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Do these doors exist?


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Mornin all.

I looking to find some doors for my roofless S2A. What I am after if essentially like Series door bottoms with wind up windows but no door top frame.

Did they ever make a version of door like this?

What are 'Wolf' doors (ok, they are from a Wolf, but...)?

I'm really after a method of running it without windows for 90% of the time, but having them available if I ever find myself driving in Englan... er, the rain. :D

I'll throw a kind of roll-up soft top over the cage, so thats a roof taken care of - I just need some windows!

I though I could chop the top half off a defender door and use that if I need to. Thoughts...?

No equations to worry about here! Ta, Al. :)

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Dunno if Land Rover did roll ups, but Santana do flip-ups on their Anibal...


Sorry... I think that you cannot really see the flip-up window here... Someone's blocking the view!

Other picture, not necesarily better one though! (No one blocking the view)


See it now?


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So who cares about flip up windows anyway! :lol::lol::lol:

Sorry Al, I know that doesn't help you. Just chopping door tops off a wind up door would leave the glass very wobbly I reckon, but maybe to fix up a bracket that the door tops could slot back into, with a screw to fix into place & then a soft pocket on the inside of the door that they could stow in till needed. Sort of same idea as flip out door tops ( like the ones you can't see :D ) but less vulnerable to being bashed & hooked up. I've never seen mention of topless wind up doors, stand to be corrected though.

Cheers, Steve.

Jeez that got a quick response Al, womder why? :lol:

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Yeah, that was the original plan - just to convert the two long bolts on the base of a door top to a quick release system and just stow them somewhere out of the way - (Where?!?). Seems a bit crude and cumbersome though... Bit of a PITA.

So then I thought about getting rid of the top altogether and just having a little flangy on the part of the cage which is where the top of the glass stops.

Problem is, if you secure the glass to the cage, you CAN'T OPEN THE DOOR !!! Not great!

I know on BMWs (I know, I know...) the glass drops a cm or so whern you activate the door release mechanism, so it is held secure when the door is shut, but drops out of its support when the door opens - nice.

I'll keep thinking. More please! Especially piccies!


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I know on BMWs (I know, I know...) the glass drops a cm or so whern you activate the door release mechanism, so it is held secure when the door is shut, but drops out of its support when the door opens - nice.

If you wanted to keep it Land Rover-like, Freelander rear doors do that same thing


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Thanks guys. I've seen the Badger Coachworks ones, but in my opinion (I know, I'm fussy), they look pretty awful. Plus they leave a frame behind, so just what the point is I'm not sure:


I think I'll try to do something with a leccy winding mechanism so that when you open the door, the window pops down a bit out of its support in the cage.

Anyone got a spare defender door I can play with?

Eh - where are the other piccies - come on! B)


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