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Laning, Salisbury Plain, Sunday 12th March

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I may well be able to come aswell, where abouts are people and meeting and when? Also any ideas which parts we will be going to? If I come I will bring some cake but i am fairly sure we would all die if I actually baked one so its sainsburys all the way!


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Right, rapid decision says 10am at the Market Place in Devizes on Sunday - be there or be late!

I've not planned any lanes for certain (because I don't know that many!) but there's plenty on the maps so we'll just see what we can turn up unless there are any recommendations?

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I am happy just to follow along. I have always gone onto the plain from the Westbury White Horse as i think its the closest access from Bath but Devizes sounds fine. See how the truck behaves tomorrow as to whether I can get there. The power steering is playing up and with my dead shoulders I really need it to work to be able to use it :s


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So, I'll see the following in Devizes market place then.





Andy Cowman

Minivin... perhaps.

I've got MemMap GPS - if someone else turns up with maps too then we can split up into smaller groups if any more people volunteer. Maps would also be handy, of course, in case the PC lets me down...

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So, I'll see the following in Devizes market place then.





Andy Cowman

Minivin... perhaps.

I've got MemMap GPS - if someone else turns up with maps too then we can split up into smaller groups if any more people volunteer. Maps would also be handy, of course, in case the PC lets me down...

I'll be recovering from a hang-over since I've been invoted over a friends to party (they've insisted, since passing my test means I must party, I can fell my arm behind my back already ;) ), have fun :)

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hangover?! wrong choice. Look at the snow :D slight hitch though i went out yesterday with a friend and a slight case of deep water has killed my heater and made the steering worse. bugger. still I am gonna make my way out at about 9

see you all there


My heater died about 6 months ago - timed precicely with the first cold snap of the winter. I haven't had the time of inclination to fix it yet, so have just given my wife an extra scarf......

Just about to leave now - see you there.

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Well i checked the fuses (just in case) and then poked my finger infront of the little spinny fan (theres a rubber seal) and just felt wet mud! Swore at it a bit but still didnt work so next week i think i will strip it down and clean it . Fairly sure its just blocked up.

See you there.


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hangover?! wrong choice. Look at the snow :D slight hitch though i went out yesterday with a friend and a slight case of deep water has killed my heater and made the steering worse. bugger. still I am gonna make my way out at about 9

see you all there


Ah, but I was up on the Broadchalke/Fovant Ox Drove at 09:00 this morning on the motorbike, wish I'd taken my camera :)

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My pics from today's outing:

Within 10 mins of setting off:


Andy Cowman introduces himself to the forum in his "Submarine":


Following the GPS to find tracks:


Even when they weren't evident on the ground!


Doe? A deer. Perhaps female.


A spot more water:


A lineup near Stonehenge:


The henge itself:


At lunchtime, we stopped alongside a large puddle for sandwiches. As we were packing up, some motorbikes came past, which Chris watched. Since he's a smart cookie, when one dived into the puddle he stepped back to avoid getting wet. Sadly, the Plain used the oldest comedy trick in the book:


Overall, top day out despite too many red flags although we hardly saw any snow.

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Nice photos, but there is scare mention of cake... Did it turn into a cakeathon?

Unfortunately I've got a dodgy CV joint so until I've sorted that out I'm not venturing far from home. Managed to have a little bit of fun in the snow yesturday, including giving a mate's mum a driving lesson.

"Just take your feet off everything and let the Land Rover drive itself."

"Don't be silly, it can't drive itself. Ooooh! We're heading towards a steep bit! What do I do? Hey, it's driving itself! How does it do that?"

It's good to keep her happy. She's got a double garage and a large driveway. I can see my next project sitting there. She also bakes a nice cherry cake.


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