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Would you be happy with a parts supplier like this?


Your oppinion on both Qs, please ...  

114 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you be happy after a 'transaction' like this?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Would you use the supplier again?

    • Yes
    • No

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Although most companies deliver next day - legally they only have to deliver (in the UK) within 28 days. Anything more than that is a value added service. However people have come to expect next day and take it as an insult if it is not.

I think most companies also do their best to give a good service - but no matter how much money and effort you put in, it sometimes goes wrong. I do not believe anyone can provide perfect service to everyone all the time.

I have a motto I stole from a Land Rover mechanic - "if it turns, seals or is safety critical - use genuine"


Hi Si, interesting point there about the 28 days bit. I did not realise there was such a possible long delay between ordering and paying for stuff and delivery. Under what legislation does this come under?

Recently ordered some rivnuts etc from MEMfast ltd late on a Thursday night. Got an email back saying one item was out of stock but rest of the order would be with me on the Monday which it duely was. Out of stock item was with me on the following Monday and they kept me informed of what was happening. So thumbs up to Memfast. Now need to use the kit to see if it as good as it looks.

Things will go wrong, but it is how things are handled when mistakes are made which matters. There are some good firms out there.

Buy cheap, pay twice over.



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The main purpose of this thread was to help me find out if I was entitled not be too happy with after all this and that this is not a normal type of service people get in UK from LR parts vendors.

End of thread then!

Must admit I'm disappointed not to find out - I like to be informed when I got a buyer. Something this forum has previously given me in spades. You said you were going to refer the seller to this thread - and I cast my vote to help you hoping you'd return the favour.

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All very good points Si. I think the thread is dragging on a bit - the identity should be revealed now - but I assume it perhaps involves one of the "sacred cow" companies that everybody worships rather than being another bandwagon job.

Reality is not always black and white with suppliers - I have had bad experiences from one of the aforementioned sacred cows, and shock horror good experiences dealing with Britpart for various things. I wouldn't buy their own brand stuff same as I wouldn't buy own brand stuff from most places, because I know what a lot of it can be like. Britpart, Allmakes, Bearmach, all make some carp bits, all sell a lot of good stuff too. Ten days and 150 miles (mostly on road) out of a set of shock absorber bushes? You could rip them in half with your hands. Your motto is pretty good.

Reality is that:-

1) most people who read the forum should know by now that own-brand stuff is very often "variable quality" and if you spend 50p on something which somebody else is selling for a fiver then it probably isn't going to last 10 years

2) even the best companies screw up occasionally and what matters is how they sort that out more than whether they screwed up in the first place

Si, like me, supplies stuff to other people for a living and I'm sure knows just what I mean when I say that often the way to keep a reputation is by sorting out the problems. Another good way is to only sell stuff you would use yourself, or rather not to sell stuff you wouldn't use yourself.

Another motto is "you get what you pay for" :)

Where's that "three quid for a wheel bearing - what could possibly go wrong" graphic that Fridge produces from time to time...? :lol:

well said Bogmonster gives me the sh*ts when people pay bugger all for a parts and then moan like hell that they don't proform like Gen ones

I have had run in personally with fridge on stuff like that in the past :rolleyes::rolleyes: , some people never learn though

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.. :P We are yearning to see which company this is, Cipx2. B) We are getting more and more curious. I must say I have a company at Debyshire. I get my parts the next day and yes they are Genuine parts. I just have to tell him my VIN nr and get a quote!! Money paid and all is well. I am soo pleased with them I even send xmas cards (DOH :huh: that sound a bit fem.. :o ) Delta Lima Sierra at Debyshire... (DLS)

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I'm trying to be reasonable and play fair. So I want to give the supplier the chance to reply in any form they wish to.

Today is the first working day, no reply as yet, but I will wait for another 2 days. I think 3 working days is a fair amount of time.

I will post here when/if I'll get a reply a.s.a.p.

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Another motto is "you get what you pay for" :)

Where's that "three quid for a wheel bearing - what could possibly go wrong" graphic that Fridge produces from time to time...? :lol:

True - but that only applies if the buyer chose to have the cheap version. In this case (and I've had happen to me before), cipx2 has gone to the trouble of finding a vendor who is selling genuine parts, and has paid extra (presumably) to get an item he trusts the quality of - only to have a pattern part delivered. That is either a cock up or fraud - either way it's the vendor at fault and their responsibility to put it right.

When I've had this happen the usual excuse has been that they were out of stock of the genuine part so supplied a pattern part instead (it's varied whether they reduced the bill in line...). They usually seem to think they're doing me a favour, but frankly I'd much rather they contacted me and gave me the choice, because if they send me poor quality parts or ones that don't even fit (I'm usually ordering genuine because I've past experience of pattern versions of that part...) then all they are doing is causing me hassle and expense, plus a delay because if they'd told me I could have been looking for another supplier with OEM stocks a couple of days before!

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It's now 5 pm in the last of the 3 working days (5 days altogether) I said I'll give the supplier the chance to reply and offer an explanation to all this, mainly to the question why I was sent something different than a Hardy Spicer rear prop. According to their website, their working hours are 10 am - 4 pm so I don't think there's a chance for me to get a reply today.

I received no answer till this moment despite another e-mail sent early this morning in which I wrote I will wait till 17:00 UK time.

So, ladies and gents, the 'winner' is:

Beamends LRS Ltd ---- http://www.beamends-lrspares.co.uk/

I've noticed someone said that "the guy who runs Beamends has been quite ill recently". This would probably explain him not replying my messages in the Day 9 - Day 12 period or so.

I found out in the meantime that their mail order part of the business is a "one man show". I did a search yesterday and I found threads on other forums where people complained about Beamends (delays, canceled orders, pattern parts delivered in place of genuine ...).

So it seems I'm not alone and "where there's smoke, there's fire".

Thank you all who voted or expressed your oppinions here, including the fellow who answered Yes at the 1st question. Maybe he's right, after all I could have received a bomb instead of a prop shaft so I should be happy I'm still alive :P

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