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Everything posted by Turbocharger

  1. I'd be interested in pics of the twin cooler setup - how much water does it use? I'd be tempted to get some kind of temperature readings off your existing setup to see how effective it is - you could get a measure of this by getting it mad hot and pointing an infra-red thermometer at the inlet and outlet header tanks, just to see how close to ambient you're getting already. In fact, if Mr Dogsbreath would be willing, three 'memory' liquid-crystal thermometers would tell how well each intercooler is doing (before, between, after). I experimented with water spray on my cooler - a very small positive effect, but not worth the weight of the water tank in my opinion. Be aware with a ram scoop though, the natural flow of air through a hole in the bonnet is outwards, not inwards. I chopped an old Series bonnet around and found that little tell-tale tissue paper strips were showing that a ram scoop would be working against nature to start with. I think Mo Murphy tried a similar trick?
  2. Did you have to lop the tunnel about? What was the car originally? I'm trying to work out if a 4HP22 with an LT230 will sit on standard LT77/LT230 mounts under an LT77 transmission tunnel.
  3. I haven't got a TV either - my landlady's got a plethora of channels through a box (Sky? Freeview?) but I don't get time to put it on. It's nice to sit down and watch a film sometimes but as for mainstream entertainment, there's precious little worth watching - Top Gear springs to mind. As such, I haven't seen the Kia advert and from the above, don't want to!
  4. My mother (went against all my advice and) has an 02-plate Jeep Chokey-rokey. I hate it because it's the size of a Disco on the outside and a Freebie inside but with worse plastic, but she likes driving it. However, the warranty expired in November, and the clutch pedal went straight to the floor last Friday. She went back to the Jeep dealer. <dreaded suck through teeth sound> "New clutch slave cylinder, love" "Can you fit it?" "Yes, but it's not cheap, it's a gearbox-out job" "How much?" "And it's one unit with the pipework and master cylinder, have to do the whole lot." "How much?" "We could get one into stock for you next week." "How much?" £600. And it turns out it wasn't the slave, the pipe had been fretting on the rocker cover from new anyway.
  5. To revive a slightly older thread - success against the Stalinists today, I have a Resident's Parking Permit: For those who don't know, I've just moved to London and I'm lodging in Kensington. (I wanted to take furnished lodgings in Rustington-on-Sea, travelling on to Ashton Under Lyne but it was no-gnu ). After a three week battle with the council over what constitutes a tenancy agreement and proof of address, success! My point: I'm living in London and the incentives offered are working to reduce my environmental impact without taxing me into the ground. I can park for a tenner a month and have to pay the congestion charge (at 80p a day) to park the car, but I use public transport to get everywhere because it's quicker and easier. It might be slightly more expensive (£100 in three weeks including extensive travel for work) but I was spending more than that on diesel when I lived in Bristol. Example: my car was parked in Harrow at a mate's house. I got the tube up there at 6:30pm, 45min journey. I drove back at 7:30, after the peak, it took just over an hour. Consequently I can drive what I want to, minimise my CO2 by making only long journeys or offroading and enjoy the lifestyle I want. If public transport doesn't work for you in London, it won't anywhere.
  6. I wish! I'm educating bus mechanics that jump-starting a vehicle is not solving a problem, it's alleviating a symptom. This seems to be an uphill struggle at times. (I'm obviously not, I'm fiddling with Paint, but only because it's more interesting)
  7. I hate you so much, O'Leary. That is all.
  8. I'm with you - I've edited my diagram. The issue was that I was making two cuts as the blue 'wedge' shows (and getting a much worse approximation), not as the purple plane represents. Like I said, I just didn't have my 3D head on... Cheers guys, esp Mark (it hurts to say that) for the clear explanation.
  9. OK Daan, sorry for misunderstanding. I've still got my 2D head on though, I don't understand how you can get the proper 'sine curve' profile into a round tube with 2 straight cuts. In my head, that'd be the way to join a tube to some triangular bar - as I see it you need to project a circle onto the pipe (as viewed from the side). Cue a 1980s diagram in Paint (I hired an 8 year-old to help me with this part) Is it just a case that 2 straight cuts is near enough to tidy up with a grinder and make up the gap with an unsteady hand on the welder? I'm not saying I don't believe you, I just don't understand it and it's bugging me now.
  10. I read the original post and assumed you meant birds-mouthing, so I had a moment when Daan said you could do it with two straight cuts... I was trying to think in 3D but only using a 2D-spec brain.
  11. Again, I'll cry shy I'm afraid. SWMBO has a sister whose 25th birthday is not to be missed. I fancy a Llanerchindda trip again though, perhaps Easter time - I'll post up nearer the time if I'm considering it seriously.
  12. I went for a spray can of 'adhesive', I've no idea what's in it but it makes you high and sticks stuff like sh*t to a blanket. I did my hardtop and roof with camping mats, although I didn't see a marked difference but I think most of the noise is coming from the cast-iron clanker up front (as it does its job saving me money...)
  13. Daan - although Tony said notching, I think he meant birds-mouthing - forgive him, he's from Somerset...
  14. I thought you could go fast enough to twart speed cameras? Although I suppose two officers could then reasonably 'form an opinion' that you were exceeding the limit...
  15. Noooo! I'd put another fiver in the pot to see home-built portal ends, just for inspiration! As magazines push on towards £5 a throw (and it's rare that I splash out on one of them), the forum looks better and better value - real tech and you can ask questions too Could we organise an automated "annual donation" reminder? Not to pressure members at all, I'd gladly give £5 every 12 months but I can't remember when I last donated. It must be a year ago now?
  16. There was nothing going on down there at 2pm when I was shopping (by bus...)
  17. If the two ports are quite separate, I think blanking one port will give you half the braking power :S
  18. Pump damage ought to come about over a long period of time on low-sulphur fuel, or a short period with no lubrication at all. I don't see that the tuning would cause that though, but nor should running on 'reserve' because any dirt in the fuel would be caught by the fuel filter. Mo was asking about intercoolers here and it seemed to come down to two manufacturers. I don't think there's a lot in it, so long as the core area x thickness is comparable and the fins aren't glued in (the glue insulates them!).
  19. Evenin' It doesn't make sense to me that the pump would be worn because it is tuned. In delivering more fuel it has to work slightly harder but still within the spec of the injectors etc. Adjustment will void your warranty though, but that's because they can't guarantee you do it to emissions spec etc and in a clean environment - any dirt in your fuel will have a much greater effect, as will the new low sulphur fuels that we're seeing on the road today. The sulphur was originally present to lubricate the pumps. Where are you having the vehicle looked at?
  20. Around 1989 IIRC the MOD Ninetys had an uprated 2.5NAD available, which used the TD head with some porting work done by Ricardo to make the airflow a bit cleaner. TBH LR could have achieved the same thing by tidying up the quality on their castings in my experience.
  21. Here's my complex spray distribution system...
  22. The water bottle was to spray screenwash (methanol/water) onto the intercooler. Result: 10deg off the peak EGT at a steady 95mph. I decided the bigger benefits could be had from a bigger intercooler so I'm going down that route instead. I suspect spraying the screenwash into the intake would have a much greater effect, but there's somewhat more risk to the engine I think. [/threadjack]
  23. And a look back at previous episodes for those on broadband, the Toybota / Dampervan / Herald-boat race.
  24. Any damage to the turbo compressor will be visible - I'd ask to see it if I was in your position.
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