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ultra adventure driving?


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After checking out the quite professional website for ultra adventure driving


me and a friend thought we would check it out so we went to the mid Wales mountain challenge site. Sounds interesting? No

We arrived at 10 and then drove the location of the first field. We followed the guy in charge who was driving a corsa? Me and my friend assumed that his vechle would be at the site waiting for us. No he was going to spend the day on foot hopping in and out of everyone else’s trucks.

At the first field there was a 30m length of river to drive and a bit of mud in the field to drive through. We spent about an hour here getting increasingly bored.

after inspecting the other six vechles attending ( 2 on road tires :angry: , one series v8 that died as soon as it touched the water, 2 disco's on muds, a defender on muds and us) I realised it probably wasn’t going to be the best day out.

The next field had a small brook at the bottom with about 4 places to cross it where only the road tyre people had any difficulties. Another hour wasted.

we then drove to the next field where there was a rocky hill in the middle and a "lake" which wad a puddle about 6-8 inches deep about 12m long and about 3m wide which the road tyre clad shogun drive through.

The next field had a "bog section" which was a churned up area at the bottom of the field which was only difficult as you had to exit via a grassy bank that was wet and provided no grip. the bog section was about 2m long and had no where to go just in via a steep bank 90 degree turn and exit via the grassy bank.

all in all the heart never got going there was about 30 minuets of the 5 hour day attempting new things and I was only suck once in the bog section trying to get up the grassy bank. We left early displeased. The only saving factor was that the guy in charge promised a video that he will post to me at some point.

Perhaps I just went on a bad day for them but it seemed like we were just driving on a farmer’s field with no particularly interesting challenges and not much to do. If anyone has experience to contradict this please let me know because I have only attended a few pay and play days and this was the worst by a country mile.

Ultra adventure driving?

Ultra (you fill the blank) driving

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thanks i did have a look at your website and the site looks like its what i'm looking for but its a friends birthday on saturday so an early start is probabily out of the question but thanks all the same. i'll keep an eye on your site and if there is an event when i will be not so hung over/drunk i will drop you a line.

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"No he was going to spend the day on foot hopping in and out of everyone else’s trucks."

I know of couple of "off road” companies offering similar deal - not just in the UK but abroad too - what a cheek

Charge you for the privilege to have them in your own vehicle - what a lot of carp

After while you discover that it saves them a fortune in vehicle repair, travel costs......yay

Not surprised really when they let slip by that they are making profit from day one

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I have been greenlaning with him before, had a great (long) day out on some amazing lanes but I cant comment on the site because I have never been there, he had his green 110 when we went laning, i remember him being a really nice bloke who couldn't do enough for you, that was 3 years ago though,


btw he sent me my video a couple of weeks later

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His ones you would enjoy and find challenging. They're also cheaper too ;)


Seconded Steve comments above,, Just the right mixture of challenging surfaces etc, and easy stuff to drive

Must have done 7 or 8 at least, of JST's DRD now, shame the next 2 clash with Horsey things :(

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Well you won't be the first to moan afterwards its a case of pay your money and find out, but I know excatly what you mean, little or no value for money. Turn up in some c***** small field, watch a few get stuck, might get stuck once yourself, day wasted hanging around, wow !. Been there done that, in fact some of us at the end (mid afternoon) got so P**** off went off laning instead and all agreed enjoyed that far more at no cost some 8 hours later (mid night) than the morning waste of time effort and money.

As for the site where was it ? and how much did you pay ? Often find if enough of you get together and go back it will be a faction of the price direct to the farmer and he throws in camping as well. Up to you to sort your own stuff out, far more fun.

very few pay day sites would reckon any good in north or mid wales, toms is one, couple up north.

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thanks for that its just a shame that you have to fork out to find out. i went to one of the j33p events at clyro about 2 weeks ago and that was pritty sweet but this has knocked my confidence. i said to my friend, if this was my first experience of offroading i would have probabily sold the landy.

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thanks for that its just a shame that you have to fork out to find out. i went to one of the j33p events at clyro about 2 weeks ago and that was pritty sweet but this has knocked my confidence. i said to my friend, if this was my first experience of offroading i would have probabily sold the landy.

Well, come out laneing then?


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I know the site steep one with a camp field at the top, very cold in an exposed east wind but still a cracking site.

Ultra- we I think paid £20, but where a bit miss-led we assumed it was a nice big quarry which used to be a cracking trail site, done a few trails there myself. We met there but went somewhere else, big let down, I've had more fun in a public beach car park on a sunday afternoon :lol: for FREE.

Nought to do with ultra, but I've meet a bloke to paid £120 per day for following a chap on a couple of greenlanes, :lol: he sent me the MM cor-ords done them all since xmas for again FREE, haven't told him yet should I ?

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