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Young bobtail Rhys

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Posts posted by Young bobtail Rhys

  1. Open your fuel pump more??? Hiclones are pretty good, but they only realy help engine background. Vortex exhaust box, they will give you quite a bit more, and lighten your pocket :huh: Nitrous oxide? :P The thing is, you will have to go big to keep up with a chipped td5. The td5 chipped will have around 160-170bhp. For you to achieve that, realistically you will need a bigger turbo.


  2. That's a bit OTT.

    There are plenty of people happy with the rough country shocks. I personally think they are underdamped and on this basis I would also recommend the N73 shocks that Gwyn's supplies for his shock mount kits.

    Same amount of travel, but more damping than Rough Country.



    I think I have got a problem with mine though Steve. We have been speaking to gwyn and some shocks are much softer than the others. On the road it doesn't feel connected to road, it floats and when looking at the rear axle it is jumping up and down like there is something wrong. There isn't something wrong, it is just they are ridiculously soft.


  3. Hmmm........x-springs???

    I (personallly) would recommend gwyns dislocation hook cones. They are very well made and work very well. The x-springs tend to push the car over slightly introducing increased body roll, from what I have seen and heard by many.

  4. Yes you ask for a couple or three judges

    and you as the competition starter need to supply a prize.

    end date also.

    It would be a fairer and overall decision to have three judges. As for the prize :unsure: I don't know...............

  5. In one word...........awful. I have them and on the road they bounce, dip, dive etc. Have not tested them properly off road yet, but they do seem to be quite good. I may be making things worst for myself as I also have very soft springs, but I find this setup works better off road.

    Things that work well on road, usually don't work very well off road and visa versa. Mine, is setup like this because it is trailered to sites. If you are doing any road driving, then I would recommend that you spend a little more and purchase the old man emu dampers.

    I assume you are planning to run the gwyn lewis setup?

    HTH :)

  6. It went whilst driving around a corner, not all of a sudden just a build up, and then a lot of the front axle shaking until it decided to stop which I think was the pin slowly starting to sieze and once the shaking stopped the pin had locked the diff so the wheels were just scrubbing and not shaking/vibrating.

  7. Right, pulled the diff to bits and went to take the pin out which runs through the planet and sun wheels, and as you said steve, there is my problem. I can't get it out, as it is stuck in ans ceased solid. Even a big belt with the hammer, and still nothing. Planet and sun wheels still locked. Might try a sledge hammer tomorrow :P

  8. I dont mean to sound defeatest but have you actualy looked at what is out there and how you can improve it?

    So far your entire build seems to be picked from a catalouge?

    I have nothing against 'cheque bookers' or whatever you want to call those people but isnt it a little bit boring? especialy for a vapour build?

    I dont wish to dampen your enthusiasm but maybe try opening the box lid?


    Twin turbo's, nitrous, methanol etc. :P:lol:

  9. I should think the rover v8, but they will deliver the torque differently as the v8 is petrol and normally aspirated and the other is diesel and turbo charged, therefore you will also get turbo lag, whereas a v8 is instant in responce. What rover v8 size are you looking at and would it be carb or injection?

  10. I dont think you will ever get a concensus on here, there is no "we think" - only personal opinion

    anything under 18" wide is skinny :)


    Ok then Iw ill rephrase my question,

    Can I have any opinions on the "very" skinny boggers? i.e, 10.5" wide :P

  11. Poor Jon White posted up re

    "I can only get 3 of my 4 gears" and peeps thought it was an april the 1st

    And the "What have a I done to my diif "thread

    All 3x of these were not wind ups poor sods who posted them :lol:

    Nice to see some honesty and hands up

    For a real laugh Tony and I (White 90) were even PMing each other re the detail of 'ordering' (nut angles etc) ....and sort of nearly caught ourselves out on our own wind up thread (Thanks Jez)

    Its good to have a laugh :)


    And still haven't got to the bottom of it :rolleyes: Going to strip it out and see whats in store

    Nice one Nige, you nearly had me going but I thought it would seem rude to say whether it was a fool or not as I had posted my stupid diff thingy at a silly hour as well :lol:

  12. Couple more......and thats it.

    What you can't see from my purely rubbish pics, is what I can see. And that is a very good diff. They is no grot or anything in there apart from a drop of oil left which is what you are picking up on I think.

    Anyway, it doesn't matter too much what it is as I will replace it with a 24 spline one along with the rest on internals from my other rangie. I just wanted to know really what had happened, as I haven't come across anything like this before.



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