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Posts posted by =jon=

  1. Hi,

    I've been looking at getting the rear windows tinted in my 110 CSW (with fixed rear windows) to keep it a bit cooler and stop it being so easy to peer in the back - however the local tint place is asking north of £300 for tinting the rear doors backwards, and will only consider it if I strip all of the interior trim out as apparently there are a total PITA to do as everything is so time consuming compared to a 'modern' car...

    I've not got a garage / enough patience to do it myself so have been looking at other options...

    Has anyone tried a set of custom window shades such as:


    They are a bit pricey, but if they are any good they are still cheaper than a 'proper' tint...

    Any other suggestions? I did wonder about getting some fine mozzie mesh type stuff and making my own, securing it with the window trims but as it would be held off the glass it might look a bit naff, unless someone can come up with a bright idea to secure it to the glass, or to the inside of the window seal?



  2. How are you driving it - from the alternator or from an ignition pulse?

    The dip switches are for the ignition pulse (LT side of coil, EDIS module etc) - and this shouldn't need adjusting.

    The adjuster wotsit is for if you are driving it from the W terminal on an alternator (eg. on a diesel where there's no coil) - as the pulley sizes for different cars vary, the alternator spins at a different speed, so you have to calibrate the alternator pulse to get the rev counter to read reasonably accurately..

  3. Nothing wrong with comma oil. They've been about years and very reputable

    I was going to say something similar - most oils are made to a standard spec in a large refinery somewhere and stuck in different coloured bottles to suit whoever is branding it - the contents are often the same. As long as it's got the relevant lists of letters and suitability codes it'll do the job...

  4. Hi,

    I've looked in the various guides for dropping the transfer box on a 110, and most of them recommend removing the drivers floor panel.

    Is it possible to remove it without touching the floor? I've got LPG tanks secured to the floor panel and an x-eng pendal lock so would rather avoid it if possible!!

    Any advice / pointers / suggestions based on past experience much appreciated!



  5. I think Diesel specific oil has more detergent in it as Diesel's are dirtier than petrols...

    Tough call on whether to swap it or not - it probably won't do any harm as oil technology and the detergents within have progressed a lot in the 20 odd years since the 19J was designed, but I'm not really an expert in such matters!

  6. Hi,

    My '92 110 CSW has had fixed side windows fitted - looking at the codes on the glass it appears to have been factory fitted as they match with the other windows...

    The seals are getting a bit tatty - I've had a quick look at replacements but I'm not sure which ones are right...

    Looking around turns up:


    Which lists for early defenders, this:


    Which is in 1M lengths..

    Reading around it's suggested that the seals are the same as for the rear safari windows - is it possible to buy this in long lengths so I can cut it down to fit?



  7. Hi,

    My 110 developed a nasty clonking noise when going over bumps, with the nice weather I managed to get a chance to have a look at what was causing it - I was expecting possibly a loose shock top nut, a knackered shock bush, or at worst a broken spring, but this is what I found:


    The turret has cracked all the way round the welds at the top (doesn't look like the welds have penetrated well), and it looks like the metal has cracked in several places as well..

    I'm unsure of what brand they are, they aren't galved but look too new to be original...

    I've had the Britpart galved ones before and they've always needed some fettling to make them fit - but as they are £42 + postage, and the Gwyn Lewis HD ones are only £7 more, are they worth the few quid extra?



  8. It is also hugely satisfying driving a little old Series motor places where the tricked up catalogue specials can't loud pedal there way to laugh.gif

    My old petrol 88" was a hoot off road - pretty standard apart from 235 85 mud tyres and some parabolics.. It would go pretty much anywhere round our local pay and play sites, including stuff that challenged some of the more modern machines that were there.. Successfully navigating a very muddy run and watching the SWB lifted trailer queen shogun get stuck made my day :) As said, bits were cheap, mechanically apart from a few teething problems it was pretty reliable and it was tatty to start with so I didn't mind some of the scratches I put on it (I didn't take my old 90 there as I didn't want to wreck it!)

    I'd have another 88" as a fun runabout in an instant!

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