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Wing Bars....inc North Of Road ones etc

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Have been having a lookie at the North Of Road "Wing Bars".

they also popped up in a Thread earlier here : Wing Bars

And the comments were roughly :

  • Not bad for the money
  • Made maybe a tad down to a price re mountings
  • In a prang would the Bar come into your cab area
  • Do a nice job vs standard wings

Prob agree with all the comments, followuing a half day jet wash and scrapping of the drive I now have a clean again 90 mit mullered wing, looked better when it had the DRDs of Broxhead on 27th and slab on 30th combined :lol:

So, thoughts around wingbarring it maybe, if I do I could make / copy the North Off road ones, or frankly for the money part of me says why bother just buy and modify maybe making the rollcage mounting boltable and add a tad of triangulation there to beef it up safety wise ?

I was wondering - who has 2Wing Bars" anyway, what make - or indeed are they home made, are there any options other than the North Off Road ones ?...if so who and linky ?

If you have wing bars - whatever type - could you maybe post up some pics, and few words as to whose or homemades ?

If you were to make yourown what would you / have you done maybe differently ?



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The front end is Bolted between the wings and to the chassis, the parts to the cage are to be welded (or made boltable), you do use the inner wings a la 90, and arches, but the outer wing doesn't have a full flange (Oooer) just some tags, the arch 2pins" going to the inner wing as per normal.

By the time you add VAT and delivery its around £440, which is a fair wack of money, so the fabbing hat is on and thinking, however I am told the qiality of bends etc is good, the top of both wings have the vent cut outs, but not "Recessed" etc.


Thats why I would like to see who has done what with pics, even ones of a truck that you just have a photo of that you thought "Hmmm that looks nice" B)



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I took the inspiration for mine from the tread in the tech archive HERE. Mine set were fabbed following the same kind of principle as white 90/ JST/ Ciderman. I decided not to go for a replacement wing skin and instead beat the worst of the dents out of my old wing skins and cropped them down to fit the line of the bars. Pics of mine about half way through the thread HERE. They've been brilliant so far with no real problems. The edge of the cut wing skin has folded back slightly on one side after a particularily hard knock with a tree, but there's been no deformation in the structure.

Just got to get the bloody thing running again now :ph34r::ph34r:

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I originally made my own but after 12 months of battering and the headlight supports being loose I decided to get some North offroad ones and gota say very happy with them. They have had some serious abuse and are still as straight as a a straight thing. Also its very easy to get the outer and inner wings off to give a bit more access for work down the sides of the engine etc and way more simple to remove the grill/radiator than std.






I could have made them but I just did not have time. It depends how much spare time you have and how much its worth to you but once id priced steel, ally etc and take your time into consideration they arn't expensive. The bars are also lighter than my previous ones.

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Thank's guys, I take some grief over it's looks, had it called a 4x4 picnic table on occasion.

As a mate is fond of pointing out, that's why Ibexes don't have a single level body panel on the front, so people can't stand cups of tea on them.

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shaun at north made mine to spec cos i've shortened the front of my chassis. i also made the bumper narrower. the wing bars mount directly to the edge of the bumper rather than the chassis, the whole front is now detachable for work on engine etc. as far as strength issues go, its to stop me smashing up wings from rubbing them on things, they are not to take hard hits. despite my rear mounts being different from the standard north way i'm pretty sure if i smacked into something harder than my truck, something would bend. but - lets face it, if i go over really hard, so will the cage.

used it in anger once so far, and am really pleased. i'll try get some pics online.


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