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wireless winch controls


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I only have experience of two - the Lodar 9000 and the Milemarker own-brand one which was half the price which I had before that. I have to say you get what you pay for - the Lodar feels more robust, is water resistant, and is much more predictable in terms of range/certainty, such that I have not had a wired controller plugged in since I put it on which must be about nine months ago - I use the Lodar whether in the vehicle or out at the hook end and it works 100% from 50 metres away whereas the Milemarker one was fine close to the vehicle but often used to get a bit flaky beyond about 20 metres and you had to wave your arms around and hold it in strange positions! I didn't have the MM aerial in the best place - it was behind the front seats - but the Lodar is sealed in the metal seat base which is the worst possible place (inside a metal box and behind a cast iron engine!) and still works perfectly. The Lodar base unit is also waterproof if that matters.

The Lodar has a rolling code of some sort which is supposed to prevent interference between transmitters but I don't know if it works - not many others round here :) - I have no idea about the lesser versions, I think the Milemarker one had a similar idea but no idea on others.

I also like the fact that with the Lodar you can switch it on and off from the remote handset, and if you don't use it for 30 min it goes to sleep automatically so your battery doesn't drain.

I'd go straight for the Lodar if I were you, if you don't but you decide wireless remote is the way to go, I expect you will end up getting one in a year or so, like I did :)

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Despite the low cost, these are actually pretty good.

If you try to use two transmitters at the same time in the same area, generally one will work and the other one wont, depending on which is closer to the receiver. You do not get a situation where the wrong winch opperates.

They all work on the same channel, but are differentiated by the code - much like the remote on your car alarm.

I would go for it!


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I have a cheap one and the dear one on the same vehicle. The only difference so far is I left the cheap one turned on once and the battery went flat.

One good thing about the cheap one is its size, its so small you can keep it hooked on your jacket whearas the dear one is more bulky but robust.

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Whilst I am aware of Lodar's wireless controls and the like, has anyone got any experience of these much cheaper solutions??

they seem too cheap to be much good, and I womder what happens if one controller is close enough to 2 recievers, but thought I would ask...

Mark, Diesel Dave has one for front and another for rear winch on his Green Eagle, probably seen him at Slindon. They work a treat!

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i got one from winch solutions similar to the one in teh ebay advert...works a treat...

and tell you the truth i actually have 3 of them, one on my 110, one on the landcruiser and one on our recovery wagon, and none have let us down yet.


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  • 1 month later...
Guest diesel_jim

Dragging this one up again....

I was in maplins today browsing, like you do, and they've got a load of 2 and 3 channed remote control units, supposidly 70metres range, each channel can be "momentary" or "latched", so it would be ideal for one channel to "activate the remote handset" or maybe to beep the horn? and the other two for in & out.

any reason why these would be pants at operating a winch? onbviously the remote isn't waterproof, which is something i'd have to watch out for, and the reciever box isn't either, but thats no hardship to retrofit into an IP56 box.

they also have some midland CB's, with UK, Euro AND AM selections on it! quite slim and small.... do people still use AM? and are the euro channels very "active"????

thanks all :lol:

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For any superwinch owners, the new superwinch wireless looks to be a neat solution. It gives you in cab controls along with two remotes for $120 (probably be 120 pounds here :rolleyes: ). And for thoses afraid of messing with the wiring it gives a simple install of just plugging into existing solenoid socket.




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