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Everything posted by need4speed

  1. Paul it seems to be something that divides opinion. Some prefer the rubber type, others prefer the foam. In the end I went for the self adhesive foam kind, though they are genuine... Can't comment though on how effective/non-effective they are as I'm miles off being road ready
  2. Thanks Jon. Very helpful indeed. Btw I got the roll cage all cleaned up and powder coated. Still to fit it mind..... Lol Edit: Was there any reason you didn't use ESR225 that comes with down pipes and y-piece??
  3. I have already ordered ESR225 but numbers for the rear sections etc would be handy. Cheers
  4. Funny that this old thread resurfaces now..... I only ordered the y-piece recently after my build having ground to a standstill for a while. I will report back skauldy. Currently the 110 is sitting with the td5 transmission crossmember still in place, but I do now have a tubular v8 one ready to fit if need be.
  5. Well. Stage 1 complete. Garage is tidy. The amount of runs to the skip was crazy. I can actually walk round the 110 now. I can also now see clear workbench surface rather than "stuff" all over it.. Now I can inspect properly and make a shortlist of the bare essential stuff to get running.. Off the top of my head: - Exhaust system from manifolds back - Plumb radiator header tank, fill coolant system and check for leaks - Make HT leads - Fit fuel lines to feed and return - Remove cruise control gubbins from plenum and connect AFM between air filter and plenum - Fit PWM control kit I'm sure there will be more I haven't thought of......
  6. Every day's a schoolday. I didn't know any factory 110 came with R380.
  7. I think bowie's case is watertight. Or in this case, brake-fluid tight. Sorry. I will get my coat..........
  8. Thanks guys. The offer of help in person has been very kind. Could have had a 'forum day' lol. Alas I'm just too far away from most of you. I'm just happy that James is within a reasonable distance and I'd be happy to see him again. Mind you 1st job is gut the tip that calls itself a garage....
  9. That's a good idea les. I think that's the reason I kind of lost a bit of motivation. I was thinking that although I've done a lot of work, there were so many jobs needed doing to finish it, I couldn't even think of them all. It sort of gets you down. That's why I feel that if I can just do enough to get the beast running (even roughly) it will kick-start my enthusiasm again. With regards getting to mot stage I like your idea of just setting little 'packages' of things to do Cheers
  10. Thanks guys. I feel a bit more positive now. I have ordered the exhaust y-piece. Maybe once that arrives it will inspire me some more to move on. It will force me to work as its a big piece to have kicking around / tripping over etc lol
  11. Bowie I'm well away from you. Kilmarnock is SW Scotland Mo thanks for the support. Expect nothing else from you lol
  12. Thank you James. That's very kind. I may well take you up on that!
  13. Been working away for a while. Between that and a few other things going on the 110 just kind of went onto the back burner. The trouble is I'm struggling to find the inclination to get going with it again Im of the view that if I can just do the absolute minimum to get the thing running I think it will inspire me to get shifting and finish this thing. Most of you old-timers will know what I'm building but for those who are newer I have a 4.6 RV8 fitted with MS. So here is where I sit... The cooling system is plumbed. The MS is complete but without vacuum or lambda fitted. Starter is wired to battery. Alternator has main battery feed but not wired to dash. I've got manifolds fitted but nothing from there back. None of the gauges are functioning yet. The main things I think I need to do are fit exhaust system and figure out which of the fuel pipes coming from the pump are feed, and which is return (yes I forgot to label them......) Is there anything else anyone can think of I need to do just to hear some life coming from the damn thing? Please help me get my motivation back!
  14. Hoss it sounds like you feel my pain.... Zardos I couldn't care less about the buffering Netflix. Maybe she will get some more studying done then
  15. Hi Bowie From what I can see it is a D-Link DSL-3780 Wireless N ADSL2+ Don't know if that will mean anything to you?
  16. I need some advice about wireless routers. I've recently got into the online game world of tanks. The graphics (for a tablet) are stunning and it's quite bandwidth hungry. This isn't a problem when I'm home alone but when my daughter starts to watch Netflix I'm stuffed and my tank starts break dancing. I have been informed that there is a router I can get that I can reserve (for lack of a better term) a certain amount of bandwidth for my device, and the rest can get used however.. I'm not sure what this is called, or even if my existing talktalk router can be setup for it - though I doubt it.
  17. So I take it the only stuff I need there is just the throttle cable itself? That will certainly help. Thanks guys..
  18. Cruise control? God no lol! Is that what all that carp is? Doug no it's normal bellhousing. Maybe just the pics making it look like that?
  19. Are there different types? The reason I ask is that FINALLY I've got my hands on a genuine V8 air box (thanks Nige).. However as can be seen in the pics below, the grubbins on my assembly makes it very awkward to fit the AFM / hoses between air box and plenum. Compared to http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=15317#
  20. Thanks. Got your email Nige. Love the bit in your email that says you've been busy building "pegged duffs"
  21. Lol Bowie.. If that doesn't get him to respond nothing will! Edit: I emailed him yesterday as he tends to respond to them better than PM's but haven't heard anything as yet.
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