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Posts posted by CwazyWabbit

  1. My thoughts:

    If it's a eurobox, never allow the rope to jerk tight when towing - it's amazing how little force it takes to tear them apart otherwise.

    If it's a eurobox, only use it's towing point or (with care) it's towball - it's amazing how little force it takes to tear them apart otherwise.

    If it's a eurobox, be extra careful when using a towing point at an angle - it's amazing how little force it takes to tear them apart otherwise.

    (The above three thoughts are inspired by my time in a scrap yard)


    Reminded me of this recovery I saw on youtube :)

    I't's not like tugging a 4x4 out :blink:

    PS the language is a litte colourful once or twice

  2. That probably means that any ignition key will open it :(

    Sloppy manufacturing tolerances and the fact that the barrels use wafers (same rubbish as in filing cabinets) means security is not good. I did try my old ignition key and it didn't open any of the new barrels..... yet.... maybe once there is a bit of wear they will :(

    Still at least all my barrels accept the same key now and don't require wiggling to make them work :)

  3. Well, this work was done in South Africa where we don't have ample supplies of Time-serts, Big-serts etc. My engineer had to MAKE his own inserts from M16 high tensile threaded rod... This took many hours of work and cost me quite a bit in the end.

    That explains the cost due to all the extra work, I imagine that method would have been very expensive over here.

  4. Oh meant to say, the oldest BT Vision homeplug adapters had a recall notice on them as apparently if you repeatedly smash a vacuum cleaner into them with extreme prejudice the cover comes off. They are easily recognised as they don't have the mains socket on the surface to plug other things into. Personally I had no problem with them .... although I probably have a dirty floor :P

    Also the early ones generate RF noise that annoys radio hams, later ones are much better.

  5. I'd be tempted with the ethernet over power (homeplug) it's pretty cheap especially if you get used ones from ebay as BT send them out with BT Vision systems and most people don't use them so flog them on. It also requires the least work on your behalf, it is pretty much plug and play.

    Obviously you would want to test them out first to make sure they work for you over your distance, but a colleague of mine has used them over longer distances.

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