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God damn parking.....


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Just got into a nice confrontation with a couple of school run bad parkers on the street, one in a new beemer the other in a disco :o

My street is a narrowish road with terraced houses all the way down with the rear entrance of a school at one end of a terrace row. 3pm The whole school run crowd shows up, one child per car and its absolutely mad trying to get anywhere near the street. Unfortunately 3pm is about the time i usually get home after finishing my shift so i have to contend with the poor driving before i can get some sleep. Gets home today to join the queue, disco pulls in and parks in the space of two cars - you could have got 2 disco's in the same space. Beemer infront of the disco seems to be manouvring about so i pull along side and ask if he's pulling out? Confused "no" from the driver so i continue down the road and end up parking on the main road walk home and resign myself to waiting for the school traffic to clear.

Half hour later the driver of the disco returns and i go out onto the the street and enquire as to if he's leaving? he replies no he's waiting to pick up the kid from football practice,

"can you reverse up a few meters so i can get inbetween you and the beemer?" i says

"I can't reverse any further back, i wont be able to get out" he says

"you must be joking you've got a space 3m infront and behind, we could get another car in and u'l still get out" i says

Confused look returned.

"I drive a series 3 with no power steering that drives like a tank and i wouldnt need as much free space to park" (trying to appeal to his Land Rover sensibility!)

More glazed looks.

He walks off back in the direction of the school and i go back in. Half an hour later he drives off to be replaced by a woman in a 306 still taking up undue space but leaving me a gap enough to shunt in my Saxo. I sprint up the road glancing in the direction of the school and catch sight of the beemer driver who's stood at the school gates. Jump into the car, round the corner to find.....

.....the beamer driver reversing his car to take up both his original space + the room behind!

He gets out and glares at me before turning back towards the school.

I get out and shout "now then mate, whats the crack?"

he says " i new you were going to try and get in there i don't want you damaging my car"

i says "if you had left your car there i could have got in easily especially if i ask the woman in the 306 to move up a meter"

he replies "don't be stupid find another place to park"

i reply "I live on here, Ive just finished my shift, i just want to park up and go to bed"

he replies "no chance"

At this point I left the car and walked upto the woman in the 306 and politely asked her if she could move her car up she answers yes and shunts it forward anothe meter (he takes a step back thinking its fisticuffs).

Whilst he's stood there i reverse parallel into the space thats been left in one move leaving everybody space.

Get out and walk in his direction (also towards my house) he changes his tune.

"Sorry fella i just don't want my car damaged it must be bad living on here, the school warns us its bad parking"

i reply, "i have this problem every day and don't like falling out, but in general parents parking is attrocious!"

he replies "yes i know, did you see the discovery parked up behind me"! :blink:

Ive come to the conclusion that school runners on our street either overestimate the size of their car or are simply too antisocial to consider others!

Never mind - same time tomorrow then! :P

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There really is a big issue with School runs and parking, I don't ever rember it being like it outside school when I was a kid - yes I am an old fart. :lol:

My two observations on this are it is blindingly obvious when the kids are off around where I live as I can literally get to work in half the time (I have to pass at least three schools and one Sixth Form College) and outside of all of them it is a regular bad parking fest that includes some of the bus/coach drivers who join in the fight. :angry::angry::angry:

The best bit is as I drive past the local comp. in the town where I work (Lawrence Jackson Comp. in Guisborough) I can see cars with kids in waiting to pull out of the estate which is virtually opposite the school entrance. None of the houses can be more than a mile from the school.

Invariably it is a new Discovery/Rangie or Merc/BMW (it's a 'nice' estate) and it is mum at the wheel. They pull out the estate across the road and then drop the kids off. Now whilst they may very well be dropping the kids off on the way to work the very act of parking (loose description) causes havoc, particularly as there is nowhere to park except the bus stop so the bus gets stuck on the road due to the idiots clogging up the bay. If they just allowed the kids to walk the 1/4 of a mile to a mile to school and they drove straight past the school on the way to work there wouldn't be half the problems - "now come on sweetie let mummy drop you off at school or you might scuff your nice new designer trainers"

The only time it stops is when the council have a blitz and place the local 'pretend plods' on ticket issuing duty but of course they strut about in their hi viz jackets/peaked caps and no body does it, when what they should do is mount some form of covert observation backed up with photographs, that might stop it!!!!!

Sorry rant over I've had a bad day today alright!!!! :angry:

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Somthing like this should do the trick



Roger, that might be quite entertaining! Could turn this carp situation into a new form of amusement! I also like the Tank idea, i always quite fancied one of those APC things that are always advertised in the back of the landie mags!

Whilst i'm on the subject, the residents on the street arn't much better, I own a Saxo and before i took it apart (many moons ago) i also own a lightweight, my ex also used to have a a polo. I used to leave the Landie at my dads on a less congested street as i though having 3 cars and only 2 drivers parked up was inconsiderate! But its astounding how many cars per family peole have including works vehicles - and they must park slap bang precicely outside their house! bugger the fact that they are taking up 2 spaces. My situation earlier led me to park across the street and 4 houses up which i don't mind doing as long as my cars not blocking the traffic out on the main road.

At the moment its like white van city, there are on average 4 x long wheelbase transit / merc vans whic are braught home along side their normal car and usually parked like a wall infront of my living room (never the offenders own houses!). Its like having an advertising board blocking your window. I'm sure i'm going mad - i keep getting urges to go out and rent "Arnold Clarke" and "Enterprise rent a van" vehicles! Although ive been tempted to buy a £300 scrap heap and have it signwritten with something amusing/vulgar and park it outside the offenders houses :P I could buy a box van and some ramps and use it to store the saxo in though whilst parked outside someone elses house! :D

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I love it when the schools are on holiday, the place is like the marie celest (sp?).

I'm not that old and also don't remember the car confusion (not least to the same extent) I do however remember busses of the sort (the type that always seemed to stink of fags regardless of if anyone had ever smoked on it or not, and that nice 'hunting' br-rrua, br-rrua) that one of which would easily beat Americas contribution to world pollution as it pulled away from the gates! At the time it seemed amusing :P They would probably be classics now!

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I live in a street of terraced houses, half of which are in multiple occupation by students, so there can be three or four cars per frontage. I get home one night, my drive is blocked so I park on the street. Next morning no car :angry:

Another neighbour had an untaxed car parked accross his drive for 3 days, it disappeared PDQ after the council stuck a "crushing" notice on it.

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A Mate of mine had exactly this problem, having a wicked sesne of humour he hatched a plan.

He bought a nice clean but 1 month MOT car with no hope of passing........

Parked it up (and yes MOT tax and insurered TPF&T), along with a selection of broken bumpers in the gutter and coloured lenses....

Waited till school run in full swing.....

Derek came up the road in his 110

Stopped outside his house and looked for parking space, in front of the car was a teeny space......

Did a bit of gear crunching, then lurched forwards and stalled.....

then selected reverse stalled and then rolled back brake lights coming on....

Got out of LR

Looked as though he was a "retard" with an odd gait walk, and a funny squint in his eye....

Walked up to car, looked at car then looked a infeasable parking space, looked at LR...by now the mums are getting annoyed, waves at women in a odd "Oi ok youw I be going.." look....gets in 110

reverses REALLY hard and hits car HARD car pushed back, but 110 still at an angle, crunch gears lurch and stall, rear wiper comes on.....

Que wife.....

Comes out looks at car..........

Mums get out as "Witnesses".....

Wife says "Its ok, he lives next to me, he has done this several times this year, his a nice bloke really but hopeless at parking......" and as she finishes he reverses into the car again....

Wifey laughs "God my insurers are going to have a fit"

He gets out all "Oim so sorry my lov" etc etc

More moving, more gearbox crunching and then its in, with a little more of a shunt on car.....110 crossmember being everso nicely removed from previous spot on bonnet....

Women starts to "Chat" to women, phrases like "Brave to even thing of parking here" etc etc and funnily enough he comes up the road now and cars move out of the way, and funny he often finds a space outside his house, mums talk to each other, often driving hubbies Co Car and dents scrapes and damage are not well recived...

Works for him, buys x2 cars every 18 months or so, just to top up the message :lol: often leaves them there till the MOT runs out then scrapie time....


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A Mate of mine had exactly this problem, having a wicked sesne of humour he hatched a plan.

He bought a nice clean but 1 month MOT car with no hope of passing........

Parked it up (and yes MOT tax and insurered TPF&T), along with a selection of broken bumpers in the gutter and coloured lenses....

Waited till school run in full swing.....

Derek came up the road in his 110

Stopped outside his house and looked for parking space, in front of the car was a teeny space......

Did a bit of gear crunching, then lurched forwards and stalled.....

then selected reverse stalled and then rolled back brake lights coming on....

Got out of LR

Looked as though he was a "retard" with an odd gait walk, and a funny squint in his eye....

Walked up to car, looked at car then looked a infeasable parking space, looked at LR...by now the mums are getting annoyed, waves at women in a odd "Oi ok youw I be going.." look....gets in 110

reverses REALLY hard and hits car HARD car pushed back, but 110 still at an angle, crunch gears lurch and stall, rear wiper comes on.....

Que wife.....

Comes out looks at car..........

Mums get out as "Witnesses".....

Wife says "Its ok, he lives next to me, he has done this several times this year, his a nice bloke really but hopeless at parking......" and as she finishes he reverses into the car again....

Wifey laughs "God my insurers are going to have a fit"

He gets out all "Oim so sorry my lov" etc etc

More moving, more gearbox crunching and then its in, with a little more of a shunt on car.....110 crossmember being everso nicely removed from previous spot on bonnet....

Women starts to "Chat" to women, phrases like "Brave to even thing of parking here" etc etc and funnily enough he comes up the road now and cars move out of the way, and funny he often finds a space outside his house, mums talk to each other, often driving hubbies Co Car and dents scrapes and damage are not well recived...

Works for him, buys x2 cars every 18 months or so, just to top up the message :lol: often leaves them there till the MOT runs out then scrapie time....


:D HFH: great idea, i hadn't thought of that, would also make a better statement! :lol:

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Can you get any of those printed up and sell them in the forum shop :D

That had ocurred to me. It shouldn't be too difficult to find a website with your Council's logo on it and print your own. This one was A3 size so you'd need a pretty decent laser printer, the message was to phone the Council's contractor within 24 hours (in my case Streetforce) or the car will be crushed. There's obviously a place for date & time, vehicle details &c.

The whole thing was glued smack in the middle of the screen.

One thing about these, once the Pikeys see a car with one on its screen they keep an eye on it and try to get in just before the Council does.

I asked the bloke who stuck the sticker on this car if I could buy it and he just said "have a word with the

lorry driver when he collects it"

£50.00 in his pocket and no hassle with having to deal with the car.

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My friend lives next door to the village school, note i say village so no one has that far to walk!

Parking is a nightmare and she like the original poster comes home at around 3pm, the police /traffic control have been out on several occasions to no avail as the mums just park up again when they have gone!

So now if she phones me on her way home and i take one or 2 trucks around there at about 2.30 (some arrive at about this time to get a parking space) and i park them at stupid angles taking up as much room as possible until she arrives!

We then stop the traffic (its a quiet country lane not a busy one) by abandoning her car in the middle of the road while we play musical Landrovers and make as much problems as possible for them.

Then we go into her house for a cup of coffee!!

Leaving them standing around complaining about how inconsiderate some people are!!!

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My friend lives next door to the village school, note i say village so no one has that far to walk!

This village grew up with out any outlying farms, estates, hamlets or other houses did it? Most unusual. ;):ph34r:

I used to drop my small person off in the car to the village school. It would have meant a 1 mile walk along a dead straight (and therefor very fast) A-road or along muddy and near impassible footpaths otherwise. We could have taken the bus - one way on Tuesdays and Thursdays only.

In general I agree, it is a royal PITA the way some people behave when dropping their kids off.


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or along muddy and near impassible footpaths otherwise.

Like I said,

"now come on sweetie let mummy drop you off at school or you might scuff your nice new designer trainers" ;);)

- never heard of wellies then :ph34r:

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