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300tdi fuel injector pump timing

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I'm foolishly rebuilding my 300tdi and came across this issue when I went to put the timing gears and new belt back on. Theres a woodruff key slot in the shaft but not on the flange that goes on it. Am i missing some simple premise here? Because I can't see how I can know where the flange should sit on the shaft without a slot? I do remember reading (after I hurriedly dismantled the engine) that I shouldn't have undone the centre bolt. Well, I did and now i don't know how to time the injector pump. Can anyone offer some advice? I've attached pics so you can see.





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Was the timing pin in the FIP when you removed the hub from the shaft? 

If yes & the shaft has not bee moved then you may get lucky & be able to regit the pin & hub in the same place, 

Only other option is to remove the FIP & take it & the h7b & nut to a Bosch diesel serv8ce agent, so they can reset it for you. 

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There are several other videos about too, all showing the same thing basically - set the pump timing using a dial gauge and lock it off. Introduce the pump, set the engine timing and lock it off with timing pin. Then do up the pulley nut. Then make sure to unlock the pump and the engine. 

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Thanks for the help guys.

 Looking at the video, I noticed he mentioned where the keyway should be pointing roughly when timed correctly. That's where the keyway on mine is pointing, so I'm assuming (even though I didn't consciously do it) I had it at TDC when I took it apart. I just wish I could be sure.  Worst case scenario if I'm wrong?

I'm not sure I understand about using a dial gauge to set the pump timing?

10 hours ago, cackshifter said:

There are several other videos about too, all showing the same thing basically - set the pump timing using a dial gauge and lock it off. Introduce the pump, set the engine timing and lock it off with timing pin. Then do up the pulley nut. Then make sure to unlock the pump and the engine. 


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7 hours ago, Sutek2009 said:

'm not sure I understand about using a dial gauge to set the pump timing?


As the pump rotates, it operates a plunger, pushing it along a fuel filled cylinder building up pressure until it is released up the injector pipe.  The pump 'timing' is setting where along  its path up the cylinder the plunger gets to.  When #1 piston is at tdc, cam is on its timing mark, and pump flange is lined up with timing slot, the injection pump plunger has to have achieved 1.54mm 'lift'.  You measure the lift by removing the screw on cap at the back of the pump, inserting a suitable rod attached to a dial gauge, which is in turn fixed to the pump, rotating pump and turning gauge bezel to zero at the lowest point, rotating pump till you get 1.54mm lift, locking pump and fitting sprocket.  You can pick up dial gauge kits on ebay suited to checking pump lift. 

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22 hours ago, toenden said:


Have a look at this video from "britanica restorations" 


Proper brit engineering chappie from my past memories.

Don't understand why they did away with the key during manufacturing. Surely all the pumps are set the same unless engine or pump is modded?

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