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HELP!! what to do?!


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I am changing the front crank seal and the timing case seal. Where did you get the keys from?? And then I will put a new key in with some chemical metal, any recoomendations on what is best. Am just fiddling on other jobs, cleaning bits up for new gaskets while I wait from replies.



I got them from here : David Vincent Part no is AM235770.

I got them posted to Malta so it shouldnt be a problem for you...

You could fix the shaft with chem metal, but make sure you tighten the bolt and give it a good helping of studlock


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Right. I went to the local Land rover independent and they had the Keys in stock. So have set about puttin g it back together. I replaced both Keys as it turned out the one most inner to the engine had warn as was thinner and hence the timing was moving all over the show. But the keyway was undamaged luckily.

So new keys and new bottom pulley on. it is all on and a nice tight fit, requireing land rover tool no.1 to tap it into place.

Only dilema I have is now do I use chemical metal to fill the small bit of damage to the crank, and risk the bottom pulley becoming stuck to the crank for every making further maintainence hard as Jim has shown.

or go for the simple option of leaving it as it is and doing the crank bolt up to F***ing tight and with thread lock.

I am replacing the Pulley damper as this is badly damaged and want everything done properly so another £40 to the overall cost was worth it, but I have to wait for it to arrive on wednesday. But can hopefully set timing and do everything else while I wait.

Opinions please!




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You may have a bit of trouble getting it off in the future, but luckily the pinion is of much softer metal. This one was eventually got off without any damage:

Yes, amazing as it may seem, nothing was damaged as the crank pulley is obviously softer than te crank.

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I would fill the holes wilth Chemical metal or similar substance. I used Araldite when I did this repair on my old engine.

Almost 2-years after I did the repair it was still fine and I had to use a lot of heat (not as much as Jim), to get it off.


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Never had to do a crank keyway, but have used chemical metal to rebuild a thread on a casing by putting a thin smear of vasaline on the bolt and then screwing it in the chemical metal. When the metal was dry I then unbolted the bolt and had a thread left that was strong enough to use.

You could do the same with the key to get the key hole the correct size before bolting it up.

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Have put some chemical metal in the keyway and fitted the cam belt and hopefully set the timing correctly. All I have left to do now it put the new pulley on tomorrow when it arrives reattach the alternator and power steering pump and hope it all runs correctly.

Thanks for all of your help, I would not have known where to begin or what to do without this forum. So a big thumbs up from me.



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