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An insurance cover question


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Morning all.

I wonder if the panel might know the answer to this one??

The wife has my Discovery insured Fully Comp with bells and whistles. With this cover comes the ability to drive other vehicles (with the owners permission) and still be covered for 3rd party damage.

Is this still the case if the other vehicle (my 90) is owned within the same immediate family unit?? I have asked my insurance company and they were a little puzzled at my question - mostly because they could add her to my policy for an extra £35 :blink: - but they couldn't answer it and have gone away to find out...

Any clues??



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From the age of 30 I have always had a second person on my insurance as a named driver (Girlfriend/father/wife).

This has always brought my premium down :rolleyes:

And that's with full no claims, no convictions etc...

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I already have a second named driver on the 90s insurance, but it's my usual co-driver. The Ins co want a £35 admin charge to add another or replace the existing one...

Tight as I am, I don't really want to do this as it's not likely that the wife will drive it after this weekend and if it's already covered by paying her insurance, why should I?!!!

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my understanding is that if your 90 is insured and road legal then she can drive it with your permission on her policy with Third party cover as can anyone else who has their own policy with the same addition and your permission.

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my understanding is that if your 90 is insured and road legal then she can drive it with your permission on her policy with Third party cover as can anyone else who has their own policy with the same addition and your permission.

Yep, that's how I understand it as well, better be as I drive my brother's car around from time to time!

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Your policy will probably have something in the small print which states that the third party cover on other vehicles EXCLUDES those owed by your partner or spouse... Otherwise you could insure yourself on a 1L metro and then drive your wifes Ferrari on your Metro policy...

Check the small print carefully...

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I'm with Direct Line and they didn't have a problem with me driving my Dad's Discovery on my driving other cars cover. They said that it was fine as long as it was in emergency situations and not as my regular drive. However, you will have no help or support from either insurance company's legal protection should you be involved in an accident where it wasn't your fault. You will have to fight your own battle to prove it was the other party's fault.

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Not Adrian Flux by any chance??

No, not this time, but I've been had by them before!! Never again!! £35 to renew the temporary cover for a courtesy car every week for 4 weeks!! I eventually (3 months later) got to claim it all back against the other insurance company involved in the claim, but it hurt the bank balance at the time...

I have had the explanation of the fee: The actual insurance company charge £25 for an amendment and the broker add £10 to cover their time and admin charges!!! £10 I can cope with, but a total of £35 :blink:

I'll give them a buzz in the morning and try to get an answer out of them as they haven't bothered to get back to me!!

You understand, of course, I'll get SWMBO covered and she'll have one drive and never again!! :rolleyes:

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You never know she may become smitten by it. We'll have a good go at converting her to the cause. If not we'll just get drunk everynight this weekend ;) . Beer cellar is stocked

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