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Everything posted by zim

  1. We use one like in the first post. Bought on usa ebay for about $20. Replaced the bolts that hold it together as they were as strong as chocolate ! It's still working 3 years on G
  2. I tow with a cam'd 4.6 p38 and my fuel economy is appauling ! Down to 7mpg (on lpg) if i'm towing on A roads in hilly terrain ! About 10 on the motorway. I'm seriously considering a new tow truck at the moment. A bit out of your price range but i really like the dodge ram srt 10, but it's only 2wd So looking along the lines of a big diesel ram 2500, f250 etc. G
  3. Trucks are normally 'graded' on : - Diff locks which are not from factory - 1, 2 or more winches - Hydraulic Steering or normal - Rear steering Some events limit your tyre size, i.e. 36". Some events require cages to msa spec. The shape / bodywork doesn't normally put you in a particular class. Gordon
  4. But if you wish to sell the tds after, let me know
  5. Steve, i was aware of your and Nige's position - i feel for you - just didn't want to chat about that on the open forum. The reason i was asking, is i've been trying to phone them to order some stub shafts and not been able to get through. G
  6. I find sealant is easier to clean off next time though. Gaskets are a pita to get off. G
  7. It's got a single phase motor that someone's put on. But the 3 phase motor is also included. I have a big forklift that i can use to offload and get into the workshop, it's loading the other end i'm not sure about ? G
  8. So not too bad for £300. Apparently with loads of other bits n bobs. What sort of weight would it be ? G
  9. Evening, I've been having a problem of breaking the 5 drive flange bolts in my front hubs. The first time it happened i put it down to me being a muppet and not fitting them properly. But when it happened again (this time both wheels) i thought something must be wrong ? And yes, i have the correct flange and bolts. m10 12.9 capheads. It's strange - i've got a problem with the front but the back has been fine. Same flanges and capheads. The only difference is the front has a spacer to allow the Kam shaft to fit properly. I'm putting this down to be the problem So... I now have 10 bolts - the imperial pattern has been drilled out and tapped. The drive flange was too hard to drill, or i'd have done them all as M12. Gordon
  10. No. All 4 have cracks. I'm in contact with paddocks who've sent pictures onto EBC. G
  11. Sean - on the BOSIET, they now use fake smoke as you say in the fire training it used to be real. I did my refresher in february and froze my arse off ! The fireteam member which is a week still use real fire ! Our Halon systems at work have been removed and replaced with water mist systems. G
  12. Morning, In October i fitted some ebc performance discs and greenstuff pads to my 4.6 v8. Well recently i've been getting the good 'ol steering shake, so thought it's time to change them due to a warped disc. I took the pads out, which have not done much mileage, to find that they've got cracks in them Anyone else had issues like this before ? It didn't happen on my previous standard pads and i dont drive any different to then. I do realise it's due to heat build up, but surely they're made for a big car so should be good enough ? G
  13. I just use a normal facet solid state pump.
  14. I sent nige a picture message by phone last week...then forgot to get some more. So thought i'd better get off my lazy butt
  15. http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=68879&st=0&gopid=589642entry589642
  16. Nige, Here are some photo's. Also a load showing the powersteering which you were asking about. This is a 4.6 gems in a p38. Gordon (Excuse the fancy ruler, it's all i had in the glove box LOL) Edit : Oops...they're a bit big. But i'm not shrinking them all and reattaching lol...
  17. You have got the return from the engine going back into the swirl pot haven't you ? My swirl pot works perfectly, i can drain my main tank to totally empty and still have a full swirl pot. I have no restriction from the swirl pot back to the tank. Gordon
  18. Erm.... we slipped coming off that face after the punch was done. James was the lazy git that didn't want to go to the top to put a winch on (winch men huh ! ? ! ? LOL )
  19. As per title please ? Anybody care to guess what it is ? Gordon
  20. My personal advice to you, is go along to an event and watch It'll give you an idea of what happens. Also shows you how other teams work. When you start challenging you don't have time to sit and watch others G
  21. When i find my usb cable, i'll upload a load more photos of my engine G
  22. Any use : http://www.v8forum.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?p=49722&sid=1b1507b742d33eccc3fb3451951832b6 ? I can take a picture of my gems 4.6 p38 tomorrow. G p.s. i'll call you tomorrow
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