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Northern Winch Challenge Series

alan kemp

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There were a couple of punches at Tong that we thought we would have to winch, but we drove with no trouble... you could see that the punch had been set out like it'd be a bitch... but it is very difficult to judge the ground without either driving it or diving in...

Soooo... all I'm saying is that I could tell that the organisers had laid to course out to be challenging... but the ground wasn't half as bad to drive as it looked once you were in/on it... I don't think it was intentional...

I hope that made a little sense at least?

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There were a couple of punches at Tong that we thought we would have to winch, but we drove with no trouble... you could see that the punch had been set out like it'd be a bitch... but it is very difficult to judge the ground without either driving it or diving in...

Soooo... all I'm saying is that I could tell that the organisers had laid to course out to be challenging... but the ground wasn't half as bad to drive as it looked once you were in/on it... I don't think it was intentional...

I hope that made a little sense at least?

Made sense to me.

I underestimated the driveability of some of the competitors and the ground comnditions just got dryer through out the day something I had not anticipated so the later in the day the more that got drove.

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Adding my vote of interest in a northern series. I wouldn't be able to make all of the rounds because of my job, but I'm definately interested in a series that I can afford to dedicate one full day per comp to rather than adding an extra half a day dragging a trailer up and down the UK. There's the benefit of fuel saving too.

Got to get the new engine in the truck first though :ph34r:

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Divster, me old bog basher,

It only took Land Rover 30 mins to build what was the base for your truck and so far its taken you a year to think about changing just the engine,

come on son we're missing you, get a move on and lets see you do some local comps,

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Adding my vote of interest in a northern series. I wouldn't be able to make all of the rounds because of my job, but I'm definately interested in a series that I can afford to dedicate one full day per comp to rather than adding an extra half a day dragging a trailer up and down the UK. There's the benefit of fuel saving too.

Got to get the new engine in the truck first though :ph34r:

Bl**dy hell :o ....... you still with us :P

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I reckon he has forgotten how to drive or lost his bottle.


Divster, me old bog basher,

It only took Land Rover 30 mins to build what was the base for your truck and so far its taken you a year to think about changing just the engine,

come on son we're missing you, get a move on and lets see you do some local comps,

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