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Llama 4x4


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Spoke to David at Llama4x4 today and what a thoroughly nice chap he is.

Had nice chat about suspension and Land Rovers in general and even got around to actual buying a 11" suspension kit once we stopped yacking :P

So a big thanks to David and if anyone is thinking of getting a suspension kit I would recommend him on the service alone, and judging by all the thumbs up on this forum for his kit I am sure I will be extremely happy with my new boingy bits

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I bought my front damper turrets fom Dave at Billing a few years back after a very long conversation about suspension theory on the phone the week before ;)

Its nice to deal with someone who you feel is in business doing something they are enthusiastic about rather than just after your cash.

Will :)

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It was indeed refreshing to purchase something from someone who clearly loves what he does.

Whilst most of the companies I have used are friendly and efficient they are normally a very sanitised transactional service "what you want" "here you go" "have a nice day", I like a bit of a gossip and I think that is a massive part of Land Rover ownership

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  • 8 years later...

I'd just like to echo the above and say what an excellent fellow David is to deal with. I had a (long) 'phone chat with him about what I was trying to do (full length braided brake and clutch lines) and how best to achieve it, and he quoted me a price far lower than any of the opposition. I also found it extremely helpful being able to talk to someone who a) cared and b) knew what the hell he was talking about. When David suggested various things I hadn't thought of, they were all very practical and worthwhile ideas. I spent some 25 years working in the motor racing industry, so it was great being able to talk things through in such a way. Everything not only turned up as promised, but fitted first time out - highly recommended!

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