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Next generation defender

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take a step back:

Simplicity, head back to Series 1 values, small common rail diesel, lightweight open section chassis, galv steel work, aluminium panels, coil sprung suspension, Roll cage built in.

aim for lightness/replaceability rather than all out brutal weight/power

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You have got to face reality, it won't be the same, the present 90/110's etc. are too costly to make - they have to be hand built and they have to be eco-friendlier (sorry for mentioning it...). The present design is carp in many ways (I've had about eight 90's and a couple of 110's so I have a vague idea of them!). The 90 is hopeless for rear passengers no matter what you do. The steel/alloy reaction, which (IMHO) has never been solved means an all steel monocoque - maybe - hopefully.. But a monocoque anyway - no separate chassis. Presumably it may be van/saloon/pickup adaptable like the present 90 but I doubt it. Rumours abound it will be based on the Disco3..

I thought a new model was due in 2010 at one time, I remember similar speculation a couple of years back and a sort of 'announcement' from LR???

I do like the Ibex, basically a box on wheels with no bulkhead behind the seats and very adaptable because of it. I almost bought one but couldn't really see the point as it came second in an old LRO test behind a standard 90, but that's irrelevant. If you like the present models, buy one and keep it forever.. You can gurantee any new one will be laden with electronics. I liked all my TD5's as I have been able to fix anything wrong myself (so far) but I am selling my recently acquired Disco 3 as the prospect of it needing main stealer attention scares me to death once it's out of warranty.. The K.I.S.S. principle works for me too.. (Keep It Simple, Stupid) but that's not the way of things in the auto industry. We can't run around in replica Series 1's, and I certainly don't want to..

I would like to see different options depending on what use it will be put to, such as ride quality, transmission options, load space. LR never seemed to fully understand that their customers don't all want to haul trailers full of sheep out of fields with 90's & 110's, expecting that those wanting comfort would buy a Disco or Rangey (at mega expense). You have to bear in mind that Land Rover are selling new vehicles which have to appeal to people who can afford to pay £20k upwards, they are absolutely not interested in oiks like me who buy secondhand 90's to play with. They are driven by sales, not sentimentality and can't afford to do otherwise.

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when will everyone realise a Defender is NOT the same a a normal car, it's a Light Truck, in a manner similar to all the american very popular pick ups,

& pedestrians should be a darn sight more accountable for the dumb reactions when crossing any road or moving near vehicles.

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when will everyone realise a Defender is NOT the same a a normal car, it's a Light Truck, in a manner similar to all the american very popular pick ups,

right, wrong, right, wrong, right, wrong, right, wrong, right, wrong, right, wrong, right, wrong, right, wrong,

yes its a light truck, but it is also a car in the eyes of alot of their owners and by landrover. The new Puma is a perfect example. Its trying very very hard to be a car inside and it has to succeed at this or the defender will disappear. Just look at the competition.

Why would a farmer buy a box basic uncomfy and noisy and crude vehicle to run about in every day and to tow trailers about - when he can buy for simillar money a nice japanese double cab pick up that will do exactly the same job, yet in style and comfort?

same goes for builders / engineers

same goes for the horse owning community

same goes for utility companies

same goes for the chelsea tractor brigade who want a rufty-tufty 4x4 to pose in and think the disco is a bit 'soft' image wise.......

The defender for new customers is unfortunately not really up to the competition. As much as we all like them and wish the suggestions from previous posts on this thread would come true - none of them will i'll wager because the demand isnt there and none of us can afford new vehicle to modify into offroad toys. Landrover will move more towards the L200, Navara, Hilux type of vehicle.

It will be more basic and 'rugged looking' than the disco and freelander and will be marketed as a working vehicle - but it wont be a defender in the way we know it.

in fact just been looking at the new hilux invincible. £21k on the road. 197bhp/430Nm, leather interior, heated seats, heater than works properly, metalic paint, alloys, airbags, abs and the usual safety stuff... that is a substantial piece of engineering and vehicle for the money. How much is a defender 110 double cab?

If i needed a works vehicle and could afford new - defender would be very very very low down on my practical list.

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Nicks90 has a good point.

I think if anybody wants their own suggestions to come true, then they had better get their

credit cards and tools out and build it themselves.

LR will produce a 'Defender' that they perceive will sell in the current market, will be able

to make money on and meet current/ future vehicle legislation.

If they want to sell it through LRNA as well, then that's it for the Defender as we know it.

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