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I See The Posts Been Pulled LRaddict forum


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To my mind the big difference here is ethics. Scrapiron had a trading releationship with X Engineering not as two faceless companys but with the two head honchos of the the companys knowing each other and having face to face dealings.

For any man to be that unscrupulous as to rip off a supplier and thats was this is, a rip off, who you know the the owner designer and engineer are all one and the same, and you have met face to face , deserves to be named and shamed.

And we should stick together to condem Scrapiron not necassaryaly for Si's sake, not just because we are a bunch of LR lovers users, but because its not bluddy ethical, and decency and honesty still mean something and unscruplous behavior deserves being brought to the attention of everybody.

Well said Dave

This is it entirely. It's down to business ethics and clearly by their actions SR don't have them in this instance. I can't see why d-90 source need to know both sides. It's clear, SR were selling X-Eng, nobody denies that, now SR have copied the design to make more money! Simple as that. As for the better design bull****. Like any good retailer if they had feedback on how it could be improved they could have spoken to Simon to add it. Did they even try that route no! They just want to make as much profit as they can and screw any business ethics.

Also frankly who cares if LRO pulls the thread. It's their forum and they have their business reasons which effect how they run the forum. That's why we like www.LR4x4.com and the fact that we don't have to answer to any sponsor.


Steve :P

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Did you read the post I put at the end of the thread (on LRO)?

The thread isn't pulled, merely locked.

Sadly, it is a fact, that over on LRO we have more than our fair share of idiots. As usual, a little bit of controversy brings them out the woodwork. If you want the idiots, feel free to invite them over.

Personally, I think it is disgraceful what ScrapIron have done (I can say that here!), and to that end I was prepared to let the thread stand.



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Should make interesting reading when Bigfoot does his monthly round-up of the Land Rover Forums scene in the magazine column.

Lets see if we get objective journalism, accurately reporting the events of the past few days.


From a UK LR mag? Ha ha, ROFLMAO!! :D They have too much to lose.


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it had nothing to do with me :D

but it does sound rather democratic, has the scrapiron topic been on other forums? if so has it lasted there?

It's lasted on ORRP - we don't tend to pull many threads. :D

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