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Everything posted by Turbocharger

  1. Doesn't look like he could even spell 'torsional stiffness', never mind appreciate it...
  2. Err... that wasn't a lamppost then.
  3. Nope - I found a pub that our hobbit isn't barred from (but only because they've changed management since 1958)
  4. Disruption all over London - how can wind affect an underground railway? There were no train services north out of Kings Cross to "Hertfordshire" at 5pm - tannoy advises people to use 'local bus services or taxis'
  5. I have exchanged £25 in Aldi for one of their jump packs - it's charging now so I'll let you know how I get on on Sunday. On the way back from the shop, I called into a pub in central London. Who can guess why I was refused entry?
  6. Chris - I've got no fan on my 300Tdi and haven't had for a year or more. With a decent water temp gauge, there's less than 1*C of increase on the road when driven hard, but you can get it hot if you work it hard offroad at low speed. For driving in traffic, it won't be an issue.
  7. I had several cracked caps when my (300Tdi) belt went - but the onset wouldn't be that slow.
  8. Don't think much of the big chrome wheels - as soon as they start turning, they look like grey 8-spokes...
  9. Cheers for the replies. My brother has one like the above, and recommends it for his Tdi. In fact, he's been using it for just over a year instead of buying a decent battery... Thanks Chris, but the car's in London. I'm considering a split-charge system to replace the 6-year old battery, but I need 12v to get it off my mate's drive first! I think Aldi is a good lead, I'll trot down to find one in London in the week.
  10. I need to jump start my car - looking at about £25 to buy one of these from Ebay: Any better recommendations or vendors?
  11. So what would you do? Tell them to stop building things and becoming a developed nation, or lead the way and reduce our own emissions so that when their population (many times the size of ours) catches up with us, they're not belching out the same per capita emissions that we are? I have no issue with low-emission vehicles, and I'd like to drive one. It's not the tailpipe that attracts me to LR, it's the off-road ability. The future is for lightweight vehicles with hybrid or fuel-cell powertrains, and I'm looking forward to it. Electric motors in each wheel - no more ARBs, locking diffs, broken halfshafts, and an ECU that you can reprogram with your own traction control or difflock. Lightweight, so better performance, hillclimbing and soft-ground ability. Why whinge about incentives to make the world better? You can only do it through producing alternatives and taxing the incumbent, and sadly the stick has to come first to drive the demand to create the carrot.
  12. Panhard rod bushes, steering column UJs, steering drop arm could be loose on the box? Get someone to rock the steering and lie underneath, put a finger across the gap to detect any relative movement between parts.
  13. I disagree - it'll make us look like children. We need to maturely and quietly discuss our corner with clear, well-constructed arguments. When we've made our point, shut up. We need to appear as men in business suits, not hooligans who watch Big Brother.
  14. Will the owner/driver be deemed to have failed the test if he completes the task properly but doesn't turn to the audience, slightly breathless and cap in hand and ask 'did yer like that?' ? :D
  15. In the interests of science I did some of my rolling-road runs with and without a drainpipe snorkel on my 300Tdi. If there was a difference I couldn't tell - I had to check back to the file names to see which numbers came from which run. (Small print: figures based on three repeat runs on the same piece of road on the same day. No correspondence will be entered into, the judge's decision is final. This was a real scientific experiment using science. No animals were harmed in the production of this feature.)
  16. I reckon he closes the windows when he wants to run it 'on choke'. Of course, with LandRover door seals this'd have nearly no effect in any of our cars...
  17. Not sure what you mean Fridge - can you give a de-monster-ation? Fred is a god of all things iron, and now rests with him.
  18. If Senor Cordell will let me escape his electric-winch groupie haters (and if I'm available) I'm willing to boil the oil in my standard Milemarker+ZF74+plasma setup. Shout with dates as and when, I'll tell the girlfriend she won't need her wellies for this one. In fact, thinking about it, it's a standard Milemarker. I'll book the following day off work too...
  19. Err... dunno. They're stiffer and longer than the old ones (unknown vintage, possibly originals) but still flex well. In this pic the rear is just coilbound with no rear bump stops and the back empty. I chose red/whites for the front anticipating a heavy winch, but it still has 1-2" to the bump stop though I think much of that is the bushes binding. I suppose I could start measuring things and drawing graphs to see how much is spring and how much is 'other'. I wouldn't want to go softer at either end since I seem to be doing mostly tarmac miles at the moment. In pure bump, I've dropped the whole car onto the stops once or twice (BANG) with enthusiastic driving, so I reckon it's about right for me. If I softened the front, it'd flex better and give really cool RTI scores but I run the risk of really clouting something hard in a dynamic situation.
  20. To throw my 2p into the ring, I'm a skinflint so went for the 'cost leader' - cheapest - from Bearmach for the rear of my Ninety. 2" lift +25% and they've been spot on for the job for me since 2002. I think they were about £40 the pair - perhaps I was lucky.
  21. Not to be the voice of doom, but I had the devil's own job finding someone who'd fit second-hand tyres - best of luck!
  22. In all seriousness, the sarcasm in her voice is real, she thought it was quite entertaining (although bloody cold!) I think she's cleverer than me though - she enjoyed it and didn't badger me about dinner - indeed, we did visit some pubs on the way home, one was closed and one she declared 'too expensive' (we weren't really dressed for anywhere that serves venison at £20 a head). The dear girl suggested Pizza Hut instead, and I thought she was so great that I took her out that evening for an Italian instead. See? She got what she wanted, without nagging, and I still think she's marvellous. How does she do it?
  23. Broon1e- can you PM your mobile number, she wants to leave me for you.
  24. To look at it another way, why not alter your gearing to bring the Td5 revs down? A Disco transfer box is cheap enough and you could see other benefits in fuel consumption too. I'm thinking that you're solving a symptom, not the cause.
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