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Everything posted by need4speed

  1. Yes Frosts are very good. Always posted very quickly to me Very helpful over the phone as well.
  2. Ive found it to be happy either way. However i feel if your using POR15 its most effective if you just remove loose rust and then apply by brush relatively thickly.
  3. POR15 every day of the week. Tough as nails. Cures even tougher in cold, damp conditions. Seriously the stuff is bulletproof. DO NOT get any on your skin. It will be with you for weeks....
  4. Cant comment on rustoleum, but ive had VERY good results in the past with Bonda zinc primer..
  5. I suppose when you look at it like that, they will only appreciate in value once they do stop making them...
  6. In all honesty if i had over 60 grand to spend, it wouldnt be on one of those..
  7. Lol. Are you bothered by the clutter on the td5 neo?
  8. Pffff. I could have knocked that up on the back of a beer mat..... Not! You've been busy there mikey!
  9. Not bothered about the hijack mikey PM PaulMc. He knows every connector known to mankind, and will even help source hard-to-find ones. For instance before Nige started selling them, Paul helped me find a source for brand new EDIS plug and terminals. No-one in the UK did them. In fact i ended up buying from Paul as he brought a load of terminals into the country..
  10. For that money you'd have thought they could maybe have squeezed in a 3.2 5-pot...
  11. Thanks Paul, Mike has sorted me out with a RH harness so will just require the connectors for the LH. Ping me a PM to sort out
  12. Havent got all the bits yet mikey. The Sumitomo 090 connectors are the tricky bit. Cant find them for love nor money. Miketomcat is selling me a drivers side td5 wing harness for me to customize. The other side will be coming off the bay. £20 or so for that. There is an old thread im following that has a shopping list: http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=65264&page=1 Post #6 Cheers
  13. Thats because if they were quality ones, the local pikeys would come and nick them, leaving it on bricks...
  14. Completely agree, and i wouldnt do it. BUT. For the guy in the paper to claim it posed a danger to his kid and friends? Hmmmm. They shouldnt be near it anyway. Maybe the owner had wheels away for refurb or something? Always better up a driveway or garage but maybe the guy didnt have that luxury?
  15. Ah! That explains it. Thanks. I can do it neater than taping it up as im making some custom harnesses so will just delete those wires from the harness connector
  16. Dont go there....... Seriously though, all that "stuff" serves a purpose and is needed. Its not even as if you can relocate much into the seatbox as its already pretty busy in there on a td5.. Maybe someone more up to speed on td5's specifically will help. But my question is ......why? I understand a clean "minimalist" engine bay on a hot rod build, but a defner?
  17. You are absolutely correct. I know in my friends sad case it was all the farmers perimeter fence but i know where your coming from.
  18. So many times bikers get killed because farmers dont maintain their perimeter fences, but the farmers are never held to account. A friend of mine was killed many years ago when he rounded a corner to find a cow standing in the middle of the road looking at him. Even though it was found the cow escaped through a broken fence, the farmer tried to make out he died because he was speeding (which it was proved he wasnt) The 1 time someone accidentally leaves a gate open the farmers are all anti-laners.... Double standards springs to mind.
  19. http://forums.lr4x4.com/uploads/monthly_02_2011/post-26147-0-90778400-1297360829.jpg Regarding the above diagram, where is the existing wires for dip beam LH and full beam LH supposed to go? The diagram shows RH wiring but not LH.
  20. I wondered how long it would be before someone asked that......
  21. In actual fact if the vehicle was insured, taxed and parked legally outside the owners home, wouldnt that make the kids vandals if they were running over it etc?
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