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Everything posted by need4speed

  1. Im pretty close to Drumclog. Been there loads of times. Mainly for motocross but there with friends that have defenders. Its quite vast and has plenty to suit beginners and experienced alike. When my 110 is finished its where il be taking it for shakedown. Meant to ask, whereabouts are you Iain?
  2. Sorry Nige Im taking so long to finish mine i forget. I sometimes think my name is Warne.....
  3. How did you get on with the DB37? Like you i had such a horrible time with it, i ended up sourcing crimp type plugs. For belt and braces security i melted a little solder to each crimp before adding the heatshrink. For the life of me though i cant remember where i got the crimp type DB37 connectors, but they do make life easy. The only thing that you must have are GOOD QUALITY crimpers. Cheapos just wont give a professional crimp. I invested in Hozan crimpers as i made a custom vehicle harness so had lots of crimps to do.
  4. Dont try to polish a turd... Put the slightly less turdy engine in and have done with it.....
  5. That would be great James. Give me a shout when it surfaces. No huge rush as ive got loads of other stuff to be doing. Just getting the info/bits together to do it
  6. A touch spendy, but they do look very nice Ross.
  7. 400hp and britpart pads... Nice. very nice......
  8. Looking to do the disco drop arm conversion and HD steering arms on the 110. Ive noticed that price varies wildly between vendors, so curious to hear peoples opinions as to what my shopping list should be for this conversion to give best value for money? Also will this restrict my choice of steering damper at all?
  9. Thanks Al. I will give that a try
  10. Ugghh. Dont say i didnt warn you.. . Still i suppose they look more bling than wipacs.
  11. A friend of mine splashed out on a pair at considerable cost a year or so ago. He has been very disappointed as he couldnt see (sic) any difference compared to his wipacs that were connected via relays...
  12. No. The bloody yellow question mark thing is still there. Bugger it. As long as everything is working it can stay like that. I cant find the SM Bus driver for it. Whatever that does....
  13. Seems to be working fine now. After deleting and reinstalling itunes, it worked after i rebooted the pc. Thanks for your help guys
  14. Cant even get that to save properly. Im getting "Setup Failed 0x800713ec - Asia" Im close to reversing the x type over this laptop.....
  15. Tried all the above. No joy. Attempting to delete and reinstall iTunes. My internet is painfully slow. Any tips on what settings to check on laptop for this? My internet was reasonably fast before i reinstalled my OS
  16. No its definately not because of the XP as my iTunes worked perfectly before i reinstalled it.
  17. Sorry for the completely non landrover related topic. Due to problems with my laptop i decided to reinstall my operating system so i could use my RAVE again. Im a million miles away from being an expert in pc's but have just enough knowledge to be dangerous... My laptop is an old Toshiba Satellite Pro running XP Pro. After i reinstalled the OS a few things wouldnt work (internet, sound etc) but i managed to get things working by installing some drivers. The only thing i cannot get working is my iTunes. Whenever i try to open it i get a couple of messages. 1st one i get is "The procedure entry point ADAdPolicyEngine_DidEnterStation could not be located in the dynamic link library iAdCore.dll." Then i get "iTunes was not installed correctly. Please reinstall iTunes. Error 7 (Windows error 127) Even though i reinstalled iTunes and it confirmed everything was installed correctly. The only thing i have noticed is if i go into Device Manager it shows a Yellow question mark over SM Bus Controller. I have no idea what that is, or what i do about it? I tried doing a system search for a driver but can see nothing referring to SM Bus Controller. Could it be listed as something else? Any help appreciated
  18. Does anyone do kits with brass nuts? The only kits i can find are from volksbolts but they are stainless studs and nuts, which might prove troublesome..
  19. Ive noticed that with Bosch lately. They used to be good but i put a new pair on my gf's honda jazz, and they went hard/juddery within 6 months.. Has anyone tried the new Michelin blades?
  20. Where did that thread go? Im presuming a tad advert-heavy for the mods liking? Not surprised to be honest....
  21. +1 for ETB Instruments. Very helpful guys as well
  22. I presume its noone from this forum then...... Bugger i wish i could remember where i saw that thread.
  23. Id just love to see that rear door uppercut someone if those rams were a bit on the strong side.... Just looking at that swingaway tailgate, it looks as though its actually connected to the opposite side of the crossmember as well as the hinged side when closed. Just as well as it has 2 spares on it too!
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