I need to do some swapping about me thinks

  6. From memory they are just an electromagnet attached to bit of thin metal, when the magnet pulls it also breaks a contact that switches the magnet off, then it remakes contact and the cycle starts again...... this all happens very quickly and this is what makes the sound. So to cut a long story short ..... it's a magnet so doesn't care about polarity. HTH

  7. Thanks for that.

    It quickly became clear I'm not one of the speakers ideal target audience, but that aside, the conclusion I take away is that the programme offers no real protection, BUT if I choose to not run the programme the Bank MAY penalise me in the event of false instructions being received by them, apparently from me, resulting in financial loss.

    Thanks again, I wouldn't normally go looking for such You Tube downloads.

    Sorry I should have said it was a technical talk aimed at software people, however you have come away with the correct conclusions :) Lots of smoke and mirrors with no real security.

  8. I think those plates are for temporarily imported vehicles transiting the country, only for use between the countries borders not for omwarrd travel, vehicle still has to be legally reg'd in it'd own home country, mmgemini might know as he has done lots of 'sandy' country travels.

    Ah, maybe I misunderstood... I interpreted the question as relating to atitudes/security once in the country, not getting into/out of the country. I remember family friends back in the 70's putting red plates on their cars while driving around southern Ireland as the felt it was safer.

  9. Pretty sure most of the European countries at least would be sharing vehicle registration information on a regular basis, so it may get picked up that way.

    As regard to North African reception, I think just being from Europe would be as bad as any individual country.

    In which case get plates made up in whatever country you are touring.

    Also I'm fairly certain when seeing peoples piccies who have done big overlanding trips they have had different reg plates on when in some of the more distant countries.....

  10. Yeh there is definately alot of play in the rear pinion bearing.

    no seizing of the front ujs but they have some play.

    no play in either transfer flanges that i can tell at the moment.

    By groaning i mean a grumble/whine like a normal bearing noise.

    I driven it about 20 miles in total with difflock in could that of done damage?

    Also something in my front axle went pop whilst road testing today and now i have no drive :( i think its the diff or halfshaft. My suspicions of the transfer still remain though but i will have to get two good diffs fitted before i can rule it out.

    all this just before winter :( not happy



    Driving in diff lock won't cause a problem to the transfer box if you only have one prop shaft on, it'll cause a problem with transmission wind up if the rest of the system is working properly with both propshafts etc.

    Now you have blown your front axle in some way you could just stick the rear prop back on and carry on driving in diff lock and put up with the noise... and keep your fingers crossed that the pinion bearing doesn't go in your rear diff. Obviously this would be a temporary thing till you sort out your front axle :)

  11. You could easily get Irish(or any other country) plates made up with your english reg on and just put them on once you are touring your country of choice ... mess with the spacing if you want to make them more obscure. If you got stopped and questioned just claim you broke/lost/had your plates stolen in whatever country your plates are now sporting and you had to have replacements made.

  12. I am not sure, it was not my machine, it was a grey grit.

    I did breath it in a bit as the door did not seal.

    So much to learn! So many mistakes to make.....

    I did not think it touched the metal much, only the crud.

    When will I know if I have ruined it.................

    When the wheel falls off!

    The grey grit is most likely the proper blasting medium (did it sparkle a bit?) so I'd say you are pretty safe from that, but I always wear a face mask as well as you still end up breathing all the carp you've blasted off. You'll probably spend the next day or two making tissues really black when you blow your nose now....

    The wheels won't fall off, but your races may spin I guess, that would lead to play that you think is in the bearings but you can't adjust it out.

  13. When the bearing races don't fit the hub any more :(


    When you say don't fit, you mean don't fit snuggly as in they'll be loose don't you?

    Would it be worth using some threadlock as well to be on the safe side? or would that stop the races seating properly when it comes to final fitting? anyone got any thoughts on this?

  14. It's got nothing to do with Health and Safety (you're not at work, so...), but everything to do with the fear of litigation yes.

    Funnily enough the chap who agreed at the time that he'd take all responsibility for any damage will forget he said anything of the like when it comes to crunch time!

    What happens with all the 4x4 response volunteer services? I know they have insurance but obviously they will be doing something to minimise the chance of having to claim on it. Do they get people to sign disclaimers?

  15. Link doesn't seem to work for me?

    try this instead

    I think the other link was a mobile one Ross.

    Shows how good the cameras are, now are there enough days left before christmas for me to convince santa I've been a good boy? Probably not :P

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