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Noisy Tailgate


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My tailgate seems to rattle very noisely, does anyone else experience this? Could it be down to a seal that has gone, or do all discovery tailgate doors rattle? Or is my door about to fall off???

Any suggestions would as every be greatly appreciated!


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Try adjusting the plastic wedge above the locking bit......both parts can be adjusted on the door and frame......if its badly worn you might need to fit a new one.

Also, give the wedge a little squirt of WD40 or a drop of light oil and the creaking you often hear will become a glide that you can't hear!


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there is quite a lot of room for adjustment on the disco taildoor - both at the lock side, mine usually ratttled against the striker plate type guide when it dropped more on the hinges. You can also adjust the hinge bolts a lil if i remember correctly but be ooooohh so careful when tightening them up cause it truly sucks when you snap one (much laughter from helper at that point).

Oh and lots of patience cause once you start messing with them - it seems to take an age to get it right if you are as equally cursed as me.

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Could be that the door seal has gone flat, so allowing the door to rattle against the lock striker plate have a look at this and adjust the plate before undoing hinges as u could upset the whole alignment of the door, the door is heavy.

Also something loose within the door, speakers if u have them or the door lock itself loose so if u are unsure of the location of the rattle drive around with someone in the back.

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Could be that the door seal has gone flat, so allowing the door to rattle against the lock striker plate have a look at this and adjust the plate before undoing hinges as u could upset the whole alignment of the door, the door is heavy.

Also something loose within the door, speakers if u have them or the door lock itself loose so if u are unsure of the location of the rattle drive around with someone in the back.

i had this problem adjusted lock and the black piece and sprayed all the seal with silicone spray no noise now it didnt help when the kids keep slaming it chris

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It's also work checking the screws that hold the door latch in place - there are two - they work loose, and sometimes just need tightening up. On my second go of doing this I added a bit of threadlock as well, and they have been fine since. Be careful thought, as it is relativly easy to strip the thread in the latch...



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Instead of just changing the wedge, get a whole new assembly for a Freelander - all plastic but has two rubber guide wheels and really holds the door in place. There was a LR Tech Note somewhere that recommended this and it works a treat. From memory, you also need to change the screws.

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