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Posts posted by Daan

  1. I had a good day out yesterday, good to meet some people from the forum

    took this picture:


    I met will warne, and he told me there were some muddy patches, as used in the AWDC challenge. So we checked it out.

    The rest is a bit of a blur in my mind.....

    But I somehow found this picture in my camera:


    I reckon the SLRC is great fun! :P

  2. I hopped into a Italian car to drive 200 miles sitting on a middle console of a very small and smelly vehicle in a very wet and smelly clothes.

    Got to the camp, could not find the guys (camps are big and mobiles dont always work) and after walking what felt like miles and miles I found them all asleep!!

    And Jez's reaction ? Oh you back ? You smell ... snore snore - great :lol:

    I have a feeling that Jana wouldn't be up for this kind of thing zuz- but I am!


  3. @Daan: Your not wrong :lol: Whats your thought on helmets? You usaully have a different take on stuff like this?



    Ps: That entire DVD will be available for the Gigglepin stand @ Billing :) or just come and watch as we'll have the DVD running all weekend.........Bring beer....

    I have to say helmets are a good thing. I suppose imposing the full MSA spec is going a bit far IMO, but in case there is a liability claim, that is probably the only save way to do it and covers all angles. Its inconvenient, but a good thing I think.

    A shame that the safety- and helmet thread on the devon site turned into a complete load of headless chicken, sounding like the type of conversation which I can also get in the pub down the road.

    That is my take on the whole situation, since you asked!


  4. Mate,

    You would be staggered what they do with them. They take the 4.2, 4.5 and 4.8 straight sixes bolt a turbo the size of my engine to the side of theres and take off !

    Andrew Cassar, Pete Mikalof and Adam Bird (and many others)all do this. Birdie went down the quarter mile in sub 14 secs :blink: and his is not considered the fastest :ph34r:

    @Daan: Your not wrong :lol: Whats your thought on helmets? You usaully have a different take on stuff like this?



    Ps: That entire DVD will be available for the Gigglepin stand @ Billing :) or just come and watch as we'll have the DVD running all weekend.........Bring beer....

  5. Wel if you read carefully, you noticed that I was talking about the rear winch being electric EP9. The front is good old PTO. The reason for this is that I can still use the rear winch when the world has turned upside down. But for the few times I use the rear winch, I dont want the weight penalty of the second battery. I am kind of thinking about the halfords option at the mo.


    I am shocked that you are turning to the darkside!!!


  6. Yes, my battery has gone harry flatters. It currently is a Kwikfit special, and has been there since 2002. So that is a bit of a result I think and £97 buys me a new one. it is a standard discovery battery at 75 AH. Since I have fitted an electric rear winch, I found the single battery a bit lacking at times, So I was thinking of having something with a bit more electrical beans fitted, but in the same dimensions. Which one can anyone recommend. I specifically dont want to carry a second battery.


  7. Because heatingoil is coloured red. So it is basically the same as using red diesel.

    I was recently reading a BBC have your say forum, and someone was complaining about home heating oil costing around 65 P a litre. Why aren't you all running on that stuff ? Years ago after oil heating fell out of favor in Australia a mate of mine ran his Nissan Deisel for about 12 months virtually for free by offering to remove the oil heating tanks from households around Melbourne. Some tanks had only a few gallons in them whilst many others were almost full (100 gallons) .


  8. I have a 406 hdi as my daily driver, and since I started driving no faster than 70 MPH, I always achieve 50MPG. Compared to the landy at 30 MPG thats a big saving. My next car will be smaller than a 406 for economy reasons though. Me and my wife are now looking to buy a little diesel-like a 206, to use for large trips (my commute included), so she can use the 406 for local trips.

    I looked at getting a old spec diesel and run it on vegetabel oil, but its a lot of hassle and since many people are doing it, veg oil has gone up in price enormously. I just dont think you save a lot with it at the moment.


  9. Nige

    I would seriously suggest you ask re the prices of GENUINE outers,

    as the prices are comparable with pattern parts, ........the only real difference being they fit with less swearing :)


    I would seriously suggest ignoring this comment. Hell, I usually buy outer panels for a tenner a pop and wack em on damn quick. Its not an engine component or something that you risk you live with is it? Panels are the only thing that I go pattern parts because I regard them as consumables.

    my 2p anyway.


  10. Les,

    you've got me thinking with that comment. What if you were using the standard Series 3 or Defender air filter housing, but plumbed it into the intercooler before it reached the intake manifold. The air is filtered, then cooled before entering the engine. Would there be any benefit to this? Or is it a waste of plumbing? (I'm talking non turbo configeration)


    There is no benefit in intercooling if you have no turbo. And to reply to an earlyer thread about removing a turbo from a tdi; that would make it les powerfull than a n/a diesel, because of the lower compression ratio.


  11. Mark, the antisquat looks pretty high to me, more than 100% is imo not desirable. The rollcentre higher up will help stability, for sure. Could you maybe get some options for the antisquat and try them on the car? It is a personal preference really, but you might find the rear suspension goes solid if you apply a lot of power.


    Just after a bit of knowledge from an adult. I downloaded the 4 link calculator for excel from Pirate 4x4 and stuck in the figures for the Disco trayback (with standard LR setup) having got underneath with a tape measure. What I get is

    Anti Squat - 145%

    Roll centre height - 22"

    Roll centre angle - 10 degrees (roll oversteer)

    Does that sound about right for standard?

    I then modified the figures for the Nissan rear axle I am currently fitting which basically means the upper axle mount is about 4" higher than the LR setup and this changes the figures as follows

    Anti Squat - 174%

    Roll centre height - 24"

    Roll centre angle - 7 degrees (roll oversteer)

    I can get the figure back to something approaching the LR ones by either raising the chassis mounts for the A-frame or by using longer trailing arms (like Gigglepin). So what I want to know is whether the figures for the Nissan set-up fall within acceptable levels (assuming 99% offroad usage) or is it going to be horrible to drive/problematic on climbs, etc?

    Cheers for any informed input


  12. So does the oil cool the water or the water cool the oil ?

    There's also a thermostat at the top of the filter housing for the oil.


    Both or actually the water warms up the oil when cold and keeps it on an acceptable level when hot. Miketomcat, I suppose your MOT tester didn't run it long enough! You also have oil fed pistoncooling on a TDI I believe, So I doubt very much it is going to like it when pushed hard. My 2p anyway.

  13. Its been used in WRC for quite some time actually. The ecu compares wheelspeed with gps speed (in forward direction) and cuts engine power by retarding the ignition if it thinks there is too much power. If the GPS signal is not clear than a groundspeedsensor is used as the second option. this is basically a radar that looks forward down to the road at an angle. The radar sensor is now banned, but I think the GPS sensor could still be utilised for this.

    Pi research did all the work for mainly Ford and Skoda.


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