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Detroit Lockers Problems

help alan

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Anyone have anything to say about detroit lockers.

I have been using one for 5 months and it has exploded and is beyond economical repair, as the replacement parts are so expensive the cost of the repair would be 4 times the price I would pay for the new locker.

It exploded climbing a grass covered hill at a club meeting with 20 plus other landrovers there doing the same thing, unfortunately I was the only one with a detroit locker.

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Anyone have anything to say about detroit lockers.

I have been using one for 5 months and it has exploded and is beyond economical repair, as the replacement parts are so expensive the cost of the repair would be 4 times the price I would pay for the new locker.

It exploded climbing a grass covered hill at a club meeting with 20 plus other landrovers there doing the same thing, unfortunately I was the only one with a detroit locker.

Pinion bearing?.

I have a detroit in my Bob Tail and its been there two years.

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No I bought it off Steve Haworth at Crown Diffs, who installed it in a fully reconditioned diff, I found him very helpfull and good to deal with.

I guess that you will find out just how helpful and good to deal with he really is, now that you have a problem. It must have had a guarantee with it, and if it was new, it must have been for at least 12 months - give him a call and see how quickly they sort your problems out. Please let us all know how it goes, and don't be fobbed off.

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Where did you get it from? These things usually have a 12 month warranty on them.


Your right chris it did come with a 12 month warranty, but they changed the warranty claim procedure after I bought the locker back in May this year, and now the lockers have to be shipped back to the states by the importer, which is only done when there is a full shipment.

They have not done this for the benefit of the customer but to take a better grip of the warranty claims, and as it was obvious from the begining that a major failure had occurred I was not preparred to wait months and months only to end up in a wrangle over who was to blame, when they had the locker over there.

So I asked Steve Haworth at Crown diffs ( where I bought the locker) to strip it and take a look, he has said it was the worst damage he had ever seen, which considering what I was doing when it happened surprised me. I had thought that these locker were bullet proof and designed for off road use, but it failed doing what landrovers do every day, ( i.e climb grass covered slopes) in what were anything but extreme conditions.

Of course the problem is that everyone is naturaly suspicious of the abilities of the driver and it is easy to dismiss this damage as abuse or misuse.

For my part all I can say is that I use the minimum amount of power that is needed for the conditions, and with a locker fitted you do not need to be aggressive, so if this damage was my fault, I can not understand how other Detriot Locker drivers get about off road.

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Were you running standard shafts?

Did they break?

If yes to the first question and no to the second then I think you have an extremely strong case against eithe the chap who built the diff or the supplier of the diff.

I cannot see a standard LR shaft being stronger than a detroit diff.

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No I bought it off Steve Haworth at Crown Diffs, who installed it in a fully reconditioned diff, I found him very helpfull and good to deal with.

Me too. B)

The reason I asked, was the only 2 failures of diffs I've personally seen were both self-installed.

So I assumed it may be down to fitment? Possibly not then?

(one was running 35" Simexs & drives it like he stole it!)..... :rolleyes::lol:

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No I bought it off Steve Haworth at Crown Diffs, who installed it in a fully reconditioned diff, I found him very helpfull and good to deal with.

steve fitted my 2nd hand 24spline detroit in a recon diff for me, very helpful, I've had no trouble what so ever. I've read a few horror stories on warranty claims from detriot though

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Were you running standard shafts?

Did they break?

If yes to the first question and no to the second then I think you have an extremely strong case against eithe the chap who built the diff or the supplier of the diff.

I cannot see a standard LR shaft being stronger than a detroit diff.

Yep I am running standard half shafts, and they did not break, but I am being told that detriot lockers very rarely break and so it must be my fault.

Thats why I decided to post this on the forum and get other off road drivers opinions.

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I cannot see how it can be your fault to be honest. Even if you were abusing the vehicle (and I am not suggesting you were) then I would argue that the weakest link in your drivetrain would be the LR half shafts. That has been proven hundreds of times as they breweak for a past time. As they didn't break I think you can firmly point your finger at the diff being faulty - either through manufacture or assembly.

I think you need to ask crown diffs to put it right as they built it for you. It is either their fault or their supplier's IMHO.

Just stick an open diff in for a while whilst they sort the locker for you.

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Had a locker in the back of my Series 1 (2 1/4 engine) for 8 years now with no problems.

Broken lots of standard halfshaft and on one occasion both rear shafts at once and still had no problems with the diff.

Maybe mine dates back to before the cost cutting?.

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I had mine break after breaking a half shaft. I took it apart, welded up the broken teeth and ground them back into shape, slapped it together and been driving with it since. If it did break without breaking a halfshaft and you don't have huge tyres, then it must be faulty.

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You bought it from a company in the UK, and it is them that you should go back to. If it isn't going to be sorted out immediately, stick a normal diff in there for a while. It really isn't up to you how they sort out their warranties, but the UK law says that it must be sorted out 'Within a reasonable amount of time'. I would suggest that a month should be more than reasonable. Don't get into an argument with anybody - just take it back, get a receipt for it and wait. When it gets to a month, start writing letters. The law is on your side, and is pretty firm about this sort of thing.

DTI website

Sale of goods act

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from the website?!

warranty info.

You haven't a leg to stand on according to this.


Your right, according to the warranty it looks like I made the mistake of using of road, wonder if Detroit make a locker to use off road.

Naa!-- that would mean they would have to make it into a proper locker like ARB and the others so they could warrant it.

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Look at the sale of goods act, you have statutory rights in law and no manufacturer can remove them, whatever they say in their wording. It seems that their disclaimer works for them though as you seem ready to drop it. Not sure if it may even be an offence for a company to make such an assertion, a quick phone call to your local trading standards department will answer your questions and give you the ammunition to tell the trader what you want, why you want it, and why the law says he should give it to you - in a timescale not inconvenient to you.

Remember all the times that the law seems to have been against you? Speeding or parking fines etc.? Well this time it looks like the law is on your side, go on, let it work for you!


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  • 1 year later...

Had mine in about 8 months now. 3.5V8, no fancy tyres, 265 grizzly claws. Ashcroft hardened 24-splines. No problems whatsoever... Including a recent harsh session where I broke all my engine/transfer box mounts in a one-er and the gearstick whacked me on the leg. For my experience, I'd recommend.

I know another guy who's had them, given his vehicle some abuse and rates them. Steve at Crowndiffs supplied mine, and he told me he runs one on his trialler as well, fwiw, with no worries since he fitted it. His was an 86" wheelbase as well, which some people say is too "short" for the DL. I've had no problems with it coming in/out at tight turns either (90" here).

Thumbs-up from me :)


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  • 7 months later...

I still rate mine. With one exception. In the snow/ice, it wants to go straight on a bit. Which makes cornering interesting at the trials sometimes. That's a "feature" of the design however, in that the locker needs traction to unlock and allow the wheels to run as in open-diff mode. Ice on the floor means that doesn't always happen.

Apart from that, still a top bit of kit, IMHO.


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