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Everything posted by need4speed

  1. Really? So whats wrong with relayed wipacs? You cant kid a kidder.. Lol
  2. Nige nige nige. I never thought id see the day you turned into a big tart wanting LED headlights...
  3. You are correct, but the 2 times i contacted Tim about them they were out of stock. Also they couldnt supply any with pre-engraved legends. Maybe that situation has changed now but i was happy with Croytec as they dealt with order super fast and had the legends i was after at that time.
  4. Im sorry, but i reckon we should keep bumping this until Fridge can no longer ignore it....
  5. The irony of that comment isnt lost on me I think you hit the nail on the head as to why there comparitively cheap
  6. I know. Rocket switch was far more food for thought...
  7. Awesome. Pm me your paypal details and il sort that out. Top man. Thanks Yep you've got it now Ralphy
  8. No you misunderstand Ralph. Because im fitting tdi wheelboxes into a td5 bulkhead i need a modification whereby i use tdi wheelbox tubes to take up the gap in the larger holes in the td5 bulkhead. I will actually be cutting the tubes off the td5 wheelboxes.
  9. Does anyone have any? Doesnt matter about condition as i will be cutting the tubes off anyway. I know this should be in wanted (and i do have a thread there) but i thought i might be allowed to be a little cheeky for once, as i know a lot of folk dont go onto the wanted section that often. Thanks.
  10. NOOOOOOOOOOOO.. Thanks Mo. Wont sleep tonight now...
  11. That would be an awesome write up for the popular mods section Fridge. Many folk would be interested to know more about that..
  12. Yep. I cant even stand the thought of other folks switches being wrong. Let alone mine..
  13. I made all my gauges the same - vdo vision. Bought them from ETB Instruments. Found them to be very helpful
  14. Depends Ross. Are the legends now upside down as well?
  15. I know what you mean. Then again, thinking about it i probably am a little ocd Some folk said just turn the faces upside down but its not that simple because then the leds are wrong way round. And anyway i couldnt be arsed stripping a dozen brand new switches. Interested to find out what these switches from bolt on bits are, because they have a large selection.
  16. Are these switches "down" for on, or "up" for on? The only supplier i have found so far that can supply the uk-spec down for on is Croytec. I hate the up for on as supplied by devon4x4 or mud uk. It just doesnt feel right..
  17. Yes all very good chaps but what the hell has it got to do with op?
  18. Probably a bad time to suggest the crimp type connectors......
  19. Im pretty close to Drumclog. Been there loads of times. Mainly for motocross but there with friends that have defenders. Its quite vast and has plenty to suit beginners and experienced alike. When my 110 is finished its where il be taking it for shakedown. Meant to ask, whereabouts are you Iain?
  20. Sorry Nige Im taking so long to finish mine i forget. I sometimes think my name is Warne.....
  21. How did you get on with the DB37? Like you i had such a horrible time with it, i ended up sourcing crimp type plugs. For belt and braces security i melted a little solder to each crimp before adding the heatshrink. For the life of me though i cant remember where i got the crimp type DB37 connectors, but they do make life easy. The only thing that you must have are GOOD QUALITY crimpers. Cheapos just wont give a professional crimp. I invested in Hozan crimpers as i made a custom vehicle harness so had lots of crimps to do.
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