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Paul Humphreys

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Posts posted by Paul Humphreys

  1. After taking my 110 down to Billing I think its time for a bigger engine. NO I am not getting rid of it before anyone says that. The spec as it stands 200tdi (tuned by Gwyn Lewis), it’s a low mileage one (Defender) and is looked after well. But and there is always a but, it’s mated to 3 speed Auto. So do I change the engine to something bigger (it has to be a used engine , due to cost) or try to fine a 4 speed auto box and do all the work to fit that, with new props?

    I was thinking of a 4.2 diesel out of a Toyota Landcruiser? Is it possible to get a conversion plate to mate to the auto box? Yes I know I could fit the auto box from the Toyota as well, but I think it’s a lot of work, new props as well.

    Any other ideas?


  2. I think it was the weather that killed it. It was a good day today, just that we still had the mud. I went over to the SLRC on the saturday night.

    It went ok for us (CRAG), untill I was leaving and a motorbike rode into me. He said it was my fault and I said not, but anyway, I said I would would swap details for the insurance to sort it out. This is whay he said "Do I look like I have f***ing insurance" So I left him there with a smashed up bike and me with a dented wing.


  3. lets hope crag show a little interest

    Well theres more than one post about it after I copied the post over.

    I do think its a good idea, so do others. CRAG will have a talk about it at Billing as mose of the Exec or CRAG will be there. I will let you know how it goes.


  4. Does anybody know if "the new Mill Services" are making spring lifters again? The website is unchanged since before Richard stopped working.

    Got this back

    "I will be making spring lifters again, ive just commenced the first order of them, although Richard appears to have been a whizz with the electronics as im failing to get the device working properly.

    Simple answer is yes i will be amking them, as well as most of the other items on the website"


  5. apologies for the hijack - Paul does that mean Mill Services are starting production of rock sliders and bumpers again too?

    The person who has taken it over is making them now, but has not advertised the fact. He is starting slowley so he can get them right.


  6. Thanks for that guys, looks like the bottom hose then.

    Luke, I cut the shroud so it fits on where the orignal one fitted and just welded 2 new bolts on the top to old it. I take it you use use the 12v from the fat to a warning light so you know its working?


  7. Ah, i'm no expert but vista is nice to look at but power hungry you'll need at least 1GB of memory, dont know how its performing, there are bound to be glitches

    Needs 2GB but better off with 4gb or more.


  8. I am a member of CRAG, yes it would be a good idea. But you need someone/group/web site to keep all the reports. But in the end my personal view is it will not bring the lanes back. But what we/CRAG are doing is trying to keep open the ones that are left. I know Bob has posted you post ovwr on the CRAG forum for its members to think about. If the idea is taken up/worked on then it may be possible to keep the info on a part of CRAG, for all users.

    I will let you know what is said about it on the CRAG forum.




    Blaenau Ffestiniog Community Centre- Thursday 5th July 2007 - 7.30pm.

    (The Community Centre is adjacent to the Leisure Centre - follow signs on the High Street by the Post Office)

    You, or a delegate representing your organisation, are invited to the inaugural meeting of an alliance whose purpose will be to prevent illegal use in the countryside of recreational off road motorcyclists and four by fours, and reduce their legal use on inappropriate routes in North Wales.

    By joining together like-minded bodies and people throughout North Wales, we can make a difference to tackle this increasing problem in our wonderful landscape. We would be very grateful if you could tell your members aud friends about this meeting and encourage them to attend.

    The inaugural meeting will be addressed by Marina Pugh of The Countryside Council for Wales, and Barbara Jones of Snowdonia National Park Authority, who will give illustrated talks showing the extent of the problems. Then Sergeant Pete Charleston, the North Wales Police Wildlife Officer will tell us what the police can do, and have done, to address illegal off-road activities of motorcyclists and four by four recreational vehicles, followed by PC Dewi Wynne, Community Beat Manager in Blaenau Ffestiniog, who will explain the local initiatives being taken to address the off-roading problem in the Moelwynion. Next there will be an open forum for an exchange of views, and finally a membership list of the Alliance will be opened and a steering group formed to carry forward the work of the Alliance.

    Similar organisations have been set up elsewhere with considerable success. We can learn from their experiences, and tackle together the problems we have here in North Wales. By joining together, we will have a powerful voice which will be able to direct the management of off roading to benefit those who earn their living in the countryside, be it farming or tourism, as well as those who enjoy quiet recreation in the great outdoors.

    Return slip - please fill this in and return to the coordinator of the working group that is arranging this meeting. This present working group is made up of individuals who are members of various organisations, including The Snowdonia Society, The Ramblers' Association, The Council for the Protection of Rural Wales, Save Our Paths, and the British Mountaineering Club. The projected Alliance however, will be independent of these organisations. It will have its own distinctive policies and will, it is hoped, attract a membership drawn from as wide a range of individuals and organisations as possible: landowners, farmers, local residents, amenity groups of all sorts who can join together in what is likely to be a long and tough campaign.

    NWAMOR c/o Snowdonia Society, Ty Hyll, Cape{Curig, Betws yCoed LL240D$- Phone - 01690720287

    Email- policy@snowdonia-societv.org.uk

    I hope to be there, but anyone can go.


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