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I need some help finding a GPS solution

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I am currently looking at some sort of system that I can have permanently wired into the vehicle, with regards to GPS & UK/European mapping solutions.

I dont want to have my laptop in there, and looking through other threads, I quite like the idea of a setup along the lines of a PDA & a handheld GPS unit.

.....however, I dont understand computer stuff very well, and I got a bit lost mainly due to everything being abbreviated so that only IT types can follow!

So, what should I be looking for in a potential system? (please explain VERY slowly & clearly!!)

I have seen copies of Memory Map at outdoor stores, and understand that there are several similiar software applications, but have not used anything like them yet.

My main purpose for wanting this sort of thing, is that I am off to the Pyrenees next month, and have got details of off road tracks, that requires GPS waypoints etc. I would also like to be able to use it for similiar purposes in the UK.

I do NOT want a little Sat-Nav type system that can get me from door to door in the UK; but something that I could find a point, and relate that to an actual 2D map.

All help, advice & recommendations greatly apprecited.


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I do alot of walking and have a handheld garmin gps system that uses co-ordinates etc and then guides you on a 2d map which you van get extra maps for or with a compass arrow pointing to where it is.

I have thisone and it is very realiable and accurate. Not very expensive either.


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Hi Martin,,

Did some of the Pyrenees last year,, you will struggle to find a electronic map that will cover the tracks etc down their,, we did !!

Only way is a held held GPS unit, Garmin etc, than will give a Lat & Long, and work this back to a paper map, when/If you can find one with a large enough scale,,

A few of the tracks are marked on the likes of Tom-Tom Europe etc

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Hi Martin,,

Did some of the Pyrenees last year,, you will struggle to find a electronic map that will cover the tracks etc down their,, we did !!

Only way is a held held GPS unit, Garmin etc, than will give a Lat & Long, and work this back to a paper map, when/If you can find one with a large enough scale,,

A few of the tracks are marked on the likes of Tom-Tom Europe etc

Got a spare paper map then Tim? ;)

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Hi Martin,,

Did some of the Pyrenees last year,, you will struggle to find a electronic map that will cover the tracks etc down their,, we did !!

IGN 1:25k cover all of the French side ................... available on CD from IGN .................I have a good few that have successfully been converted to MM5



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Did some of the Pyrenees last year,, you will struggle to find a electronic map that will cover the tracks etc down their,, we did !!

I know you did!! I understand you used a roadbook??

This trip is not the sole reason I want to get a system up & running, I have thought about it for awhile now. I dont need something SPECIFIC to the Pyrenees...just something that help me find a specific point there perhaps?

For example, If I know I am at point blah blah degrees & so many minutes.....what does that look like in 2D map? Or how do I get from that point to the next waypoint etc.

Geez, it would probably help you guys more if I knew what I was on about a bit better!


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Tempted to take the laptop with MM4 on it. Unless I can get a copy of MM5 to borrow and put on there.

If I was to take the laptop what size inverter would I need to be safe or can you get a power lead that runs off the cig lighter socket?

I see Puggy is watching this ;) ;)

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Map here somewhere,, but not a very large scale :(

Beside,, had a little help with this


This isn't helping!!

As the missus wont be there to navigate for me, and I will be alone.......I want something that I dont have to resort to paper map all the time, hence electronic.

As for having "a little help from this".......what is this???!! I want to know what does what & how. Please explain SLOOOOWWLLYYY.

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IGN 1:25k cover all of the French side ................... available on CD from IGN .................I have a good few that have successfully been converted to MM5




Do you have a spare copy I could borrow for a couple of weeks. I'll return them when I get back ;)

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In an Ideal world what you want is a Garmin 60CSX

In a Perfect world you want one of these http://www.gpsreview.net/delorme-earthmate-gps-pn-20/

However we don't live in a perfect or ideal world and they are a tadge on the pricey side. Option 2 will run the various European Topo software

I would suggest the following:

For 'out of the vehicle experiences an eTrek by our friends at Garmin - this will work nicely as an aerial for your laptop if required and is excellent for those simple on the feet/bike easy waypoint navigation times, It's simple and has few buttons so can be operated by a woman or a bloke over 40.

I have both a Navman and an iPAQ which both run MM5. The iPAQ is better and easier to use. I have a powered GPS aerial for vehicle use and an iPAQ jacket for out of the vehicle, Niether of these options need a GPS to work they are stand alone units.

I store maps in a GoBook (same as Jez's in Mouse), this runs MM5 and Autoroute and has a Microsoft GPS aerial but is often linked up to my eTrek.

I would suggest that OziExplorer is more adaptable than Mmemory Map 5, but I no longer have a copy of it and my source has been too busy having holidays and such to remember he offered me another copy :P

Feel free to PM me for a phone number to chat through anything

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As a low cost solution, I have tweaked a few of the in-car navigator units to run OziExplorer. Ozi is similar to Memory Map, but without the benefit of simply buying maps - it works with scanned paper maps, or converted digital maps.

The upside is that you get the same functionality as the PDA route, but in one box with the GPS, and at a lower cost (recently 'did' a £60 Becker unit from Tesco).

The downside is you don't get the nice 'one gloved hand' interface that most handheld GPS offer.

Most (but not all) PDAs have a low screen resolution (320x240 is typical) so you don't get to see much of the map at one time. Best used as an aid to a paper map, and/or as an indicator of distance/bearing to next waypoint. Higher resolution units are available, but theres a limit to how much useful info you can visibly show on a 4" screen.

It's not as difficult to set up as it sounds, if you find a unit where someone else has already trodden the path for you. Have a poke around the forums at gpspassion.com if you are interested. Could take some example pics for you if you want.


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OziExplorer has just hit V2 on CE. It is a MAJOR revamp of the software on CE and I have to say that it could be THE tool for off roading.

I've used Ozi for about 4 years now and always liked it, but the new v2 interface is completely customisable and has so many bells and whistles, for the price it is OUTSTANDING (IMHO).

I did give someone (freeagent?) complete maps of the Spain and Pyrenees about 2 years ago, I probably have a backup on disk somewhere, but my trip to Spain is off forever now, so I removed them from my main machine.

If you search for EMAPS on file sharing networks you may find ozi maps for the areas you are interested in, I've usually done pretty well.

HH and BBC - the software is only $85 AUD... well I guess you need a copy of the PC version too, so all in about $150 AUD ? still pretty good.

Sorry, geeky moment, just v impressed by the latest version I've been playing with today.

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