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highway code


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intervals of 1 mile :P

But is it? This is what the highway code states, but the truth of the matter is that there are 10 marker posts between the emergency telephones, there is 100 metres between each marker post thus adding up to 1000 metres which is 1 kilometre which is therefor not 1 mile. Good old highway code never any room for a margin of error :lol::P:ph34r:

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from http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/TravelAndTrans...ycode/DG_069863 under Rule 275 2nd bullet point.

I thought the phones were at 1km intervals.but it's ages since I've actually had to use one.

And I know this how? I A: work for the highways agency B: my fall back work this week has been reinstating marker posts and I work with the most oldest person who was probably around when the M4 was built in kilometres and changed later to miles, but the marker posts were never changed to miles as the cost would be too excessive, especially as you lovely car tax payers pay my wages :ph34r:

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I'd guess A + B = your work :D

In a way yes in many more ways no. I work for a niche team for the highways agency called ISU (Incident Support Unit) not to be confused with the road wombles (HATO). Our main job desciption is to respond to all incidencies on the motorway, report all defects and clear all lanes of debris and defects. Our fall back duties do include reinstating marker posts, cleaning of road side furnishings, traffic counting and generally trying to find somewhere to skive :lol::ph34r:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah, no I'm kind of half right:half wrong.


Areas of white diagonal stripes or chevrons painted on the road. These are to separate traffic lanes or to protect traffic turning right.

if the area is bordered by a broken white line, you should not enter the area unless it is necessary and you can see that it is safe to do so

if the area is marked with chevrons and bordered by solid white lines you MUST NOT enter it except in an emergency

[Laws MT(E&W)R regs 5, 9, 10 & 16, MT(S)R regs 4, 8, 9 & 14, RTA sect 36 & TSRGD 10(1)]

Quite what "unless it is necessary" means is anyone's guess. It might not be necessary to overtake but it might be necessary to enter the area in ordr to overtake... Also it is a a should not a must. Hmmm.



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