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Posts posted by Nigelw

  1. I still mourn LRE :blush:

    The trouble is that there just isn't the content in them anymore, and as it happens when I was corresponding with LRO about a possible job with them they have made me feel like the balance of a good all round magazine is very hard to bring to print in terms of new content and bringing tech and feature articles each month is hard work with such limited offerings and trying to please every reader is just not possible.

    The publishing world is dying a very slow death as just about everything is internet based now too.

    Shame though, LRW was a nice simple read on the train or sitting in the digger.

  2. Not great, failed on sticking brakes and H-brake :blush: Hoping to get it back in again on Thursday/Friday and see what happens then :unsure:

    I just did a Bushworkshop feature for another forum from when I replaced the disc rotors and fitted new pads, my opening comments were about how the guys at Land Rover having a great sense of humor with the design and having to completely dismantle the hub to replace the discs, genius, just pure genius :rofl:

    Got new calipers coming Monday so all being well, everything will be ship shape by end of play Tuesday night.

    Really hope it comes together this time and that they only test the bits it failed on last time but knowing them it will be a full test and loads of hassle :blink:

  3. the M25 at 5 o'clock

    Ah, the "Magic Roundabout" :lol:

    Oh the days of driving to work on a Mondy morning and getting stuck for 4hrs for little more than a "bump" on the hard shoulder :angry:

    I used to drive my series to work some weeks and it was often nicer to drive than the Fiesta but would only do so if I was going back on a Sunday night, rush hour in a series, F*** that :rolleyes:

    Older TLCs have fantastic support here with "specialists" and in the Netherlands there are heaps of them still, but when you mention prices, you would need to remortgage the farm, typically the older they are the more loved they are and the more expensive they are, a great deal of them from the 60s and here that is a blessing as anything before 1964 has no record and you can do as you please with them and fit what ever you like and do what ever they want to them, engines the works, our blacksmith has one, he spent over €25,000 on it, whole thing has cost him well over €37,500 inc purchase price, very special, not sure I dig the whole banana yellow theme though :huh:

  4. so sent my letters to the dvla showing pictures and explaining exactly what i have done.Had a letter back the other day and all they asked for was a modification list, reciepts for purchases and to fill out a first time regastration form, so luckily no sva needed, all taxed and road legal now

    Fantastic news :)

    Must admit, kind of thought it had died a death with 4 months passing and all.

    May you have many happy smiley miles in her :D

  5. Have you bought the Haynes anual for it?

    If not then get one and then find a RAVE link or buy a CD, I bought one for the D1 and it has more info than I will ever need and has been a great help in tracking down stupidly simple problem parts and jobs.

  6. My greatest sympathies go out to all that are struggling in these times of desperation.

    My biggest concern is not that they are struggling to find a way t get rid of the water, but that they are still looking to develop land in known flood ris areas.

    That little rock aint so big you know!!!!

  7. Depends on the brand, heard some real horror stories about all the cheapies, OME and LR genuine are the way to go, or get some bespoke one off sets made :ph34r:

    I got a mate here who has had the springs supplied tested and they all have different spring rates from what he says same length but under load some squash up more than others.

  8. Blanco that is the most obscene hideous monstrosity I have seen in a while, worse than Barbies challenge truck that featured a couple onths back in bright PINK :o

    I hear you loud and clear there Mr. Parrott, I wonder if I suffer the same now? I never used to, winter as always awesome with time off to play as I used to work as a muck shifter and all summer was no holidays as muck moves easier in the dry, especially heavy brow or London Blue clays, so used to save it all up, two weeks in November and a week in February suited me down to the ground, had next to no facilities in the early days and thought nothing of hanging an old tarp over the car and a couple of poles to make somewhere dry to weld, even welded up a special foot plate for a fishing umbrella to go in for jobs like wheel bearings and brakes etc, it was enough to keep the rain off my head but not that driving rain, had to get creative with the wind breakers from our beach bathing days for that stuff.

    I was besides myself with glee when I layed the concrete slab that was to become the base of my shed, at last I had flat smooth concrete to work on and not sheets of ply with paving slabs under the axle stands on dirt.

    Now I have a big barn with OK lighting and a good selection of tools now but seem to have misplaced my enthusiasm for this project, I really don't know whats gone wrong but think the main issue now is that it has been nothing but working on it and no time of actually having driven and enjoyed it prior to dismantling it.

    Ashamed to say this but I just don't have a connection with this truck yet :huh: It broke my heart to dismantle the V8 Disco, Rusty, does often feel like a gallon of unleaded and a match would suit it down to the ground

  9. I'd still scrap it. You can't make a silk purse out of a pigs ear.

    The only use Discoverys serve is to provide donor axles and engines. The rest is junk. :D


    I knew I could count on your support Mo ;)

    It's always the little niggles that get to annoy me, the big stuff gets dealt with quicker, but small things that mount up are tremendously annoying.

    Was looking at spares prices for TLCs and Galunders, think I either stay green oval or buy a bicylcle :(

  10. In my case it is the frequent reminders that I have a family that I should spend more time doing things with...

    I have an EX wife who used to try to sabotage my spending on the past landies, she would pretty much empty the bank account if I so much as whispered to myself about a new part or tyres etc, didn't work long, started stashing money for the green oval fund after the first two times.

    Wonder if she is still pulling that stunt with her new husband?

  11. I don't think it's just the flesh being weak Smallfry, I find input from the other half can be less than motivating at times .... you know the sort of stuff 'why on earth are you doing that now? Are you mad?'

    Lucky me then, my girlfriend encourages my random hour activities as it usually makes me happy to tinker.

    Last year I had a bout of the blues with the winter dragging on so long, but this year I just got sick of a year having passed me by and still faffing around when I had time or actually had the parts and tooling to do jobs.

    Think it takes an enormous amount of effort to maintain some sort of momentum om a sole and single project when it often excedes your time allowance and some jobs need that second pair of hands that just aint always available.

    Back home not so many years ago I had bags of enthusiasm and a lot more expendable income meaning the garage was always an option, now, well I can possibly kiss a months wages good bye with prices for parts and labor, even in black it can still get expensive!

  12. Always has and always will be.

    That is one of the greatest problems with part supplies out of China, they get you in and then roll you over, thing is, nobody ever seems to learn from it, they all go there with the idea that they are getting the best deal ever and well, erm, that part will now cost them millions and give competitors a better eye opener as well as a sales pitch too.

  13. Mine used to do this also, got annoyed and drilled a small hole in the cap, it as higher than the breather so it didn't matter, never had any problems with it with the vacuum but it just annoyed me, 1.5mm drill bit and 10 secs all sorted.

  14. Oh yes, getting there now the end really is in sight, spend a few more quid and the open road we can go :D

    Need to have a blow out once in a while I think, got a bit too hyped up about the little things and when a slightly bigger thing came along it just blew me away.

    He is home in a couple hours as not enough space with broken ones to stay at the garage this week, but at least I know where I went wrong!! Kind of kick myself for not noticing the sticky brakes but no road testing or anything just a blast round the tracks and I was more worried about being over geared with the bigger tyres than thinking it might be brakes :blush:.

  15. I did fit shiny new discs front and back, the pistons slid in esily so never got excited, oh well.

    Going to do new calipers I think and then new pistons and seals in these ones and keep them as good spare set.

    I know muddy, not much but enough to have to go back again for another test, should only need to re-do lights and brake checks as the rest was spot on.

    So I'm told they were very impressed with the fact it is rot free now and the inner wings look great for their age LOL :i-m_so_happy:

  16. Or agricultural engineers, you gotta marvel the massive selections of belts they got in them, I used to pop into Does for odds and sodds like "V" belts and such as they would always have something to suit. Thurlow Nunns was good in Melton too but Massey red was too much for my Deere loving eyes :moglite:

  17. Oh if only my truck needed as little as his :blink:

    The white board is empty of jobs, have no idea on what will happen tomorrow as Rusty is not at home now, he has a date with destiny in the morning, gonna be tense times from the second I open my eyes tomorrow :o

    I am praying for good news and a pass, but it is nothing more than the lotto round here for the safety test!!!

    Will post up when I know something more on the state of play.

    Was thinking that worst case scenario is that anything deemed a fail will be done at the garage, I have money enough for the moment and wouuld rather pay for a bit of quality time without my spanners and sockets in my hands for a change.

    There are other elements of stress for me at this time so Rusty is not entirely to blame for me losing the plot but he really didn't help yesterday :angry:

  18. Lightweight indeed :lol:

    I really did snap, can't believe how childish I got over it, but the frustration at that moment in time was mind blowing :angry: :angry: :angry:

    Just got to jet wash it off now as all back together and all is seemingly ok I went for a blast round the plantation, nearly ended up in a potential self recovery situation but good job I fitted sensible tyres :D

    After the blast it seems the brakes are sticking a little and really need to camel cut the back arches and think about changing R&P combo as gearing seems a bit too tall for the engine.

    What is wrong with the P38 Ben?

    Oh and will be looking closely at the motors at Helm, if for nothing else but to give me a few new idea to get rid of the stale droaning going on in my head right now.

    Still, feel like I need a kebab for tea tonight now :D

  19. Dash is all back in, I found nothing with any of my work, everything was as it should be and no issues with the wiring to be seen.

    I won't be there for the test tomorrow but he is being picked uup tonight and going in the morning, pass and he comes home, fails and he stays at the garage and I will go there to work on him when I want or could possibly just pay them to do what needs doing?

    Think it was a cumulation of stress and pressure to actually get it done and I really was looking forward to the test today but when it seemed to be going wrong it bottle necked and I flipped out, not a common thing but so needed that blow out binge, I have now re-established my love for Duvel.

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