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OT computer question


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Computer at home is shagged (metaphorically of course), computer at works fine.

BUT, i managed to install XP onto the E drive at work whereas my comptuer at home is installed as the C drive.

I need to get info from home computer to work computer so want to plug HDD from home PC into work PC. How do i force my work PC to boot from the correct OS? i knwe how to do it with DOS and 95 but can't work it out on XP.

Any help much appreciated

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Set the "home hdd" as a slave and in the bios, as fridge said tell it to boot from IDE-0, presuming the work hdd is ide-0.

If you find it boots to the wrong drive then change the boot order in the bios and itll boot into the other drive, then copy stuff off :)

One thing though - why would you want XP on an E drive....itll make it seriously confusing/messy forever and ever with ti not being C!

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the problem is that all the HDD are SATA which means you don't set slave/master priority on them anymore- also the BIOS does not allow you to select the HDD boot order- it just allows you to select the boot device type (from a choice of HHD - not hdd 0, HDD 1, HDD 2 etc; CD ROM, RAID, removeable, LAN, and a couple of others that i can't remember)

i installed XP on E by accident after i selected the wrong partition (as it is only 1 physical drive) by accident and i couldn't be bothered to change it!

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I think XP gives you a delay (usually <1sec but you can change it somewhere...) to press F8 to choose boot drives. After that I know nuffink, and my system drive is F: for no good reason (tried persuading it to be C: but it's just not having it, f***ing Microsoft <_< )

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yeah but it needs to boot from E NOT from C, therein lies the problem

As said above, simply select the boot device from the menu and itll boot from the correct drive.

If the problem lie with 2 OS's being on 1 drive you need to write a boot batch file to give you a menu at startup.

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Jim, plug them both in. Whichever one boots take a look in the root dir of the booted sector for a file bootsect,ini (system, readonly text file) or some such (sorry I'm not on xp right now) and also not what drive letter it thinks the other copy of xp is on. You will see an entry for the booted os (XP), just copy this line and alter the drive letter. Now reboot and at the prompt select the drive you wish to boot from.

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