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Paul Humphreys

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Posts posted by Paul Humphreys

  1. Welshpool is easy to get to, just as far and as easy as getting home for me if I am returning from the south or east. Just a little more if coming from the north.

    It will be a 20 mins drive for me instead of the 2 hours or more going to other events/shows. Where ever it is held someone will moan "its a long way for me".


  2. Hi Chris,

    TBH I do not know a lot about this as yet, but as I understand it the meetings are that start of the process to gradeing the unsurfaced roads. I only picked up the info yesterday. I think its the thin end of the wedge in mid wales.

    I will try to get some more info, I have sent off an email, I can not make any of the meetings as I will be at work when they start., I hope someone else from CRAG will be going. I also hope someone from the TRF and GLASS will be at some of the meetings.

    The problem starts if noone from the mortorsied groups is there then we will have no voice at the meetings.


  3. There is to be a 'consultation' process jointly between Powys, Carmarthernshire and (led by) Ceredigion.

    "You may be aware that CCW are financing a pilot project in the Cambrian Mountains, that will look at recreational motorised vehicles and assess the sustainability of routes, by assessing a number of cross-cutting issues such as, the type of surface, gradients vegetation, whether or not any of a route passes through a SSSI, ancient monument etc.

    The project has been devised to provide a framework for sustainable motorised vehicular use in the Cambrian Mountains."

    It would appear that UUCRs and BOATs are to be surveyed. There does not seem to be any reference to Exempt RBs.

    Anyone who has a knowlege of lanes in the area, may be able to provide useful information whether they can/wish to attend.

    Any searching questions that should be raised, could possibly be discussed here? This really is a very significant project that may have far reaching effect on use of mpvs in Wales.

    "13th August 2006

    Mrs A Elias

    01545 572106

    AE/Cambrian Mountains

    Dear Sir/Madam

    *Cambrian Mountains** Pilot Project Consultatative Forum*

    Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Powys County Councils are working

    together as part of a pilot project that will involve the commissioning

    of a study to look at the sustainability of routes used by recreational

    motorised vehicles in the Cambrian Mountains.

    As part of this process we want to engage with persons with an interest

    in the area and the use of the routes, in order to allow them to be

    involved in the process.

    Therefore we are holding three Consultatative forum days as follows:

    Tuesday 11th September 2007 5p.m. to 7pm. Llandovery RFC, Church Bank

    Playing Fields, Llandovery, Carmarthenshire.

    Wednesday 12th September 2007 5p.m to 7p.m. Hafod Hotel, Devil's

    Bridge, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion.

    Thursday 13th September 2007 5p.m to 7p.m The Brynafon Country House

    Hotel, South Street, Rhayader, Powys.

    If you able to attend one of these venues, would you please confirm

    which one, in order to assist use in catering for refreshments. This can

    be done by telephoning, writing or email ( annelias@ceredigion.gov.uk


    Yr eiddoch yn gywir/Yours faithfully


    Director of Environmental Services and Housing"

  4. As is the policy of this website, important information concerning it is freely available to all members.

    This evening, member MJG and DEW110CSW were both banned by myself. For too long this webiste has become the drain for any L/R owner (or not) that wants to post any old carp they feel someone may or may not be interested in. The original idea of this site was to provide a home for those of us that have the knowledge (or need of it), from like-minded individuals. Techinical help is what we are here for, and those that contaminate the website with any old drivel has become intolerable. More and more this site has become a second home for those that aren't tolerated on other websites, and allowing them to post freely on here has damaged it. I make no apology for the two members that are banned - they richly deserved it. For those of you that appreciate this site and why it is here, then I'm sure you will understand.


    All I can add is "Well Done" I know that the one of them was banned from 2 other forum in the past for the same thing.


  5. I did the BORDA one a few years ago. Got it cheep off of ebay. TBH its easy and the person "teaching" me was a firearms officer in the police.

    I would not pay the full price for it now I know what it constis of. If you want something like that go for the Lantra one.


  6. Well in the end Idid not run another earth to the stero, Iwill just retune it if the fuse pops. I ran a short wire across the back of the cutoff fitted with a 3amp fuse. I need to get some smaller ones. But I think a 1amp should blow when needed, but stay ok to save the streo settings.


  7. Not sure I see why this is any different as surely both alternator and fuel cut of share a common earth (the engine block)?

    I have just the one earth from the battery to the gear box, done know why, just that way when I got it. So cutting out the earth is easy and it stops/turns all the power off, stoping the engine. I can get it all working as I want it. Just need to do a new earth from the battery to the stero, easy but will just take me some time, I could just reture the stero every time :blink: .


  8. You will either need to isolate the radio fully so it has its own earth (which may be difficult) or put the isolator on the live side with a separate unswitched feed to your radio.

    I did think of putting it in the live line, but this would not kill the engine when turned off. Running an earth to the radio would not be a problem, so that might be the way to go.


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