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Everything posted by need4speed

  1. Little ends aren't known for going normally. How old is the rocker gear? Have you checked for rocker arm-to-shaft clearance? Haven't heard any rockers that bad but you never know..
  2. Rhoads lifters are renowned for being "ticky" but not THAT ticky.. As suggested, maybe head off time. I don't think the noise sounds "heavy" enough to be bottom end but I've been wrong before....
  3. Actually scratch that. I've just nipped outside and measured I have only 90mm between waterpump and rad core...
  4. Thanks for the measurements Bowie My rad doesn't have a frame but at 100mm thick I should have plenty space to make something suitable.
  5. If you could measure that would be great Especially for thickness so I can see how much room I have between rad and waterpump nose for a mounting bracket that I would need to fabricate..
  6. Fair enough. I guess there's nothing stopping me from getting fans like John referred to but controlling them via the x-fan rather than there own control box?
  7. Stumbled upon a box yesterday that contained an X-fan that I forgot I even had! I really need to set about sorting out all the various boxes I have laying around. Anyway the point is I may as well utilise the damn thing. So I had a quick search on eBay and found http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/151280558436?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Seem pretty good value. There only 80W but should still be ok seeing as I'm using 2 fans.
  8. I used to use paddocks and found them ok but then over time I felt they were getting a little more unreliable. I switched to LR Series and Britcar and they have both been fantastic. In fact 1 time with Britcar I ordered a part about 4pm and it was on my doorstep 9am following morning!
  9. So is the type with the incorporated ecu not suitable? It would suit me better as I have no more room in seatbox due to aux fusebox, split charge relay and other stuff..
  10. I guess I could get away with that Bowie considering I will probably have to make some custom brackets to make it fit properly anyway.
  11. Ive found this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LAND-ROVER-FREELANDER-1-8-RADIATOR-AND-COOLING-FAN-/150959295403?hash=item2325e00bab Doesn't say if it's from aircon vehicle but looks to be same as you describe? Only thing that concerns me is that the control box looks to be where the top hose goes into my v8 rad. Also, did you get my PM about that other business? Cheers
  12. Just a little bump as you suggested John to see if you found your details on this. I'm now at the stage of pondering my best setup for this
  13. I was once caught behind a coach in a traffic jam on the M6 when 3 girls started flashing their t!ts at the cars behind!!!Boy did I get a great show. Sorry for the thread tangent. As you were.........
  14. Firstly welcome to the forum! Secondly if this is your 2nd defender rebuild you should know who the good suppliers are. It's a quick learning curve building one of these things. Trust me I know.. Can't go far wrong with Britcar (NOT Britpart!!!) and LR Series for general parts. As has been said above YRM are very good for hard to find body items. Lastly, pics, pics and more pics please!
  15. Very honest vehicle with a very honest description.. Love this... "Assume for this bidding that nothing works, everything is broken and everything will need replacing. If you're lucky and clever you'll get it running but don't assume anything! " Class!
  16. I think what he means is they can be discharged to a far lower level than 90% of other batteries and still be successfully take a charge. At least I take it that's what he means
  17. Cheapest I've seen just now is about £230..
  18. Never mind all that. Al where did you get the PC1500 for £160?
  19. They may have a sharper cut-off but 2 car lengths away from the vehicle is definately waaaaay to low Richard..
  20. I'm very fortunate to be not too far away from this area. The weather can make or break it more than most parts though... Can vouch for the fish n chips at Portree Were you shepherded by Dolphins on the sea eagle? Edit: Meant to say, if "someone in your party" enjoys a little joint from time to time, nothing chases the midges like it!!
  21. Thanks for the explanation guys. So the LEDs produce heat just in a different way. Therefore when I eventually get them I will make sure I have the bowls that are open at the back.. As you were..
  22. That's pretty interesting Bowie. Just read that through. Still, I haven't heard of these LED headlights failing due to overheating. That doesn't mean to say it's impossible of course
  23. I can't comment on the tuning as mine isn't even bloody running yet, but John did say he was concerned about your duty cycle. And trust me, when it comes to MS if he's concerned, you should be too...
  24. Yes but my point is what heat? If they aren't producing it, where is the heat coming from? Especially as they are right at the front getting all the air flow.. Not being argumentative, just wondering how they could possibly overheat?
  25. Aren't LED lights not only supposed to draw far less current, but as a result of this produce far less heat??
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