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Everything posted by need4speed

  1. I think it's universally agreed it's not going anywhere, but the fear (indeed expectation) is that they will tax older diesels to the point that they will be unaffordable to many...
  2. Awesome. Thanks Will. I will have a look at micheldever as well.
  3. I've tried tyresdirect, 4x4 tyres, devon4x4, oponeo, camskill etc etc.. No joy. 33" no problem but not 35"
  4. There has been a change in the way the wind is blowing regarding diesels for a while. And it's only going to get worse. I reckon diesels are going to be HAMMERED with tax in upcoming years..
  5. Sorry Jon. Just seen this thread now. I've mounted my 120A Bosch on the drivers side. MickeyW on here sold me a custom bracket he had made but that was only because I was using non-LR alternator. If you are using a standard LR alternator it will be exactly as Zim shows above. I can take pics of mine if you want but it's basically the same as the pic shown above..
  6. You definately want to give thought to braking. You don't want the RR tow vehicles brakes overheating if going down a steep descent towards a hairpin...
  7. Absolutely not. But how many UK communities have been turned into ghost towns by large manufacturing/engineering companies uprooting and doing exactly the same thing? Edit: I always knew LR would do something along these lines because they just can't make defenders quick enough. They sell like hot cakes..
  8. Seems to be lots of conflicting advice here. Garry, if you call what I was told by V8Developments heresay then I guess it was heresay.... With that being said, it appears as though RAVE is stating something different from what I was told as well. It may be then that my engine will not have the compression that I had hoped for I had hoped that I would have slightly higher than 9.75 compression working from the premise that I was starting from 9.75 and then using tin gaskets rather than composites.
  9. Och that's only because your going deaf Steve.....
  10. The arches are definately mounted very high in the wings. Aren't they the same kind as used on the Icelandic "Bigfoot" defenders. I bet those 37" treps are nice and quiet on the road........ Ahem.. Still, they would probably do a good job of drowning out the clatter of the transit diesel engine lol
  11. No I don't think that's correct. I was told that the 4.0 pistons and the 4.6 hi-comp pistons gave 9.75:1 compression. You also have to take into consideration whether tin or composite gaskets are used. Also, 4.6 hi-comp pistons are a little more hard to come by here in uk so I still think the 4.0 Pistons is a more realistic proposition
  12. Great find! Use the 4.0 Pistons and gain some compression..
  13. As stated above the LT230 is man enough. Ashcroft can sort your axles. The weak link is the gearbox. What are you planning for that? A big factor is how you drive it as well. It's amazing how much drive trains will take if driven with a little finesse and mechanical sympathy.. 500hp could break anything if driven badly, eg keeping your foot in it while catching some air etc..
  14. Fair enough. I can see he was on the forum yesterday though.
  15. Think your inbox must be full mate as I've sent you a few PM's... Nige or Steve please delete this after I receive reply..
  16. I believe it was this company. http://www.injectorcleaning.co.uk/index.htm The price has increased a little since I had mine done a few years back but they did provide a very good service with a quick turnaround. Edit: I was happy that I had it done. If I remember correctly 3 or 4 of my 8 were really bad.
  17. Sorry mate I had a look but I seem to have lost the paperwork. Probably lost during a workshop move Only thing I do know was that it was by a company advertising on eBay that had a very good reputation. I will have a look on eBay and if a company rings a bell I will post back..
  18. What's wrong with your standard brakes? Do you have vented discs?
  19. The LR part number is ERR722. However as long as you have a set already, they are cheap to have them professionally reconditioned with new o-rings and caps etc. They then check them for spray pattern and provide you with a flow chart. That's what I did with mine as they were a set bought from eBay and I didn't have a setup for cleaning/checking them.
  20. Cheers Jeff. Thanks for the pics. I used to have a real awkward landlord as well. It appears that you don't have the same bracket as me for the water hoses. That's why I was getting confused
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