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Everything posted by Turbocharger

  1. ... and which was the company, since you've not confirmed that small detail either! If there's good PR to be had, spread the love around.
  2. Yes, I agree, but if you push the army on that point and made a hoo-hah about it, I suspect they'd just file to close all the PROWs. If I was running any kind of shooting range, I'd be nervous about having any people in the fall out zone in case of a negligent discharge (it'd certainly skew the risk calcs!) and I'd push to close the ROW. In civvy land, that'd mean the range application was refused, but in MODland I reckon they'd close the road.
  3. Picture spam!! Here's mine, it came from Rod and I think it's a Gwyn Lewis one. I wasn't sure about having such huge tubes on it but it's nigh unbendable and I can lift it with one hand.
  4. 0V? I'm getting 16V, so I suspect the 'regulating' bit rather than the brush bit...
  5. From the subject line I thought you'd been to the Morrisons in Bristol again Chris...
  6. Excellent, new regulator on order from SimonB. Can I fit it with the alternator still in place?
  7. About an inch in London (so obviously the underground railway immediately grinds to a halt?!? ), then had a half-hour battle of wits with our unarmed H&S guy. "Why weren't you on the safe walkway?" "Nobody uses it, it's in the wrong place" "It's in the safest place" "Yes, but that doesn't matter if nobody's going to use it" "Well, they should. Not my fault if they don't, it should be enforced" "Why don't we put it across the middle of the yard, where people already walk, so that drivers know to expect them there?" "Because that's not the safest place." "But nobody actually uses it where it is because it takes longer to walk all the way round, so it's more dangerous as a result" "There's no time constraints when it comes to safety" etc Not sure I was making my point properly.
  8. Charles - there's a Netto near me (see jump pack thread) and I will be operating the London-Bristol LR shuttle on Friday nights / Monday mornings for the next four weekends if these two separate facts interest you in any way.
  9. I'll be in Stroud on Sunday if you want a swapsie fuel cap to experiment with. In fact I suspect if you PM TroddenMasses and offer wine or beer he might lend you one on a longer term to supplement his alcohol habit
  10. Which alternator do I have, before I order new innards? Is it even a standard LR unit? I remember machining chunks out of an alternator once, but that may have been for my NAD.
  11. SimonR has built various contraptions using rad cooling fan motors...
  12. I've seen this before - someone was decrying a hybrid at a club meet for having the wrong length radius arms, but we looked around and found most cars have this to one extent or another, the axle appears to be too far forward. To be honest, I'd bash the back edge of the cone in a little (or even cut it out completely and radius the corners left over) and not worry about it. The front springs may dislocate but they can't fall out in any case...
  13. What about the more righteous Tdi owners, who have seen the light and are following God's path to the fuel pumps?
  14. So why didn't it work when I searched for 'map'? Grr. Thanks chaps, more reasons to shop at Morrisons evidently.
  15. I think I need a typing wand, my fingers won't type what I want today. Somebody posted about £1 net map pockets from Woolies or Wilkos, but I can't find the post. When I search, it tells me that there are no posts at all with the word 'map' in them - surely that can't be right? As I say, when my technical incompetence is revealed by somebody less smug than me, please delete this evidence of what is probably a stupid question...
  16. Yes, tis true. Hayneson and I have been working on this in secret for some months. We drafted in some rotten trees and high winds (and arranged parking beneath them), a special climbable beer tent for drunkards and built a single-tone oscillator to send a drone over the tannoy (so we don't have to pay David Bowyer). There will be a reserved camping area (with minefield boundary) for the ORRP boys so that nobody can get annoyed by their bottle rockets and custard pies, and a boat will be provided so they can row across the lake if they like. Most importantly, there's plenty of room for people to chill out and look at each other's cars, some space for clubs to advertise and vendors to peddle their wares and a square arena in the middle for someone to drive round in if they like. We supply the water and await the thirsty horses.
  17. I'd love to join you beforehand, but my constraint is to be in Glasgow on the Wednesday evening, so Friday night that far south is a big ask. As I say, I'll come if I can but it'll be late notice (although I'm glad this isn't too much of a problem from an organisational POV) Chris - George can help you with the housekeeping, cleaning etc by all means. I suggest you ask her from the comfort of your car seat with the engine already running, that's all. Where's my 'townsfolk with pitchforks' smiley?
  18. The drop tester was Snap-On, but since it was being held by a tyre fitter it'd probably been dropped itself a few times! My meter's up north and I'm not but I'll try to swing by a DIY shop and get a cheapo £5 digi-meter to get voltages myself... or just drive with the headlights on all the time! I wasn't expecting miracles from the jump pack, but my brother uses his to great effect when it won't quite turn. It helped me out anyway, the stop solly wouldn't open with the car battery alone.
  19. I used washer jet pipe for mine, no issues but you could clamp the pipe to try to reduce the diameter?
  20. I would desperately, desperately love to join you but it looks like I won't know if I'm able until a month beforehand Mrs Turbo and I may drive down to Madrid & Barcelona around then anyway, perhaps catch you all on the return journey!
  21. Well, £25 at Aldi wasn't quite wasted. The car was completely flat, no headlights at all. It wouldn't jump the car, but it did open the stop solenoid so I (well, my long suffering girlfriend actually) could push start it. I went to buy a new battery - and got stung £90 for a big car-size one, rather than the small milkfloat-size one I wanted. The chap was holding a drop tester so we blipped the batteries as they were: Old battery was 13.5v, but fell away under load. The new battery was 14.5v and held up better when he drop-tested it, but when I started the engine it was showing 16v, down to 14.5 when he drop tested it. The completely flat battery (after 2 weeks) plus 16v terminal voltage worries me - has the alternator regulator gone instead, and is it replaceable?
  22. The idea scares me witless. We look at buses every 28 days, reducing to every 14 days for high-mileage vehicles (although that's arguable, since motorway coaches don't use the brakes, steering etc as often as an urban low-speed bus). The LGV/PCV test is being tightened to stop operators using it as a 'fix list' by reporting failures, ie failure rates are reportable and we get more attention (our licence can be reviewed) if we get less than 90% pass rate, where a 'pass after rectification' counts as a fail in those stats. Think about getting a 90% rate on your LR - it pushes your maintenance standards up! "Most people" who run cars rely on the MOT to spot problems (bulbs out, bald tyres, brake pads etc), especially if they've passed the point where servicing doesn't add value to the car - my Mum's MOT picked up a broken roadspring on her ten year old Volvo one year... If this inspection wasn't as often, people would die.
  23. Does it lock and unlock from inside? Once unlocked, does it open as you'd expect? I've gone a step further than TroddenMasses. I changed the lock barrel, no joy, but my key just goes round and round. For seven years, I've been leaning over from the front and batting it with a stick. Now I've installed a cable release, so I'm never going to fix it...
  24. Do you really use FULL power for extended periods at low speed? For short periods the cooler will act as a thermal mass and absorb the high temperatures (and put the heat back into the intake flow when it cools down again, as well as into the cooling flow!). I admit, for longer durations the cooler will heat-soak, but I've generally found if I use full power for a long time at low speed, I'm either wasting my time or the low speed has become high speed by the time I've finished Remember that there's a current draw (and power cost) to running a fan - will you make that back in increased power?
  25. No no no... He looked at me, down at the jump leads and said "You're not coming in, son. You look like you're going to start something" Credit where it's due, he was quick...
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