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The updated entry list is as follows:

1 Nick Anderson & Neville Hudd

2 Peter Roberts & Ben Burge

3 Jacob Booty & Jamie Smith

4 Gavin Lawrence & Ryan Lawrence

5 Chris Berryman & Lee Brodrick

6 Nick Rowbotham & Andy Jackson

7 Steve Gittins &Mark Morgan

8 Paul Whibley & Tony Blunt

9 Philon Parpottas & Alex Parpottas

10 Andy Nash& TBC

11 Dan Thomas & James Farnel

There are some places left, for information please contact Lucy at sales@challenger4x4.com to obtain an entry form. You can also call 01252 325930 we will be happy to post you one.

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There is now only one place left for the Tuff Trophy.

The updated entry list will follow shortly and everyone who has entered will receive there welcome/information pack shortly.

If you would like to enter the event please contact Lucy at sales@challenger4x4.com to obtain an entry form. You can also call 01252 325930 and we will be happy to post you one.

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The best thing for you to do is to call Lucy in the morning, on 01252 325930 and she will be able to get all the info needed.

Hope that helps

pm me your driver details and i will put you on the list, but you do need to contact Lucy asap.

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The updated entry list is as follows:

1 Nick Anderson & Neville Hudd

2 Peter Roberts & Ben Burge

3 Jacob Booty & Jamie Smith

4 Gavin Lawrence & Ryan Lawrence

5 Chris Berryman & Lee Brodrick

6 Nick Rowbotham & Andy Jackson

7 Steve Gittins &Mark Morgan

8 Paul Whibley & Tony Blunt

9 Philon Parpottas & Alex Parpottas

10 Andy Nash& TBC

11 Dan Thomas & James Farnel

12 Dan Elias & Adrian Turner

13 Ian Cocks & Howard

14 Dan Thompson &

15 Martin stainer &

16 Steve Beck & Adrian Daley

If there is anyone else who is intrested in competing, please contact Lucy on 01252 325930 or e-mail sales@challenger4x4.com to discuss the possability.

The missing details will be filled in asap.

Many Thanks, hope to see you all there

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whats access like to the site? would a lorry be ok?

cheers dan

I have checked with the site and there should be no access problems for larger vehicles, depending upon the size and capabilities of the specific vehicles we may have to park you in a slightly different location (the other side of an access track) but we don't think there will be any problems.

We have had a coach with trailer in the camping area in the past, we would suggest keeping towards the higher ground.

As stated above there is an alternative aera which can be used (a hardstanding).

If you need any more info feel free to ask



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The Tuff Trophy Challenge will operate a handicap system. Points will be awarded for "collecting punches" distributed around the event arena, but each punch will have a MAXIMUM score allocated to it. The teams will have a handicap rating for the event based on vehicle specification(Number of winches, Differential locks) and a team's handicap rating will determine the actual score attained for each punch gained.

Lucy Bass

Challenger 4x4

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As Steve 90 has quoted, there is a handicap based on the spec of each vehicle, if you only have 1 winch you get 100% of the punch value. If you have 1 winch and diff locks you get 90% of the punch value. And if you have more than 1 winch and diff locks you get 80% of the punch value.

I will post up the handicaps for the teams i have all the information in a new post, i will add the rest of the information as soon as i receive the details from Lucy.

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