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The worst day's on-roading in a while...


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Since my aquatic adventures a few weeks back (see Woman trouble: advice sought) there's been a whining noise as the car goes along, proportional to the engine speed and George's level of sobriety. I fuelled her up (and then put diesel in the car) but the noise was still there, and was particularly noticeable this morning as I left Bristol for London.

M32: "I'm sure that noise is getting worse"

M4 J18: "Could be the alternator. Could be the water pump. It could be a camshaft bearing"

M4 J17: "I hope it's the alternator, a nice easy swap. But I've got a spare water pump in the car."

M4 J16: "Cor, someone's brakes smell bad. A bit like burning rubber, that. Why's my charge light on?"

[some time later]

M4 J16: <internal monologue> Uh oh, here come the wombles to tell me t... "Yes Officer Bungo, the hazard lights are switched on but I pulled the battery lead off just after the car filled with smoke"

[yet more time later]

M4 J16: <Sigh> "No, don't bother with your winch, it'll drive straight onto your truck so long as you don't overheat it.


My thanks to the eventual heroes of this story,

  • Titcombes Recovery for dragging me back to their yard so I could take the seized alternator off
  • Pete at Christian Autos for supplying the correct part off the shelf - do you trust your vendor enough to give you the right part, first time, every time?
  • Keir (TroddenMasses) for leaving his warm bed to drive around the SW of England chasing after me.

With the help of the above, the total delay was about 2 hours.

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[*]Keir (TroddenMasses) for leaving his warm bed to drive around the SW of England chasing after me.

I was NOT in bed.... Just because I work from home, and wasn't wearing a suit when I turned up, does NOT mean I was still asleep. I was dealing with idiot customers on the phone. It was a nice way of getting away from the phone, actually. Glad everything turned out ok. Pete at Christian Autos really is a star, though...

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isnt that the same bearing number as a 200Tdi power steering pump? seems to ring a bell from when i fixed one.

turbo's car reminds me of an old zook i had. both seem to be allergic to tarmac! could play offroad all day in that zook then it'd break with a 5mile road trip weeks later.

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Hardly! With a job in London, a girlfriend in Bristol and half a house in Manchester, it's lucky if it sees any mud - the TracEdges are beating tarmac miles most weekends. The economics say I ought to get a cheap car but I like the LR and Ken Livingstone says I can only have one resident's parking permit so ...

Good tip on the bearing though Boggy - I thought it was only good for bits but if it's rebuildable then I'll get a bearing and throw it in the shed as a spare.

I'd fished a new belt out of the back and, in a moment of boredom, cut the old one into lengths to zip-tie them to pipes under the bonnet to stop them chafing through eventually. Then Keir arrived with the new alternator and I found the belt I'd carried for 3 years was too long... :D

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Oi - you all leave Fi alone! I only called them wombles to get a bite from Fi - it's always awkward offering people advice because they normally "know better" and her mates correctly suggested that I would be better off with hazard lights on.

The nice thing about this breakdown was that I could pick my spot behind a bridge stanchion, out of harms way. The wire fell off the injector pump on my Discovery in lane 3 once - I managed to get that across three lanes, up a sliproad, left at a roundabout and into a layby on junction 13 of the M5 :)

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you cant be wombles, everyone loved the womble right? no offense Fi

Andy - outside - NOW! ;) Actually you'd be surprised the amount of people that don't have the presence of mind or ability to get to the hard shoulder, and of course there isn't always one!

JB knows I'm mothering him, We have this love / hate thing going on. I love him, he hates it! :lol:

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no offense Fi i just think a lot of the safety nonsense on the roads could be got rid of if they taught most of the retards who use the roads how to think.

i regulary see people who are too dumb to pull over to the left stopped in the middle of the road, my opinion is charge them with dangerous driving or something similar for deliberatly blocking the road. even when a hub locked solid on a zook i once i got it off the road & out the way, its not advanced driving its self preservation.

take the morons off the road & you'd have no traffic jams & hell of a lot less hassle traveling about. but i might be going OT here so i'll shut up.

ps can you put in HUGE LETTERS im not a sodding copper on the back of your work cars? im sick of queues of traffic doing 30-40mph up a motorway cause one of your workmates is looking for something debrie/broken car etc on the hard shoulder (must be they aint got the flashies on) but everyone is too dumb to go round.

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Actually you'd be surprised the amount of people that don't have the presence of mind or ability to get to the hard shoulder, and of course there isn't always one!

Couldn't agree more, some of the mtoring public have no commonsense!

Went to a Saab 9-5 broken down in lane3 of the M6Toll (coil given up).

Now, fair enough, it just cut-out, but he didn't have the forethought to pull over, sometimes it happens.

What was worse, was he mate in a Porsche 996 pulled up behind him to pick him up, to carry on his journey.

They then stood around the back of the Porsche CHATTING!!!! :blink:

They did look at me funny, when I pulled up and didn't cross 3 lanes of traffic to speak to them! :angry:

Fairplay to the HATOs who clossed the lane (within 10 minutes of a call to them) so I could get the muppets off.

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