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Posts posted by Nigelw

  1. Is there a deffinitive way to know for sure what equipment was fitted exactly to our cars as they left the factory???

    Kind of a need to know as my buddy Wim has just been failed on the safety test due to not having anti roll bars fitted, to his knowledge they were never fitted to his car and even though the brackets are there this is the first time it has ever been brought up.

    Vehicle is a 200Tdi Disco, not exactly a quarter mile racer I know but, I know my Rusty never had them and neither are the brackets on the chassis or axles for them either, but also knowing Rover, some did when there was stock others didn't when there was no stocks.


  2. I personally found the Volvo A, B & C series Dumpers superior in every way to the competition. The D, E & F sereis are comfy but lack power and ability of the predecessors, best ADT was volvo's C series hands down.

    I keep thinking independent suspension would make for a better/easier conversion for some reason :blush:

  3. I went with Rusty for todays test.

    I have never been so depressed in my whole life!!!! :(

    Still no F***ing certificate :angry:, the steering box decided to completely empty it's contents on top of a tester today, but my shiny new mud flaps looked smart while it was doing so. :lol:

    Anyone got something stronger to drink than Teachers? :im-ok-smiley-emoticon:

    Think I might go to the chip shop and start a fight with the local boy racers by sitting on the bonnet of the POS they call a Clio :popcorn drama:

    If I am away for a while, worry not, I'm not suicidal, YET!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Check list.

    Fuel sediment bowl, located on the right hand chassis rail on the inside, just by the A frame cross member.

    Lift pump. Try a known good one, buy genuine if you can it saves money long term and gives peace of mind.

    You don't mention whether or not it is dipendent on fuel tank leve?

  5. I see all of your points Jamie, and agree, but for the most part I see a lot of Land Rovers that in this day and age that are completely firked, I mean basically run into the ground, little or no maintenance, bodge it to get by after a breakdown, poor welded repairs, scary wiring additions and a general lack of care, but when for sale, that owner thinks its worth serious money just because it starts.

    If I had been the previous welder on this Discovery of mine, I should hang my head in shame, same for the "intetesting" wiring additions that got ripped out a long time ago, I am not saying that from an enthusiasts POV but just a general WTF do some people bother to try when they either can't or are not willing to do it properly, I spent countless hours fixing other peoples work, it was depressing to say the least that some donkey went to that much effort but still failed to achieve a satisfactory result in their accomplishment.

    Looking forward to Monday, easy fix so should be ok.

  6. There's a reason I always call it the lottery...

    Think it could be the lunar eclipse due this summer or perhaps he just got the boot from his old lady on Valentines, of all days would induce a bit of trauma, so my sauve and sophisticated 200Tdi Disco pulls in and he's as jelous as a fat kid watching through the window of a sweet shop and had to find something wrong.

    Oh well, at least I got a legit road test on the "ZZ" plates, just, well, errrmmm, not sure I like it :?

  7. I do not F'ing believe it, shiny new calipers, all ship shape and failed on what do you recon this time????

    F'ing mud flaps :angry2: Whole new test and the guy got all excited about the hub centers being lower than the body and the need(in his eyes) for mud flaps front and back, nothing mentoned about it last test, so antoher F'ing week sails by and still not got a pass sheet in my file.

    But I did actually get to drive it this time on the road as the trailer is out on duties today so I got the "ZZ" plates :D (trade plates to you and me ;)) never had my heart beating so fast in my chest than the first 5 minutes of that drive, got a bit exciting when I suddenly remembered "new brakes, not bedded in yet" as a bus came hurtling round the junction at me, early days but we'll see how it goes, very crnchy in 2nd gear but that does seem to be the norm with an ageing LT77.

    So, to summarize it, Nigel is still pizzed off, Rusty still does not have a safety test and I am about €350 out of pocket not including the €275 on new parts this week.

    Who said it was cheap to keep a Land Rover :rolleyes:

  8. I see, if it is terrain damage then perhaps thick walled pipe welded on as a protection cup around the bushing and pin but yes I see your point with moving over to the eye-eye set up as it would remove the pin sticking out the bottom issue, don't know shock legths at all but could see the axles shock bracket easily modded with a home made backet drilled to suit bolts that could be welded and braced into the original.

    All you need do is find out what lengths they are fully open and ask a supplier for shocks with correct configuration.

  9. I have had a bit of time experiment, in the end of my tests I found the only way I could achieve consistent results was to change over to Argoshield gas(I always run CO2) turn amps down and the wire feed too, I am finding it a bit of a learning curve again but it really has improved, ssuppose everydays a school day ;)

  10. Seen a lot of this stuff lately and tons of marketing surveys about "branding image" and the likes.

    I think they are either trying to use marketing surveys and posts such as this to find the way forward for the new vehicle ranges.

    They will never move forward with ideas put forward here or in a lot of other forums either due to the fact that the vehicles we want are

    a) cheap to buy.

    Affordable to even those on less than £30,000 pa.

    b) easily DIY maintained.

    Minimum amounts of electronics, back to a vehicle that can be fixed in a field with minimal tooling and no diagnostics or at least the essentials are there but require plug in for security related items.

    c) reliable.

    Minimalist approach to electronics will help as will coil springs as EAS is good but can be problematic with age and also only adds cost, no TC although ABS will most likely be fitted diffs need selectable lockers, air/electric/vacuum or cable is plenty to choose from, greater drive train strength and H/D manual and optional auto transmissions, suspension can be independent but beams stay with strong traditions.

    d) have reall off road ability without compromize.

    Strength and design will bring a vehicle with a low curb weight but a high GVW and towing capacity.

    All of my above points would bring forth the new commercial vehicle of choice for commercial operators and maybe they would hold attraction with the army and peace organisations too?

    This is a vehicle with a step back to reality and real commercial vehicle sales.

    Basically, they will never build it because it would actually serve a purpose.

  11. You have to be careful though, IMHO, 'Citizen Journalists' who've been given a freebie to review are even less likely to be objectively critical of a product than a Journo who knows which side their bread is buttered on.

    That is of course different from someone who has spent their own hard-earned on a product.

    That is quite true Matt, I am not ashamed to say that I use the LRO forum to publicise my work and often with the intention of hosting a post in their tech archive, why, at this point it os to get to grips with writing tech posts but also because I would like to become a journo in an independent magazine where it can be said openly in reviews of products and parts whether they are good or not.

    Not sure about others but I find it tiresome to read rave reviews about every single product, they can't all be the most awesome must have, how ever did we survive without them products, I seldom if ever actually see constructive criticism over product flaws or poor performance.

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