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dropping gearbox cross memeber tips

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Well, it seems that to remove the front section of the exhaust on a TD5 you have to remove the gearbox cross member first :rolleyes:

What tips do you have for spreading the chassis legs apart enough to drop out the cross member? I tried a Hi-Lift but not being able to put the 90 on a lift I couldn't get enough of an angle to open handle out far enough.



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I use a scissor jack and two blocks of wood. One on the chassis. The other between the jack and the wood on the chassis.

Jap cars supply nice scissor jacks.

I've just realised why you need to remove the crossmember.


Try jacking the RIGHT side of the chassis up. I had to use my Hi-Lift.

The exhaust might come out. It certainly does on the 300Tdi. Worth a shot I think.


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bottle jack, doesnt help the oil though!! but works (or did on mine)

what you doing to it now?

yep whack it with a hammer and itl come out, eventually.

i cant comment on getting it back in again cos when i put mine back in it was a replacement part brand new from paddocks, but it slid straight in?! :blink::unsure:

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bottle jack, doesnt help the oil though!! but works (or did on mine)

what you doing to it now?

centre exhaust needed replacing for MOT due to this..


While I was doing this I thought it would be good to change out front section for decat down pipe ;) Cheaper as a pair you see ;)

I did smack it, but it didn't move 1mm. So I thought I'd stick a jack underneath it to get it to move and see if it would free it up. It just lifted the 90 and again didn't move at all. Made putting the bolts back in an easy job though! ;)

Cheers, looks like I'll have to try and get a jack in there somehow. Tried bottle jack with some wood but couldn't get it straight enough.


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I've just realised why you need to remove the crossmember.


Try jacking the RIGHT side of the chassis up. I had to use my Hi-Lift.

The exhaust might come out. It certainly does on the 300Tdi. Worth a shot I think.


TDi must be different, no amount of jacking the rights side will help. Cross member needs to come out.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I bought one of these a few years ago.

Had to get a cross member out from a galvanised chassis that had been sent to be treated (by a well known V8 engine repair company) with the cross member in. No amount of hammering would get it out, but with the chassis spread a little and a large hammer it came out.

Used it ever since and takes about 30 seconds to get gearbox cross member out (does not matter how corroded it is) and also is a doddle to line up again.

perhaps eblag might have one on the go

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