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Everything posted by uninformed

  1. I don’t know why you would want to go back, only 7.50/16 mount reasonably to the 5.5” rim. 235/85R16 crown too much on them. The 6.5” is stronger, has a better offset and gives you a wider tyre size range with good fitment.
  2. I just received my order from Shop4Autoparts. FTC4111 is the same bolt I was looking for. M12 with a 22mm hex (head) new aftermarket bolt looks ok but not as good as the new genuine I had above as a sample. The AM one has a thinner head by ~1.2mm, is ~0.2mm smaller thread major diameter. No stampings of any kind (class or maker)
  3. Good God! 🤦🏻‍♂️ so I just received my order from Shop4Autoparts FRC6137 x25 aftermarket. I open the pack and pull the first one out and think , hello, this looks a touch longer… yep, 50mm overall. Then I open the pack more and bugger me , there are two different types, 5x the longer 50mm and 20x the standard 44.4 replacement. This is just too funny 😂 I will say the standard 44.4 replacement look average at best but the longer 50mm look a nice finish and at least stamped with 10.9 and an identifier Pack as received The 2 different studs from the pack. 50mm left, 44.4mm right. The 2 new and 2 genuine factory studs from my previous replies. The heads of the 2 new studs. 50mm left, 44.4mm right.
  4. I’m fabricating a new rear crossmember. These will bolt to the web (rear vertical face) right through with HD crush tubes ( LR version of crush tubes in the chassis are under done)
  5. Here is the mounting plate and recovery lug I designed for my build. 12mm for the mounting plate, 20mm for the recovery lug. They get welded together. Then of course crush tubes in the cross member. Two of these, and the bolts are either side of the chassis rail. Designed to be used with a bridle.
  6. RUF500010 is listed as 46mm and 39mm depending on which retail site you’re on…
  7. @landroversforever I don’t doubt what you are saying as far as what your photos represent. But the only way to be sure is to check measure the variables original wheel studs your new wheel studs and the hub itself. there is clearly something different going on between yours and mine. It’s “probably” the hubs, but a small chance it’s different wheel studs Way too much miss information on the web and that is driven by assumptions among other things. Its totally up to you whether you can be bothered going through the exercise, it was easy for me as I had the parts in my parts bin.
  8. Only way to know would be to knock one of the new ones out, measure it. And to compare your hub with mine 🤷🏻‍♂️
  9. Electrolysis is not an opinion. Different Steel make up and it’s attributes to a given task are not opinion. If it makes you feel warm and fuzzy, go with it. I can not with good conscious recommend it.
  10. I’ll never understand the British obsession with stainless steel on LRs. Bloody horrible stuff Poor choice for wheel nuts as above. but just for your info they are M16 (metric) not unf on coil sprung LRs.
  11. Here you (all) go… Early 110 wheel stud FRC6137 installed in a 300Tdi hub showing inner side wheel stud seating showing inner side standard 300Tdi wheel stud seating early 110 wheel stud in later 300Tdi hub with factory 130/Wolf rim and wheel nut seated.
  12. Yes the hub thickness was always a known quantity, but unfortunately I was given miss information regarding the stud lengths being the same. It now confirms that FRC6137 is the correct part number for the 44.4mm wheel studs and that part number correct for early 110s
  13. Well lads, I hate to throw a spanner in the works but FRC6137 , the ~45mm studs ( some list as 44.4mm, some 46mm) are standard in my factory genuine early 110 hubs ( pre 200Tdi, they would be 85-88 vintage) and these are too short with factory 130/Wolf rims, further more, the 300Tdi era hubs I have, have the ~40mm studs and they are just long enough for those rims. These are definitely both genuine hubs with genuine unchanged studs in them. Early 110 hubs wheel studs measure 44.4mm overall, 300Tdi hubs wheel studs measure 40.5mm overall. now if you have 300Tdi era hubs and you install FRC6137 you will get a wheel stud stick out increase of ~4mm First pic is the early 110 hub (1988 or earlier) with the LONGER FRC6137 stud, and it’s SHORT in the nut with 130/Wolf rims. 2nd pic is the later 300Tdi era hub with SHORTER ~40mm studs yet they have more stick out and just long enough for the 130/Wolf rim. 3rd pic - I just knocked these out of the above hubs. ~40mm stud at top from 300Tdi era hub, 44.4mm stud at bottom out of the early 110 hub.
  14. I was also going to say that’s damn cheap for genuine. I just did an order with shop4autoparts and added 25 FRC6137 at 0.25 each (no VAT) so will be interesting to see the quality…
  15. FRC7577 https://www.lrdirect.com/FRC7577-Wheel-Stud/ @landroversforever posted a photo on page 1 with them in the top of the rim and the shorter one at bottom is the ~45mm type.
  16. I’m actually after the middle bolt, it was obviously a replacement part from LR at some point.
  17. @western in your picture, is the stud ~39mm overall length? Seems there is no definitive answer. Ill be asking the supplier to confirm the actual stud length.
  18. Not simple at all.... doing some searching , here and out there, there are retail listings for RUF500010 showing 39mm and 46mm. There are also listings for FRC6137 for both lengths. FRC6317 has been listed on this forum as the 46mm but a member bought them and got 39mm..... Im starting to wonder if some people measure the overall and some measure under head length?
  19. looks like RUF500010 is the # for the 46mm studs, hopefully others can confirm.
  20. Good work! And definitely keen to know the part number of the 45mm version.
  21. Just pulled two hubs out of the parts bin, early 110 and later Defender 300Tdi, there is about 2.5-3mm difference in wheel stud stick out (early hub having less) not much but definitely not best practice considering the longer of the two is already short with the thicker centre HD rims. Interesting LR felt they needed longer studs for certain applications.
  22. Yeah the 127 definitely had 6.5” wide rims but it’s the centre material thickness and profile that I’m interested in (compared to the standard 5.5” rim of the time) The Wolf or XD came out circa ~94 so they would (I assume) have 300Tdi hubs, and like I said, same length as the early 90/110 but it’s the hub thickness that changes stick out
  23. Yes I had seen those thanks Dave. but at $100 per second hand bolt I’ll pass…. oh and EBay has gone full retard and likes to charge GST and import duties on secondhand items 🤦🏻‍♂️
  24. I’d be interested to know what wheels were factory fitted to the 127/130 that came with those hubs (up to near end of 200Tdi) . Would be interesting to see the thickness of material used etc as when most people state “the Factory did it”, referring to 130/Wolf rims on standard wheel studs, the evidence is of the later hubs (last of 200Tdi onwards) with a bit more stud stick out.
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