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Best place to buy steel wheels...


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Anyone know some good places to buy steel wheels from? Specifically looking at 8 spokes in either white or black.

And when I say good place, I mean I'd like some that won't rust. The ones on my Discovery I got from Bronco 4x4 but within 2 months they started to turn organey brown in places so within less than a year I had to repaint them.

But I've seen other 8 spokes which are 10 years + old and have almost no surface rust on them, only problem is we are not exactly sure where they came from.

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Rust on 8 spokes is pretty much standard. They are the lowest common denominator of wheel, bottom of the heap! Mangels ones are better finished than some of the real tat though.

I have found that painting them yourself before they start to go rusty means they last for ages. The problem usually seems to be that the thickness of paint on any of the "sharp edges" (particularly round where the spokes are punched out and around the edge of the rim) is almost zero, so that gets damaged and then the rust sets in and spreads. I used a brush on aluminium paint on my 8 spokes and they still look good a few years later, now relegated to a second set though.

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anyone ever thought of having a set of steels "galved" for that "industrial look" - you could always paint them later

I once got a set of 12inch wheels for a mini project stove-enameled

happy trails


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finding some unpainted ones to buy might be the problem - though I suppose you could strip the paint off a new set

doesn't galvanising cause some distortion though? - might cause a bit of a death wobble :)

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I was thinking about galvanizing, I think the process can cause warping, but the metal used on wheels is pretty thick so I'd be suprised, after all you can galvernize a chassis with no problem.

I've also seen Mach 5 rims zintech (sp?) coated, has a sort of gold appearance, I wonder how much that would cost? Certainly wouldn't be looking at spending loads of money, at £20-30 a rim it would probably just be cheaper to buy new ones every few years.

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