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Posts posted by Divster

  1. Championship results now updated

    Still I don't consider that cheating - unlike whoever it is who is cutting the punches off and throwing them away :angry::angry::angry::angry:

    Neil - I hope the marshalls manage to catch up with whoever is doing this. Unfortunately someone is just a little bit too competative (or just isn't skilled enough) and resorts to cheating. It certainly seems to have been a disappointing feature to this years comp.

  2. Had a great weekend marshalling as usual, even if i did have to borrow the 'reserve' jimny after mine died on the way there.. :angry:

    Great site, want to get back there asap! Well done to all the drivers.

    Did anyone here get punch 40???

    Pics will be on my site by the end of the day, all being well.

    I think Adrian & Pigster got 40.

  3. Another top event congrats to Neil and team again.

    It was nice to watch from the sidelines for a change (although I don't plan on doing it very often ;) ).

    The dog enjoyed it too, although you only really get a feel how big the site is when on foot.

    It was also a long but worthwhile journey from Derbyshire and back and without the assistance of a recovery truck for a change. :lol::lol::lol:

    Congrats to Mark 90 and Orgasmic Farmer for top performances.

    Adrian & Pigster - you've no room to comment on Les & Nicks heated banter after what I witnessed on Sunday. I just wished I'd been there on the Saturday night to watch the four of you together, the four stooges :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

  4. Divster - - I have taken pics of Adrians motor in its current state (old motor that is) and it aint pretty.. I'll post them up at some point or email them to you

    It never was pretty............ just like it's crew :D:D:D

    E-mail the pics through to me when you get chance mate please. I've got to put a list of jobs/ part's together (and banks to raid). List of jobs to date is:

    1. Tell SWMBO I've bought another motor (may end up sleeping in the disco for a while)

    2. Study all about these sparky type engines

  5. but yes - if your stuck, give us a shout if you see us, or failing that if we have broken down you can use us as a anchor point.. :D (about 10 mins into the sat eve event)

    I forgot about the night stage. Do you want me to bring a set of new panels and axle spares for the trayback on Sunday morning??? :lol::lol::lol:

    not a bad bunch there - couple of idiots but to be expected.. - Les and Nick are the ones to look out for.. (bright orange rangie) they don't do much driving/winching - there both too busy eating pies (don't deny it lads) and argueing over whos gona have the last one before the supplies truck finds them. :lol:

    :lol::lol::lol::lol: Adrian & Pigster will be the ones in the recently battered tray back. :lol::lol::lol:

    I'll be the one walking around with my dog and looking glum whilst also looking thoughtful and optimistic about our all conquering come back :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

  6. Is there anything I should know that I may not have forseen?

    Adrian & Pigster may make a full day of it this time!!!! :lol::lol::lol:

    In seriousness, familiarity with photo topo's is a help. 7s is a massive site. When we were there last year we got a little lost!! Try and take your time and have fun. Don't be intimidated by all those nice new shiny trucks (including Adrians) that seem to be getting everywhere.

    Oh and try not to run me and the dogs over as we're walking round site.

  7. Hi Neil,

    Any chance of a entry list :) just so Nick/Les can see who's going to beat them :lol::lol:


    Simon Wilkinson

    Vic Bilkey

    Paul Bass

    Kevin Bailey-Eager

    Sue Gawne

    Gavin Lawrence

    Graham Fuller

    Wesley Beynon

    Chris Abel

    Nick Langley

    Glynn Yates

    Carwyn Henry

    John Sales

    Jeremy Williams

    Lee Marchant

    Roger Fergusson

    Chris Blackburn

    John Fair

    Steven Marlow

    Nick Walker

    Peter Hughes

    Peter Jackson

    Paul Whibley

    Adrian Turner

    Peter Herrington

    Richard Nicolson

    Robert Jones

    Chris Ould

    Steve Lait

    David Herrington

    Simon Madgwick

    Steve Gittins

    Dave Allwright

    Mark ÕLeary

    Not that I'm keeping an eye on whats happening :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

  8. You can't do a full brake bleed without a T4/Autologic etc.

    You can bleed just the lines I think (for example if you have had to change a caliper), but if there is air in the ABS modulator the only way to bleed it is use the purging procedure which you can run from the pooter, this cycles the ABS actuator in various ways to ensure there is no air in the ABS/ETC twiddly bits.

    Right then, some old fashioned on......off........on required and if that doesn't work it's of to the local specialist (£££= :angry: )

  9. There is some spongyness in the brakes on my D2 (there was when I bought it, I've just got round to sorting it). Having checked all of the unions/ calipers/ master cylinder for leaks and weeps I went to bleed the brakes using my eezi bleed. Unfortunately none of the eezi bleed caps fit the fluid reservoir. I need to get an adaptor/ alternative pressure bleeding kit. Has anyone got any recommendations???

    Is there also anything else I need to bear in mind when bleeding a D2 (never done a car with ABS before)

  10. At the weekend I towed a trailer on a trailer :unsure:

    On Thursday night JST put my trailer in his trailer and took it away for temporary storage (thanks again) after wheel bearing melt down and wheel loss on the Avon bridge (M5). A brown trouser moment for me, SWMBO, the two dogs in the back of the disco, and the traffic in the nearside lanes as I headed for the hard shoulder.

  11. Hi peeps,

    I'm getting tired of the lottery I run each time I set off in my Landy. Never knowing which light, fan, guage is going to stop working during that journey is wearing me down.....

    Is there a kit out there anywhere to exchange the old fuse box for a newer blade type ?

    Idelly I'd like the new fusebox to fit right where the old one is and be hideen by the same panel !! (Who ever gets ideal on their Landy eh !!)

    Any links, suggestions, options gratefully received.

    (I've seen Divsters post re. where he got parts from but not got a response from him yet in PM's regards ease f change and final appearance..)


    Neil, sorry I haven't replied sooner, work keeps getting in the way.

    The main reasons I changed from the glass type fuses to the blades were that some of the connections on the back of the glass holders were completely knackered and kept earthing on the body and that glass fuses just aren't as easy to get hold of these days.

    When changing over I used an 8 blade fuse holder from vehicle wiring products (ref FBB8U on the link below). This gives you an extra couple of fuse holders for any extra's you may be running.

    Vehicle wiring

    The dimensions of the replacement fuse holders are pretty close to the original glass holders. Despite this, I removed the entire panel, adjusted the apertures to size and fitted the new fuseholders to the panel whilst it was on the bench. The replacement fuse holders have the contacts underneath as per the glass holder units so changing the wiring over is fairly straight forward. Put in your new blade fuses and your away. The normal LR fuse box cover fits as normal.


    PS Sorry I didn't take any pics when I did this mod

  12. My neighbour has just had textured concrete put down his drive to look like block-paving. If you want, I can email you a photo after the weekend? It looks alright.

    The only problem I find with any form of laid concrete on a drive (especially when it's a speciallised finished) is that if you have a problem with household services running under the drive, the whole surface has to be replaced. Slabs and blocks can be lifted in sections and re-laid

  13. My thoughts so fay:

    1. Paving slabs - cheap & DIY, but they'd have to be thick ones or they'll crack under the weight (of the Disco, not ME!!!)

    If you go for paving slabs, use an industrial slab and not a garden patio slab. Garden slabs are around 35-37mm thick normally which is not enough to weight bare a landy. Industrial slabs are produced in 50mm and 62-65mm variants (personally I'd go for the later). Plain old grey slabs are far better than any coloured industrial or patio slab. Repeated jet washing/ scrubbing will lift the colour from the concrete.

    2. Gravel - cheap & DIY, but damned uncomfortable!!!

    You'll lose all the fixings you drop and gravel will oil stain and consolidate

    4. Block paving - expensive, but looks nice

    Block paving made by some companies can be quite porous thus soaks up oil quite well. Again repeated scrubbing /jet washing will lift the colour out.


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