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Everything posted by zim

  1. I'd bet that it was bought by a tool man of sorts to sell on. G
  2. We got a pair of peltor's with intercom. Very comfortable, but make sure you get the right size ! Remember - if you'r using it offroad, it's going to get scratched and a bit battered. So don't go too silly on money for this reason. Regards Gordon
  3. Ah, good point. I read spacers and thought body spacers.
  4. Removing the spacers will have no effect on your radius arms. All you're doing is lowering the body. The chassis and axle don't change. Gordon
  5. Nige, you'd rank North over P+P ? I've not used North before, but have found P+P extrememly good and helpful G
  6. Evening, I've see Tunerstudio mentioned a few places on here. So...in "normal person" language, is this an alternative to megatune (which i currently have). I reaslise i could search google about it, but to be honest most of what they're talking about goes straight over my head Any maps saved by megatune, can these be opened by tunerstudio ? Cheers Gordon
  7. It's strong. Takes a while to do as you have to thread everything, then get the ptfe tape on it etc etc. Not as easy to fit as plastic push fit, but i'd break that I can't remember how much a length was, not a lot though. I reckon i spent less than £170 though. The most expensive part were the air line fittings (think i've got about 10 around the workshop). G
  8. Fit spark plugs instead
  9. I went the other way with mine. Bought a pipe threading set and invested in some 1/2" galv pipe and fittings. PCL are what i use and have no complaints Gordon
  10. Contact David at llama4x4. He will make you exactly what you want http://www.llama4x4.com/page7.htm A lot of people on here use him Gordon
  11. Evening, Does anybody know who would have in stock a wide angle prop (but not fully made up) so that i can make it to the length i require ? The awkward part is, it would have to leave tomorrow to be delivered Friday ? Failing that - who keep wide angles in stock ? Giggplepin ? Gwyn ? anybody else ? I'll be cutting it shorter so dont mind an early RRC one. Thanks Gordon
  12. Get some boggers Nige you'll love them. My 37's measure about 35 ish. G p.s. broke a prop yoke with them today
  13. Well.... contrary to the general consensus above, i've gone and got myself an 18ft x 7ft tri axle TT brian james. It's fairly big and not the easiest to manauver around small spaces - but worth the extra load space Towed it back from london (220 miles) empty and it was horrible ! Bounced all the way back which i put down to having small wheels (10") with 55% profile tyres. Today i took my landrover out on it and it was beautiful ! Was as solid as a rock Put a little corsa and it bounced a little, i'd probably prefer to use my BJ AD series for small cars due to the bigger wheels with a bit more "give". G
  14. I've just read your first post again, and i agree with what i said. On the older engines, there was a little tin plate bolted to the top of the rockers - about 5" long, it sat under the breather. In the newer rocker covers, they have the plate made into them. Hence nothing on the rockers. I run early rocker covers on mine due to their shape allowing me to fit my alternator better and have bolted the splash guards onto the rockers. G
  15. Is there space for one more ? How is the 36" tyre rule enforced ? With a tape measure or what it says on the sidewall ? G
  16. Are you on about the plates that stop oil getting thrown into the crank breathers. G
  17. It's unfortunate Neil. I will see you next in November at Slindon. Regards Gordon
  18. 1.66 transfer box for 99p I spend too much on the site !
  19. Yes I was having trouble of it running more than it should (basically it was leaking air out of the cylinder, so my tank was constanly draining !). Swapped the seals out and all been fine It's still working after this
  20. Mine didn't last too long, i replaced them with a couple O rings out of a normal o ring set. G
  21. But...if your gauge is wrong at 90 degrees, it is also wrong at 85 degrees and also wrong at 80 degrees. So running temperature has no effect on your gauge. Secondly - a thermostat doesn't depict the temperature your engine runs at. It decides whether you have water circulate through the radiator or not. Or better put, once up to temperature it *should* be the minimum temp possible. Your radiator will probably only cool it when the fan is running - thus your engine will run at the temperature your fans are set to. If your engine is working hard it'll run at hotter than the stat & fan temp. You could possibly get around this by having fans constantly on or driving on a road at a decent speed (assuming you get air flow through the rad) - but your motor looks like an offroader. G Edit : I'm hope i don't come across like i'm looking for an arguement . I think you've made the right choice getting a new gauge and matching sender. Water temp and oil pressure are your engines lifeline I also have gear and engine oil temps.
  22. The thermostat has no effect on your gauge reading. It just opens to let water through your rad when it reaches X degrees.
  23. For the hassle that's involved i don't think it's worth it. I bet you'd be cheaper to buy a milemarker than chop n change your husky. G
  24. In answer to your thermostat question, i run a 72 (or is it 74??) degree stat. With a couple 4mm holes drilled in it. My engine (cam'd 4.2) sits between 85 - 88 occassionally up to 90, being controlled by the fan(s). Only used offroad. G
  25. Team Idris, i see what you're saying. Basically trying to avoid running a section of the pump dry for too long. Have you thought / do you have the intention of running an accusump as well ? I intend to do so on mine. For the simple fact that when it rolls it doesn't do any damage by lack of lubrication. Might actually give you that little bit more time to self righten if you're lucky. (I run an accusump already on my standard wet sump) Gordon
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